F. Rouquerol
High Resolution Sorption Studies of Argon and Nitrogen on Large Crystals of Aluminophosphate AlPO4-5 AND ZEOLITE ZSM-5
High resolution adsorption (HRADS) with argon and nitrogen at 77 K in the pressure range of 10−6 < p/p° < 0.5 were performed on large crystals of zeolite ZSM-5 (180 μm) and aluminophosphate AlPO4-5 (150 μm) using a novel volumetric device. Multi-step isotherms of both adsorptives on ZSM-5 could be observed for the first time. The adsorption followed by low temperature microcalorimetry resulted in distinct exothermic signals at the steps in the adsorption isotherms. Based on the results of atom-atom potential energy calculations (AAP) as well as independent model building it was shown that 24 ‘kinetic’ adsorbate molecules can be filled into a ZSM-5 unit cell. Experimental results are reasona…
High-resolution sorption studies of argon and nitrogen on large crystals of microporous zeolite ZSM-5
High resolution adsorption (HRADS) with argon and nitrogen at 77 K were performed on large crystals of zeolite ZSM-5 using a novel volumetric device. Multi-step isotherms for both adsorptives could be observed for the first time. The micropore filling was followed by low temperature microcalorimetry. Exothermic heats of adsorption were found to be correlated with steps in the adsorption isotherms. Based on results from atom-atom potential energy calculations (AAP) as well as from independent model building it is shown that 24 kinetic adsorbate molecules can be situated in a ZSM-5 unit cell. Localized adsorption is presented as possible filling mechanisms. Experimental results are reasonably…
Sorption of argon and nitrogen on network types of zeolites and aluminophosphates
Abstract Synthetic zeolites and aluminophosphates comprising 10- and 12- membered ring openings, unidimensional and network type of pore systems (MFI, MEL, ERI, LTA, AEL, AFI and FAU) were used as model adsorbents to examine the impact of micropore structure on the sorption properties. Argon and nitrogen were employed as adsorptives. Adsorption measurements were carried out on gravimetric and volumetric sorption devices and also monitored by microcalorimetry. From the low coverage regime of the isotherm Henry's constants and isosteric heats of adsorption were derived. Both quantities allowed the discrimination between 10- and 12- membered ring systems. Unidimensional 10- and 12- membered ri…