Incidence of the Factor V Leiden-mutation, Coagulation Inhibitor Deficiency, and Elevated Antiphospholipid-antibodies in Patients with Preeclampsia or HELLP–Syndrome
LETTER TO THE EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Incidence of the Factor V Leiden-mutation, Coagulation Inhibitor Deficiency, and Elevated Antiphospholipid-antibodies in Patients with Preeclampsia or HELLP–Syndrome Georg–Friedrich von Tempelhoff1, Lothar Heilmann1, Eberhard Spanuth1, Erich Kunzmann1 and Gerhard Hommel2 1Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, City Hospital of Ruesselsheim and 2Institute for Medical Statistic and Documentation, University of Mainz, Germany.