Janne Fagerlund

Kohti uuden tiedon aikakautta

research product

Computational thinking in programming with Scratch in primary schools: A systematic review

Computer programming is being introduced in educational curricula, even at the primary school level. One goal of this implementation is to teach computational thinking (CT), which is potentially applicable in various computational problem-solving situations. However, the educational objective of CT in primary schools is somewhat unclear: curricula in various countries define learning objectives for topics, such as computer science, computing, programming or digital literacy but not for CT specifically. Additionally, there has been confusion in concretely and comprehensively defining and operationalising what to teach, learn and assess about CT in primary education even with popular programm…

research product

Ohjelmoinnillinen ajattelu laaja-alaisessa oppimisessa

research product

Digiloikasta digitaitoihin : kansainvälinen monilukutaidon ja ohjelmoinnillisen ajattelun tutkimus (ICILS 2018)

research product

A Study on the Assessment of Introductory Computational Thinking via Scratch Programming in Primary Schools

Computational thinking (CT), a transversal intellectual foundation integral to computer science, is making its way into compulsory comprehensive education worldwide. Students are expected to attain skills and knowledge in such interdisciplinary CT principles as Algorithmic thinking, Data representation, and Debugging. Problem-solving by designing and manipulating interactive media with Scratch, a graphical programming tool, is popular especially at the primary school level. However, there has been confusion regarding how introductory CT can be operationalized for educational practice. Teachers and students need research-based knowledge for setting appropriate learning goals in addition to i…

research product

Finnish teachers’ and students’ programming motivation and their role in teaching and learning computational thinking

Introduction: Despite the growing importance of teaching and learning computational thinking (CT) through programming in schools, research has shown major individual differences in teachers’ instruction emphasis and students’ skills in these topics. Objective: This study aims to shed further light on the role that teachers’ and students’ programming motivation plays in CT. Methods: The topic is approached from the viewpoint of the self-determination theory, which can help to understand teachers’ instruction and students’ learning. Our sample consisted of Finnish Grade 8 teachers (N = 1,853) and students (N = 2,546) who participated in the International Computer and Information Literacy Stud…

research product

Finnish 5th and 6th grade students' pre-instructional conceptions of artificial intelligence (AI) and their implications for AI literacy education

In the present paper, we report the findings of a qualitative survey study of 195 Finnish 5th and 6th grade students' pre-instructional conceptions of artificial intelligence (AI). An exploration of these initial conceptions provides insight into students' preliminary understanding of the topic and informs curriculum designers and teachers about misconceptions that might jeopardize student learning. The findings suggest that students' initial conceptions of AI are varied and often uninformed. For instance, references to the role of data in training AI applications were practically nonexistent. Instead, AI was often described as an anthropomorphic technology that possesses cognitive qualitie…

research product

”CodeInnova”: A Unified Framework for Teaching Programming and Computational Thinking In Primary Schools

Teaching programming and computational thinking (CT) in primary schools have become more common in the last decade. However, there has been little international consensus on what teaching the topics encompass. We present CodeInnova, a framework developed jointly between four partnering countries for teaching programming and CT in K–9. In this paper, we present the curriculum for teaching CT and the accompanying teaching materials developed in CodeInnova. We also discuss preliminary results of testing the developed resources in classrooms.

research product

JYUescape - pakohuone pelikasvattajana

Peliviikko on kansainvälinen teemaviikko, jonka tavoitteena on rakentaa positiivista pelikulttuuria ja vähentää pelaamiseen ja pelaajiin liittyviä ennakkoluuloja. Marraskuun alussa Jyväskylän yliopistossa järjestettiin jo viidettä kertaa tapahtuma Peliviikolle. Ruusupuiston pelikasvattajat eli ryhmä peleistä ja pelikasvatuksesta kiinnostuneita opettajankouluttajia ja kasvatustieteiden tutkijoita pääsi oppimaan ja jakamaan tietoa digitaalisen pakohuonepelin toteuttamisesta kaikille yliopistolaisille suunnatun JYUescape-pakohuoneen kautta. nonPeerReviewed

research product

Virtual Reality in Education : Focus on the Role of Emotions and Physiological Reactivity

Cognitive and emotional dimensions are often linked to each other in learning experiences. Moreover, emotions and engagement can lead to better outcomes at the cognitive level. Previous research has indicated that virtual reality (VR) provides a feeling of presence and immersion, which can trigger emotionally engaging learning situations. In this study, we explore the opportunities and challenges related to the use of VR in an educational context. The focus of this article is threefold: First, we explore interdisciplinary research literature related to the use of VR for educational purposes. Second, we introduce our VR pilot study in teacher education, applying three different kinds of VR a…

research product

Assessing 4th Grade Students’ Computational Thinking through Scratch Programming Projects

Computational thinking (CT) has been introduced in primary schools worldwide. However, rich classroom-based evidence and research on how to assess and support students’ CT through programming are particularly scarce. This empirical study investigates 4th grade students’ (N = 57) CT in a comparatively comprehensive and fine-grained manner by assessing their Scratch projects (N = 325) with a framework that was revised from previous studies to aim towards enhancing CT. The results demonstrate in detail the various coding patterns and code constructs the students programmed in assorted projects throughout a programming course and the extent to which they had conceptual encounters with CT. Notab…

research product

Tieto- ja viestintätekniikan opetuskäyttö opettajaksi opiskelevien harjoittelutilanteissa ja siihen vaikuttaneet tekijät

Tässä tutkimuksessa selvitettiin luokanopettajaopiskelijoiden kokemuksia tieto- ja viestintätekniikan (TVT) opetuskäytössä opettajankoulutuksen mahdollistamissa harjoittelutilanteissa sekä käyttöön vaikuttaneita tekijöitä. TVT:n opetuskäyttö on eräs kasvatuksen ja koulutuksen ajankohtaisimmista ja tutkituimmista osa-alueista, sillä sen hyötyjä opetuksessa ja oppimisessa voidaan perustella monista pedagogisista näkökulmista. TVT:n opetuskäyttö on sekä kansainvälisten että valtakunnallisten tutkimusten mukaan vähäistä, eivätkä opettajaopiskelijat osoitetusti saa koulutuksensa aikana monipuolisia valmiuksia sen käyttöön. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli tuoda lisäarvoa kokonaiskuvaan TVT:n opetus…

research product

Tietokonevallankumous ja ohjelmoinnillinen ajattelu peruskoulussa : havaintoja mikro- ja makrotasoilta

Väitöskirjassa tutkitaan ”ohjelmoinnilliseksi ajatteluksi” lanseeratun tieto- ja taitokokonaisuuden oppimista, opettamista ja arviointia perusopetuksessa. Tämän erityisesti ohjelmoinnin kautta opittavan osaamiskokonaisuuden tuloa koulumaailmaan on kiihdyttänyt ennen kaikkea tietokoneiden ja tietokoneohjelmien kasvanut läsnäolo eri elämänalueilla. Ohjelmoinnillinen ajattelu on kuitenkin ollut jokseenkin hajanaisesti ymmärretty aihepiiri kasvatusalalla, mistä kielii muun muassa sen varsin suppea jalansija peruskoulumme opetussuunnitelmassa. Väitöstutkimuksessa selkeytettiinkin ohjelmoinnillisen ajattelun kasvatustavoitteita määrittelemällä aihealueen opetuksen perusprinsiipit. Tutkimuksen kes…

research product