Restriction of odd degree characters and natural correspondences
Let $q$ be an odd prime power, $n > 1$, and let $P$ denote a maximal parabolic subgroup of $GL_n(q)$ with Levi subgroup $GL_{n-1}(q) \times GL_1(q)$. We restrict the odd-degree irreducible characters of $GL_n(q)$ to $P$ to discover a natural correspondence of characters, both for $GL_n(q)$ and $SL_n(q)$. A similar result is established for certain finite groups with self-normalizing Sylow $p$-subgroups. We also construct a canonical bijection between the odd-degree irreducible characters of $S_n$ and those of $M$, where $M$ is any maximal subgroup of $S_n$ of odd index; as well as between the odd-degree irreducible characters of $G = GL_n(q)$ or $GU_n(q)$ with $q$ odd and those of $N_{G}…