P. Riolo
Un anno di cattura massale del punteruolo rosso nei comuni di Marsala (TP) e Grottammare (AP) con informazioni sulle condizioni fisiologiche delle femmine
La tecnica della cattura massale ha lo scopo di eliminare il maggior numero possibile di individui della specie dell’insetto che si vuole combattere. Nei casi in cui l’attrattivo feromonale induca comportamenti di aggregazione, come il feromone prodotto dai maschi del Punteruolo rosso delle palme, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier), nelle trappole vengono attirati individui di entrambi i sessi. Lo stato fisiologico delle femmine catturate influenza fortemente l’impatto della cattura massale sullo sviluppo demoecologico dell’insetto. Infatti, se le trappole catturano per lo più femmine che hanno già ovideposto il ruolo della cattura massale diviene meno apprezzabile. Nell’aprile del 2008 so…
Lures for red palm weevil trapping systems: aggregation pheromone and synthetic kairomone
[EN] BACKGROUNDThe optimisation of the lure is essential for the implementation of trapping systems to control insect pests. In this work, the response of the red palm weevil (RPW), Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Olivier, to increasing emission rates of its aggregation pheromone (ferrugineol) and the efficacy of a convenient synthetic kairomone based on fermentation odours (ethyl acetate and ethanol) have been evaluated in different years and locations along the Mediterranean basin. RESULTSIn general, although capture data and emission had noticeable variability among locations, significantly fewer RPW were captured in pyramidal Picusan (R) traps with the lowest ferrugineol emission rates tested…
Paysandisia archon: Taxonomy, distribution, biology and life cycle
The taxonomic position of the family Castniidae within the order Lepidoptera has changed over time. Initially, it was classified in the superfamily Sesioidea, and then it was grouped in a large assemblage including the Cossoidea, Sesioidea, and Zygaenoidea. Recent studies have included it in the superfamily Cossoidea. In Europe, the palm borer moth (PBM) Paysandisia archon is the only species of the Castniidae. This moth, native to South America (Argentina and Uruguay), was first reported in Europe (France and Spain) in 2001, but it is believed to have been introduced before 1995 on palm trees imported from Argentina. Since then, the moth has been reported in Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus Islan…