Juhani Kettunen

Effect of Feed Protein : Lipid Ratio on Growth Parameters of African Catfish Clarias gariepinus after Fish Meal Substitution in the Diet with Bambaranut (Voandzeia subterranea) Meal and Soybean (Glycine max) Meal

Fishmeal (FM) was substituted with soybean meal (Glycine max) (SBM) and bambaranut meal (Voandzeia subterranea) (BNM) in 10 experimental African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, diets. Feed formulation was designed using mixture model. The inclusion level of the three protein ingredients varied between 0% and 60%. Remaining 40% comprised of basal ingredients kept constant for all 10 feeds. African catfish of average initial weight 35.2 ± 0.9 g were fed with one of the treatment diets for 28 days. The protein:lipid ratios of the diets (range 1.5–3.4:1) were used in evaluating the feed utilization and growth of the fish. We found that catfish performances were mainly depending on ingredients and …

research product

A practical approach to improve the statistical performance of surface water monitoring networks

The representativeness of aquatic ecosystem monitoring and the precision of the assessment results are of high importance when implementing the EU’s Water Framework Directive that aims to secure a good status of waterbodies in Europe. However, adapting monitoring designs to answer the objectives and allocating the sampling resources effectively are seldom practiced. Here, we present a practical solution how the sampling effort could be re-allocated without decreasing the precision and confidence of status class assignment. For demonstrating this, we used a large data set of 272 intensively monitored Finnish lake, coastal, and river waterbodies utilizing an existing framework for quantifying…

research product

Optimal diet composition for European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus): carbohydrate stress and immune parameter responses

Abstract A feeding trial was conducted on the European whitefish to study the effects of replacing fish meal with fish oil and corn starch on the stress response and immune system parameters. Nine diets with varying levels of fish meal (FM; 38–86%), fish oil (FO; 2–22%) and corn starch (CS; 0–33%), and fixed levels of wheat meal (10%) and vitamin–mineral premix (2%) were formulated and replicates were allocated among 25 tanks following the D-optimality criteria. Fish were fed the extruded diets to satiation for 10 weeks in a flow-through freshwater system at 15 °C. The liver and plasma were sampled at the termination of the trial, and the response surfaces were modeled as Scheffe polynomial…

research product