Mass Transport Analysis of the Enhanced Buffer Capacity of the Bicarbonate-CO2 Buffer in a Phase-Heterogenous System: Physiological and Pharmaceutical Significance
The bicarbonate buffer capacity is usually considered in a phase-homogeneous system, at equilibrium, with no CO2 transfer between the liquid buffer phase and another phase. However, typically, an in vitro bicarbonate buffer-based system is a phase-heterogeneous system, as it entails continuously sparging (bubbling) the dissolution medium with CO2 in a gas mixture, at constant ratio, to maintain a constant partial pressure of CO2 (g) and CO2(aq) molarity at a prescribed value, with CO2 diffusing freely between the gas and the aqueous phases. The human gastrointestinal tract is also a phase-heterogeneous system, with CO2 diffusing across the mucosal membrane into the mesenteric arterial blood…