Csaba Toth
DNA methylation profiling to explore colorectal tumor differences according to menopausal hormone therapy use in women
Aim: Use of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT) has been associated with a reduced risk for colorectal cancer, but mechanisms underlying this relationship are not well understood. In the colon, MHT appears to act through estrogen receptor β (ERβ) which may influence DNA methylation by binding to DNA. Using genome-wide methylation profiling data, we aimed to identify genes that may be differentially methylated according to MHT use. Materials & methods: DNA methylation was measured using Illumina HumanMethylation450k arrays in two independent tumor sample sets of colorectal cancer patients. Differential methylation was determined using R/limma. Results: In the discovery analysis, two CpG si…
Genome-wide DNA methylation differences according to oestrogen receptor beta status in colorectal cancer.
Involvement of sex hormones in colorectal cancer (CRC) development has been linked to oestrogen receptor β (ERβ). Expression of ERβ is found reduced in tumour tissue and inversely related to mortality. However, mechanisms are not well understood. Our study aimed to detect differentially methylated genes associated with ERβ expression, which could point to mechanisms by which ERβ could influence risk and prognosis of CRC. Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling was performed using Illumina HumanMethylation450k BeadChip arrays in two independent tumour sample sets of CRC patients recruited in 2003–2010 by the German DACHS study (discovery cohort n = 917, replication cohort n = 907). ERβ expr…
Genome-wide DNA methylation differences according to oestrogen receptor beta status in colorectal cancer
Involvement of sex hormones in colorectal cancer (CRC) development has been linked to oestrogen receptor β (ERβ). Expression of ERβ is found reduced in tumour tissue and inversely related to mortality. However, mechanisms are not well understood. Our study aimed to detect differentially methylated genes associated with ERβ expression, which could point to mechanisms by which ERβ could influence risk and prognosis of CRC. Epigenome-wide DNA methylation profiling was performed using Illumina HumanMethylation450k BeadChip arrays in two independent tumour sample sets of CRC patients recruited in 2003–2010 by the German DACHS study (discovery cohort n = 917, replication cohort n = 907). ERβ expr…