S. Abdelhamid

Urinary tetrahydroaldosterone as a screening method for primary aldosteronism: a comparative study

Abstract Background The major aldosterone metabolite 3α,5β tetrahydroaldosterone reflects up to 45% of the aldosterone secretion. Its 24-h urinary excretion is likely to provide an accurate index of the daily aldosterone production and to be an indicator for primary aldosteronism (PA). Methods In a prospective study, the validity of tetrahydroaldosterone as a screening test for PA was evaluated in comparison to serum potassium, plasma aldosterone, plasma renin activity, plasma aldosterone/renin activity ratio (PARR), as well as 24-h urinary aldosterone-18-glucuronide and free aldosterone. A total of 111 normotensive individuals, 412 PA patients and 1453 essential hypertensive patients, were…

research product

Genetic Diversity of Major Olive Varieties from Southern Tunisia

Considering the importance of olive-growing in Tunisia, microsatellite (SSR) analysis was used to study the genetic variation among twenty olive accessions from southern Tunisia. This set of olive microsatellites showed potential utility for genetic studies and it could contribute to the development of strategies for Tunisian germplasm conservation and breeding. Unweighted pair group method cluster analysis was performed and cultivars separated in three main groups. Five polymorphic simple sequence repeats (SSR) loci were employed and they revealed 38 alleles with a mean number of 7.6 alleles per locus. Genetic variability was wide as indicated by high values of both observed heterozygosity…

research product

Hypermineralocorticoidism and hypertension

Die mit Hypokaliamie, Uberproduktion von Mineralocorticoiden (Aldosteron und/oder Corticosteron und Desoxycorticosteron) und Aktivitatsanderungen des Renin-Angiotensinsystems einhergehenden Hochdrucksformen werden beschrieben. Sie lassen sich nach willkurlich gewahlten biochemischen Kriterien in drei Gruppen einteilen: a) Hypermineralocorticoidismus mit Reninsuppression und Aldosteronismus, b) Hypermineralocorticoidismus mit Reninund Aldosteronsuppression und c) Hypermineralocorticoidismus mit erhohtem Plasmarenin und Aldosteronismus. Jede dieser Gruppen besteht aus mehreren Syndromen, die sich durch ihr adrenocorticales Sekretionsmuster und/oder ihre morphologischen Nebennierenrindenverand…

research product