D. Oliveri
In viaggio con Stravinsky. Una suite in cinque movimenti (Prefazione di Marcello Panni)
Il volume affronta certi aspetti dell'attività di Igor Stravinsky negli anni Sessanta, sviluppando un percorso articolato in cinque movimenti: "Nice Kids": è il modo in cui Stravinsky definisce John e Jacqueline Kennedy dopo averli incontrati alla Casa Bianca il 18 gennaio 1962, in una serata in cui s’intrecciano mondanità e politica. "Totalitarismi": mentre la critica sovietica lo accusa di essere un cosmopolita decadente e borghese, certi esponenti del nazismo descrivono Stravinsky come un tipico esponente del “bolscevismo culturale”. Il viaggio di Stravinsky in America nel 1939, si trasforma dunque in una nuova tappa del suo esilio. "Mosca e Leningrado": nel 1962 Stravinsky festeggia il …
Metallic lead recovery from lead-acid battery paste by urea acetate dissolution and cementation on iron
Abstract A suitable hydrometallurgical and environmentally friendly process was studied to replace the currently used practices for recycling lead-acid batteries via smelting. Metallic lead was recovered by cementation from industrial lead sludge solutions of urea acetate (200 to 500 g/L) using different types of metallic iron substrates (nails, shaving or powder) as reducing agents. Under specific operating conditions, up to 99.7% of lead acid battery paste, mainly composed of PbSO4, PbO2 and PbO·PbSO4 species, was converted to metallic lead.. The conversion of the metallic lead and rate of the cementation reaction were strictly dependent on the type of iron substrate used as the reductant…
Conservative treatment of initial breast cancer
The results of conservative surgical techniques (quadrantectomy or tumorectomy), axillary dissection and radiotherapy in 58 patients with initial breast cancer (Tt No, Mo) treated between June 1979 and December 1986 are reported. The disease-free survival rates after 5 and 8 years were 84% and 76% respectively. Four cases developed local recurrences (6.9%); 2 cases developed distant metastases involving lung and bone, and 1 case developed bone metastases without local recurrence. Two patients with local recurrence underwent radical life-saving mastectomy and are now free from disease.