Valdon R. Smith
New national and regional bryophyte records, 43
During the examination of a collection made by the authors in 2009 in San Pedro de Atacama (Antofagasta Region, Chile) one specimen was identified as Bryum incacorralis Herzog, a moss not previously known from Chile (Müller, 2009) and easily confused with some species of Philonotis Brid. (Ochi, 1980). Comparison with the type material confirmed its identity (Holotype: Bolivia, Cochabamba: an Felsen der "Estradillas" bei Incacorral, 3000 m, Herzog s.n., JE! no. 04003475). Bryum incacorralis was first described by Herzog (1909) based on material collected in Cochabamba (Bolivia), and later recorded by Griffin (1977) and O'Shea (2010) from Venezuela. It is placed in the so-called sect. "Alpini…
New national and regional bryophyte records, 39
1. Andreaea alpestris (Thed.) Schimp.Contributor: L. ThouvenotAndorra: Encamp, Ensagents, 42°31′07″N, 1°38′41″E, 2520 m a.s.l., on the top of granitic rock in alpine meadow, 17 July 2006, leg. L. T...
New national and regional bryophyte records, 37
Ellis et al.
New national and regional bryophyte records, 40
1. Aneura pseudopinguis (Herzog) PocsContributor: K. HylanderEthiopia: Kaffa, Bonga, Gimbo, Meligawa, Barta forest, 3 km ENE of Bonga, moist Afromontane forest, among other bryophytes on dead wood,...
New national and regional bryophyte records, 35
Department of Botany, University of Stellenbosch, SouthAfrica1. Brachythecium laetum(Brid.) Schimp.Contributors: S. Huttunen, M. S. Ignatov and T.Korvenpa¨a¨Finland: La¨nsi-Turunmaa, Houtskari, on east andsouth shore of island Nataholm, 60u15945.3060N21u19911.960W, in rich deciduous forest withCorylusavellanaL. understory and some calcareous soils, 13August 2008, leg. Turkka Korvenpa¨a¨, det.M.S.Ignatov in August 2012 (original det. Brachytheciumcampestre) (TUR116496).The specimen ofBrachythecium laetumwas notedby M. S. Ignatov in connection with studies onFinnish material of B. campestre(Mu¨ll.Hal.) Schimp.from the Turku University Herbarium (TUR).Additional collections were searched for …