Maryen Alberto Vazquez

Cellulolytic activity in Aspergillus spp. contaminating livestock feeds and raw materials

The contamination by Aspergillus spp. have become a global concern in food and feedstuffs and can lead to a reduction in yield and quality of agricultural products with significant economic losses. Most species of Aspergillus produce cellulose-degrading enzymes and some of them also have mycotoxigenic activity. This study aimed i) to evaluate the Aspergillus contamination in feeds (16) and row materials (32) collected in Sicily; ii) to isolate and identify fungi belonging to the genus Aspergillus and iii) to analyze their ability to produce cellulolytic enzymes. Aspergillus spp. contamination was evaluated on PDA using serial ten-fold dilution and spread plate technique (Mirabile et al., 20…

research product

Ligninolytic potential of Curvularia kusanoi L7 laccases for animal production

The present research was conducted with the objective of evaluating the ligninolytic potential of Curvularia kusanoi L7 laccases in improving the nutritional quality of fibrous substrates for animal feed. Laccase production was obtained from C. kusanoi L7 under native conditions by solid submerged fermentation of wheat bran and by biological interactions with Trichoderma viride M5-2 and Trichoderma pleuroticola. The enzymes were purified from the culture broths by triphasic partition. The degradative potential of native and induced laccases where evaluated by determining foliar lignololytic capacity, raw wheat (Triticum aestivum) straw delignification and the effect of enzyme pretreatment o…

research product