Guillaume Martinent

Programme de développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle auprès de pongistes pensionnaires de pôles espoir et France de la Fédération Française de Tennis de Table

International audience

research product

Monitoring stress and recovery states: Structural and external stages of the short version of the RESTQ sport in elite swimmers before championships

Background: Psychological stress and recovery monitoring is a key issue for increasing athletes' health, well-being, and performance. This multi-study report examined changes and the dose–response relationships between recovery–stress psychological states, training load (TL), heart rate (HR), heart rate recovery (HRR), and heart rate variability (HRV) while providing evidence for the factorial validity of a short French version of the Recovery–Stress Questionnaire for Athletes (RESTQ-36-R-Sport). Methods: Four hundred and seventy-three university athletes (Study 1), 72 full expert swimmers (Study 2), and 11 national to international swimmers (Study 3) participated in the study. Data were an…

research product

The ICE-Q: A tool for the assessment of Psychological Adaptation Processes (PAP) in Isolated and Confined Extreme (ICE) environments

International audience; Life in Isolated and Confined Extreme (ICE) environments poses important challenges and constraints and therefore to human adaptation and more particularly to the processes of psychological adaptation (PAP). Contemporary models view psychological adaptation as a dynamic process of constant adjustment to the environment, encompassing changes in physical, social and psychological demands and constraints (Cramer, 2000; Lazarus, 1991; Nicolas et al., 2017). The literature lacks valid and reliable measures of the psychological processes engaged in adaptation to the ICE environment (Sandal, Leon, & Palinkas, 2006). Monitoring can provide early warning of mission- and healt…

research product

Longitudinal trajectories of emotions among athletes in sports competitions: Does emotional intelligence matter?

Abstract Objectives This research explored whether several subgroups of athletes representing distinct emotional trajectories could be shown to exist within the latent class growth analysis (LCGA) of pleasant and unpleasant sport emotions (anger, anxiety, dejection, excitement, happiness). A secondary aim was to explore whether athletes belonging to distinct emotional trajectories reported distinct scores of trait-emotional intelligence (EI) at time 1 (T1). Design A longitudinal three-wave measurement design (beginning, middle, and end of a competitive season) was used in the present study. Method A sample of 460 athletes completed the sport emotion questionnaire across three measurement ti…

research product

Athletes’ regulation of emotions experienced during competition: A naturalistic video-assisted study.

This study aimed to identify the type and effectiveness of emotional regulation strategies used by table tennis players to manage their emotions experienced during competition. Using a naturalistic video-assisted approach, 30 interviews were conducted with 11 national table tennis players. Ten emotions were identified in the participants’ transcriptions: anger, anxiety, discouragement, disappointment, disgust, joy, serenity, relief, hope, and pride. Qualitative analyses of participants’ transcriptions revealed the emergence of 4 categories pertaining to emotion regulation: (a) regulation efforts comprising: (i) antecedent-focused regulation (e.g., attention deployment, cognitive change); (i…

research product

Suivi longitudinal du processus émotionnel de footballeurs adolescents en centre de formation

International audience; Ancrée dans la théorie relationnelle, cognitive, motivationnelle des émotions (Lazarus, 1999), cette étude avait pour objectif d’explorer les relations à travers le temps (au cours d’une saison de compétition) entre les évaluations cognitives, les émotions de tous les jours dans un environnement de compétition et les stratégies de régulation émotionnelle. 40 footballeurs adolescents (Mâge = 15.8) d’un centre de formation d’un club professionnel ont participé volontairement à cette étude. Une série d’analyses de modèles linéaires hiérarchiques a été conduite pour neuf temps de mesure pour : (a) examiner les relations entre les évaluations cognitives (menace, perte, dé…

research product

Les émotions en situations extrêmes : situations spatiales et polaires

International audience

research product

Development and evaluation of the psychometric properties of the short Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-26)

