Laurence Lapopin

Identification of mycorrhiza-regulated genes with arbuscule development-related expression profile

Suppressive subtractive hybridisation was applied to the analysis of late stage arbuscular mycorrhizal development in pea. 96 cDNA clones were amplified and 81, which carried fragments more than 200 nt in size, were sequence analysed. Among 67 unique fragments, 10 showed no homology and 10 were similar to sequences with unknown function. RNA accumulation of the corresponding 67 genes was analysed by hybridisation of macro-arrays. The cDNAs used as probes were derived from roots of wild type and late mutant pea genotypes, inoculated or not with the AM fungus Glomus mosseae. After calibration, a more than 2.5-fold mycorrhiza-induced RNA accumulation was detected in two independent experiments…

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Identification of genes activated during arbuscular mycorrhiza interactions by suppressive substractive hybridisation and cloning of differential expresed cDNA

International audience

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Investigation of plant and fungal gene expression associated with arbuscule differenciation in arbuscular mycorrhiza : comparison of wild type and an arbuscule defective mutant pea

L'analyse des etapes tardives du developpement de la mycorhize a arbuscule (ma) a ete realisee par tri differentiel d'arn en comparant les profils d'expression genique des racines du pois (pisum sativum l. ) cv. Finale (genotype sauvage) et de risnod 24, un mutant de pois incapable de former completement les arbuscules (myc##2) ; les deux genotypes etant colonises par le champignon ma glomus mosseae. Quatre fragments d'adnc ont pu etre isoles correspondant a des genes dont l'expression a revele etre regulee de facon differentielle chez ces deux genotypes. Un des fragments (ag6b) est d'origine fongique et les trois autres (ag3b, ag3a et ac4) sont d'origine vegetale. Les fragments ag6b, ag3a …

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