Laura Montolio
Explaining German outward FDI in the EU: a reassessment using Bayesian model averaging and GLM estimators
The last decades have seen an increasing interest in FDI and the process of production fragmentation. This has been particularly important for Germany as the core of the European Union (EU) production hub. This paper attempts to provide a deeper under standing of the drivers of German outward FDI in the EU for the period 1996–2012 by tackling the two main challenges faced in the modelization of FDI, namely the variable selection problem and the choice of the estimation method. For that purpose, we first extend previous BMA analysis developed by Camarero et al. (Econ Model 83:326–345, 2019) by including country-pair-fixed effects to select the appropriate set of variables. Second, we compare…
Understanding german fdi in latin america and asia: a comparison of glm estimators
The growth of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in developing countries over the last decade has attracted an intense academic and policy-oriented interest for its determinants. Despite the gravity model being considered a useful tool to approximate bilateral FDI flows, the literature has seen a growing debate in relation to its econometric specification, so that which is the best estimator for the gravity equation is far from conclusive. This paper examines the determinants of German outward FDI in Latin America and Asia for the period 1996-2012 by evaluating the performance of alternative Generalized Linear Model (GLM) estimators. Our findings indicate that Negative Binomial Pseudo Maximum …
What drives German foreign direct investment? New evidence using Bayesian statistical techniques
Abstract Despite the importance of Germany as an issuer of foreign direct investment (FDI), the studies analyzing its determinants are far from conclusive. This research contributes to filling this gap providing new evidence for the period 1996–2012. In order to reduce model uncertainty, we adopt a Bayesian model averaging (BMA) approach. We find that determinants associated with horizontal FDI appear to be dominant for explaining FDI in developed countries while for the group of developing countries covariates associated with vertical FDI motives play a larger role. Within Europe, while the majority of FDI is horizontally driven in “core” countries, in the “periphery” vertical motivations …