IF2017 : 1.15 (Q3); International audience; The purpose of the present study was to develop and evaluate a measure of defense mechanisms that is useable in sports research: the short Defense Style Questionnaire (DSQ-26). A total of 296 competitive athletes completed the DSQ-26 and other self-report questionnaires both before and after a sport competition. Results of Principal Component Analyses (PCA) on the pre-competitive data showed evidence for a 2-factor model that included adaptive (e.g., humor, anticipation, self-assertion, altruism, self-observation) and maladaptive defenses (e.g., help rejecting complaining, splitting other, projection, dissociation, intellectualization, devaluation…

research product

A Reciprocal Effects Model of the Temporal Ordering of Coping and Defenses

This study aimed to examine how coping and defenses are related over time, using a two-wave cross-lagged panel design. Coping and defenses were assessed before and after a sport competition in a sample of 296 competitive athletes. Partial least squares path modeling results showed that (a) pre-competitive mature defenses predicted increases in the use of task-oriented coping during competition; (b) pre-competitive immature defenses predicted an increase in the use of disengagement-oriented coping during competition; and (c) pre-competitive task-oriented coping predicted an increase in the use of immature defenses during competition. Overall, our findings suggest that defenses predict the us…

research product

Accompagnement à la performance : programme de développement de l’intelligence émotionnelle adapté aux contraintes de préparation du Haut Niveau

ACAPS (Association de chercheurs en Activités Physiques et Sportives).Organisé par l'Association des chercheurs en activités physiques et sportives ; éditeurs scientifiques, Romuald Lepers, Karen Bretin-Maffiuletti, Mickaël Campo... [et al.].; International audience; La pratique du sport à haut niveau offre une série de prises inédites à l’analyse des transformations du sport et des facteurs d’accomplissement, d’atteinte des objectifs, et de réussite, tant sur le plan individuel que collectif. En effet, les transformations des dispositifs spectaculaires et médiatiques dans lesquels la pratique à haut niveau prend place amène inévitablement les athlètes experts à assumer des responsabilités …

research product

Relations entre mécanismes de défense et variabilité de fréquence cardiaque

National audience

research product

Psychological correlates of fatigue and injury among adolescent handball women players: Implications for prevention.

International audience

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Mesures des émotions en sport : les approches quantitatives, qualitatives et comportementales

International audience

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Effet d’un accompagnement psychologique individuel à distance sur l’intelligence émotionnelle des tennismen

International audience

research product

Temporal ordering of affective states and coping within a naturalistic achievement-related demanding situation.

International audience

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Emotion–performance relationships in team sport: The role of personal and social identities

IF 2018: 1.25 (Q2); International audience; In the field of emotion–performance relationship in achievement situations, the social dimensions of emotions have been understudied. Thus, recent advances highlighted the need to explore identity processes to know whether group belonging may influence individuals’ emotions and performance when they are involved in a task-group. The current study introduced an innovative approach to continuously capture the variability of emotions (pleasant and unpleasant), identity levels (personal and social) and performances (individual and collective) experienced during volleyball games. Six elite players (M = 20.14 years; SD = 1.25) volunteered to participate…

research product

Evaluation of the psychometric properties of a modified Positive and Negative Affect Schedule including a direction scale (PANAS-D) among French athletes

Abstract Objectives The goal of these studies was to provide validity and reliability evidence of a modified Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) including a direction scale (PANAS-D). Study 1 tested the validity and reliability of the PANAS-D to measure both intensity and direction of affects. Study 2 examined the relationships between direction of affects and selected variables (i.e., coping, attainment of achievement goals and sport satisfaction) by controlling for intensity of affects. Method A total of 306 and 296 athletes (studies 1 and 2) completed the PANAS-D and other self-report questionnaires. Data were analysed with reliability, confirmatory factor analyses (study 1) an…

research product

Effet d’un accompagnement psychologique individualisé à distance sur la régulation émotionnelle des tennismen

International audience

research product

L’invariance temporelle des émotions en compétitions sportives

International audience

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