Hanae El Gouj
Road network analysis based on geo-historical data
International audience
Reading road networks through time: How structural changes affect territorial accessibility ?
International audience; City Road networks extend through time according to territorial constraints and local policies. This work focuses on the geographical and geometrical aspects of the road network skeleton. Following on the work on space syntax and successors (Hillier 1976, Hillier 2007, Porta 2006), an extended geographical object called the way is built, by pairing edges at each node of the road network graph. The way is constructed by local geographical rules, independently from the order in which the network is read. The resulting object is multi- scale, from the single edge to the largest way extending over the whole studied zone.This last property allows to make stable computatio…
Identifying road network patterns to understand their evolution
A road network spatiotemporal database : Collaborative digitization through a serious game
Inventaire et analyse de motifs viaires pour une compréhension du développement urbain sur le temps long.
Road network characterization to understand city evolution
International audience; Cities combine different kind of processes that drive their evolution. It is of a great interest to understand the effects of different kinds of spatial patterns on those processes, to be able to minimize space consumption and optimize mobility and transportation.In this research, we aim to contribute to the understanding of city evolution by a focus on the road network of the Eastern French city of Dijon’s. Firstly, we select three network indicators that can be used to characterize the city structure as it grows. We apply these indicators to Dijon’s historical road networks from 1650 until 2019. Finally, we discuss how we can use computational simulations of city g…
Urban morphogenesis analysis based on geo-historical road data
International audience
Collecte, visualisation et analyse de données viaires géohistoriques
International audience; Les villes sont des territoires complexes qu’il est possible d’appréhender de multiples manières.L’angle d’étude retenu dans la recherche présentée ici est celui morphologique, et plus particulièrement celui lié à la forme des réseaux viaires. Les mécanismes d’évolution de tels réseaux au cours du temps sont complexes et leur modélisation, nécessitant une approche transdisciplinaire, en est à ses premiers pas. La compréhension de leurs dynamiqu es d’évolution comporte de forts enjeux : cela permet de mieux appréhender l’utilisation d’un territoire et son organisation, etégalement de mieux imaginer ses perspectives de développement.Ainsi, Le projet COVADEO.a pour obje…