Eeva K. Kallio
Ihmistieteelliset näkökulmat ja rinnakkaiset tulevaisuuspolut : katsaus metsäsuhdetutkimuksen kenttään
Ihmistieteelliset näkökulmat ovat lisääntyneet metsäsuhteiden tutkimuksessa viime vuosina. Tässä katsausartikkelissa esittelemme lyhyesti yhteiskuntatieteellisten, kulttuurintutkimuksellisten ja muiden ihmistieteellisten lähestymistapojen teoreettisia, käsitteellisiä ja empiirisiä sovelluksia. Ihmistieteelliset lähestymistavat tarjoavat metsiin ja tulevaisuuksiin liittyen näköaloja kestävyyssiirtymään ja tuovat esiin rinnakkaisten tulevaisuuspolkujen kirjon. The article introduces various theoretical, conceptual, and empirical approaches to human-forest relationship (HFR) research, a relatively new and broad field of multidisciplinary approaches to study the interactions and interfaces betw…
From multiperspective to contextual integrative thinking in adulthood : Considerations on theorisation of adult thinking and its place as a component of wisdom
This critical literature review traces the roots of how adult cognitive development and learning are conceptualised. It addresses some implicitly included historical and philosophical concepts, analysing especially the concept of change, and ontological assumptions included in the Piagetian and neo-Piagetian “postformal thinking” traditions. Two major theories that have had an important impact on modern scientific discussion regarding adult cognitive development are discussed: Piaget’s and Perry’s theories of logical thinking and assumptions of knowledge. They have served as basic sources for several new innovative models with their respective, mutual similarities and differences. The chapt…
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Logical contradiction, contrary opposites, and epistemological relativism : Critical philosophical reflections on the psychological models of adult cognitive development
In this contribution, we argue that a philosophical clarification of the discussion of adult cognitive development in psychology is needed in order to get a clearer view of what is at stake in this debated phenomenon. On the one hand, we contend that rather than epistemological relativism, mature adult cognition should be described in terms of integration. Integration means understanding that people have different views with each other and from us, but we still need to respect them as people and take their emotions into account. This does not mean simple acceptance of their views as true, as the descriptions of epistemological relativism would suggest. On the other hand, we argue that rathe…