On-line Chloride Interference Removal for Arsenic Determination in Waste Water and Urine by ICP-MS Using a Modified Capillary
The determination of arsenic in environmental samples like waste waters from industrial effluents and in biological samples like urine is very important due to the toxic nature of some of its species at moderate levels of exposure. The objective of this study was to evaluate the capability of modified anionic capillaries to remove chloride for ICP-MS determination of arsenic, which causes spectral interference due to formation of 40 Ar 35 Cl + . Also high chloride content gives non-spectral interferences. The results indicate that arsenic at a concentration higher than 1 µg L m 1 in a matrix with a chloride content up to 600 mg L m 1 can be accurately determined using a 3-aminopropyltrimeth…