Shuai Shao

Visualizing the spatiotemporal map of Rac activation in bovine aortic endothelial cells under laminar and disturbed flows.

Disturbed flow can eliminate the alignment of endothelial cells in the direction of laminar flow, and significantly impacts on atherosclerosis in collateral arteries near the bifurcation and high curvature regions. While shear stress induced Rac polarity has been shown to play crucial roles in cell polarity and migration, little is known about the spatiotemporal map of Rac under disturbed flow, and the mechanism of flow-induced cell polarity still needs to be elucidated. In this paper, disturbed flow or laminar flow with 15 dyn/cm2 of average shear stress was applied on bovine aortic endothelial cells (BAECs) for 30 minutes. A genetically-encoded PAK-PBD-GFP reporter was transfected into BA…

research product

A DNA‐Encoded FRET Biosensor for Visualizing the Tension across Paxillin in Living Cells upon Shear Stress

Paxillin is a potential participant in the direct intracellular force transmission which is considered as the foundation of cells sensing and responding to extracellular environment. However, the detection of tension across paxillin has not been achieved due to lacking microsized tools. Herein, a paxillin tension sensor (PaxTs) based on Fluorescence Resonance Energy Transfer (FRET) technique was constructed. PaxTs can be expressed and assembled to FA sites spontaneously to visualize the tension across paxillin with FRET efficiency of ~62.4% in living cells. The tension across paxillin was found to decrease upon shear stress, in which the membrane fluidity and contractility of actin acted as…

research product

FRET biosensor allows spatio-temporal observation of shear stress-induced polar RhoGDIα activation

Rho GDP-dissociation inhibitor α (RhoGDIα) is a known negative regulator of the Rho family that shuts off GDP/GTP cycling and cytoplasm/membrane translocation to regulate cell migration. However, to our knowledge, no reports are available that focus on how the RhoGDIα-Rho GTPases complex is activated by laminar flow through exploring the activation of RhoGDIα itself. Here, we constructed a new biosensor using fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) technology to measure the spatio-temporal activation of RhoGDIα in its binding with Rho GTPases in living HeLa cells. Using this biosensor, we find that the dissociation of the RhoGDIα-Rho GTPases complex is increased by shear stress, and i…

research product