A high-density SNP linkage scan with 142 combined subtype ADHD sib pairs identifies linkage regions on chromosomes 9 and 16
As part of the International Multi-centre ADHD Gene (IMAGE) project we have completed an affected sibling pair study of 142 narrowly defined DSM-IV combined type ADHD proband-sibling pairs. We found suggestive linkage on chromosomes 9 and 16 with non-parametric multipoint peak LOD scores of 2.13 and 3.1 respectively. There have been several previous ADHD linkage scans. The UCLA study (Fisher et al. 2002; Ogdie et al. 2004; Ogdie et al. 2003), the Dutch study (Bakker et al. 2003), the German study (Hebebrand et al. 2006) and the MGH Study (Faraone et al., submitted) applied the affected sib pair (ASP) strategy; the Columbian study used extended pedigrees ascertained from a population isolate…