Mélanie Quenet
La photographie au sol pour quantifier la vidange d'un lac supra-glaciaire : Austre Lovénbreen, 79°N, Svalbard
COM; National audience
Change in geometry of a high Arctic glacier to 1948 to 2013 (Austre Lovénbreen, Svalbard)
International audience; The change of Austre Lovénbreen, a 4.5 km2 land-based glacier along the west coast of Spitsbergen, is investigated using geodetic methods and mass balance measurements over 1948–2013. For 2008−2013, annual mass balances computed on 36-stake measurements were obtained, in addition to annual mass balances reconstructed from the neighbouring glaciers, Midtre Lovénbreen (1968−2007) and Austre Brøggerbreen (1963−1967). The mean rate of glacier retreat for 1948–2013 is −16.7 ± 0.3 m a−1. Fluctuations in area (1948–2013 mean, −0.027 ± 0.002 km2 a−1) showed a slowing as the glacier recedes within its valley from 1990 to 1995. For 1962–2013, the average volume loss calculated…
Hydrogeochemical approach to understanding the glacier-permafrost subglacial-system interactions in a glaciated catchment of Western Spitsbergen.
COM; International audience
Hydrological and geochemical approach to understand the glacier-permafrost subglacial-system interactions in a glaciated catchment of Western Spitsbergen
COM; International audience; The freshwater fluxes flowing from High Arctic glaciers mainly depend on climatic indicators (T, P) but also on other parameters like the thermal state of glacier, the water routing within and below the glacier, the permafrost distribution and the hydrodynamic characteristics of the moraines and rock structures forming the catchment. Using hydrological and geochemical methods, t he objective of the presentation is to show the relationships existing between the hydrological response of a small glacier of the Brogger peninsula (Austrelovenbre glacier), th e climatic conditions and these other parameters. I n the framework o f the Hydrosensor Flows program (IPEV 30…
Relations entre eaux souterraines, cours d'eau et pergélisol au Spitsberg occidental : exemple du bassin versant du glacier Austre Lovén (79°N, Svalbard)
COM; National audience; Dans la zone arctique et sub - arctique, la dégradation du pergélisol est l'une des conséquences visibles du changement climatique. Elle s'associe à des flux croissants d'eau, de solutés et de sédiments qui peuvent significativement impacter les zones côtières et ainsi les océans. Le réchauffement climatique conduit logiquement à une augmentation de la fonte estivale, concentrée sur quelques mois d e l'année. Les flux générés pendant la période de fonte sont des eaux peu minéralisées, le suivi hydrologique aux exutoires couplé à des investigations hydrogéologiques, effectués dans un bassin versant englacé sur la côte occidentale du Spitsberg (Austre Lovénbre : 10 km …