M. Guirado

Tobacco use in lung cancer (LC) patients (p) in Spain

Abstract Background Tobacco use, mainly as cigarette smoking, is the leading cause of lung cancer. Eighty-five percent of LC occur in smokers. Understanding the Spanish smoking habits allows the government to design health care policies against this consumption. To do so, the Grupo Espanol de Cancer de Pulmon (Spanish Lung Cancer Group) made this analysis within the context of the Thoracic Tumor Registry (TTR). Methods The TTR is an observational cohort multicenter study in Spain. The study is conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the institutional review board of each participating site. The registry was approved by the Spanish Drug Agency, as a non-post-author…

research product

Comprehensive cross-platform comparison of methodologies for noninvasive EGFR mutation testing: Results of the RING observational trial.

e21518 Background: Several platforms for non-invasive EGFR testing are currently used in the clinical setting, with sensitivities ranging from 30 to 100%. Comparison studies in prospective cohorts remain limited and reports evaluating mutant allelic fractions (MAFs) are particularly scarce. The RING observational trial (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier NCT03363139) was designed to comprehensively analyze the concordance between methodologies for EGFR mutation detection in blood. Methods: Seventy-two EGFR mutant NSCLC patients were enrolled in the trial. Plasma samples were prospectively collected at progression to first line Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor and tested for EGFR mutations by 7 methodo…

research product

Biomarker testing of lung cancer in Spain

Abstract Background Target therapy guide by biomarkers have become the standard of care for patients with lung cancer (LC). So, identify those molecular alterations is one of the most important care needs nowdays. Our objective was to know the implementation degree of these tests in a large cohort of patients in Spain using the Thoracic Tumor Registry (TTR) of the Grupo Espanol de Cancer de Pulmon (Spanish Lung Cancer Group). Methods The TTR is an observational cohort multicenter study of LC in Spain. The study is conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki and approved by the institutional review board of each participating institute. The registry was approved by the Spanish Drug Ag…

research product

Comprehensive cross-platform comparison of methods for non-invasive EGFR mutation testing : results of the RING observational trial

Plasma samples from 72 EGFR‐mutant advanced NSCLC patients, collected upon progression to first‐line TKI, were analyzed by seven methodologies (two NGS‐based methods, three high‐sensitivity PCR‐based platforms, and two FDA‐approved methods). Our study demonstrates a good to excellent agreement between methodologies and supports the use of liquid biopsies for therapy decision‐making.

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