A. Perrier

Penman-Monteith equation: How good is the "big leaf" ?

International audience

research product

Les besoins en eau des cultures

International audience

research product

Microclimat, eau et production

It is generally known that the whole of climatic factors affects directly the principal biological functions and the processes influencing crop yield. However, the control of these factors remains very difficult. Research is carried out adapting different crops to the average daily climatic characteristics and to their seasonal evolution instead of modifying the crops genetically and physiologically. Since all times the control of the factor water, not from rainfall but from irrigation, gives possibilities to modify directly the characteristics of the microclimate in the plant canopy.

research product

Energy and water vapour transfers in a particular shrub-grass intercrop: the fallow savanna

National audience

research product

Fonctionnement et structure des cultures: Role des echanges radiatifs

National audience

research product

Effet de serre: analyses, insertitudes, consequences.

National audience

research product

Hydrologie et mise en valeur des ressources en eau

National audience

research product

Energie solaire et production

National audience

research product

Evapotranspiration and canopy temperature of rice and groundnut in southeast coastal India. Crop coefficient approach and relationship between evapotranspiration and canopy temperature

International audience

research product

HAPEX-MOBILHY : a hydrologic atmospheric experiment for the study of water budget and evaporation flux at the climatic scale

International audience

research product

Water and energy balance: water consumption by crops

ISBN 2-7380-0006-1 17 ref.; National audience

research product

An update for the definition of reference evapotranspiration

International audience

research product

Evapotranspiration: concepts and application

International audience

research product

Mise a jour des definitions sur l'evapotranspiration et les besoins en eau des cultures

National audience

research product

Caractérisation et modélisation des échanges de masse et d'énergie au niveau des couverts épars

National audience

research product

Crop-water models

International audience

research product

An update for the calculation of reference evapotranspiration

International audience

research product

Evapotranspiration: Review of concepts and future trends

International audience

research product

Flux heterogeneity and evapotranspiration partitioning in a sparse canopy: the fallow savanna

Abstract This paper focuses on in situ measurements obtained during the intensive observation period of the HAPEX-Sahel experiment. Micrometeorological measurements and trunk sap flow monitoring were combined to analyse transfer characteristics of a fallow savanna site within the East Central Supersite. Results show that the shrub canopy heterogeneity induces a large spatial variability of solar irradiance, soil heat flux and sensible and latent heat fluxes at the grassland level. This variability is induced by both a “shade effect” and a “wake effect”. Both shrubs and grassland provide sources of vapour, but the partitioning of evapotranspiration between these two components varies conside…

research product

Etude agrometeorologique de la Basse Normandie pour l'exploitation d'un reseau automatise

* INRA Bioclimatologie Grignon Diffusion du document : INRA Bioclimatologie Grignon; National audience

research product

Modelisation des echanges de surface: continuum sol-plante-atmosphere

National audience

research product

Essai de modelisation des echanges en foret et role de la structure d'un couvert forestier sur l'evapotranspiration en particulier

La foret et le bois; National audience

research product

Soil evaporation monitoring : a possible synergism of microwave and infrared remote sensing

Abstract Microwave remote sensing allows the measurement of the water content (θs) at the soil surface within a layer of a few centimetres. When combined with climatic data, θs is a relevant quantity to estimate the evaporation of bare soils. The implementation of a simple daily evaporation (Ed) model on bare soils based on a knowledge of θs is analysed. In order to cover a wide range of soil, soil moisture and climatic conditions, the analysis was carried out on a set of data simulated by a mechanistic model of heat and water flows in the soil. Propagation error analysis on the inputs (θs, daily potential evaporation and wind velocity) of the simple model shows that an accuracy of ± 1.5 mm…

research product

Interactions surface continentale/atmosphère : l'expérience HAPEX-Sahel

L'évolution saisonnière des termes du bilan radiatif, du bilan d'énergie et la production primaire d'une savane humide d'Afrique de l'Ouest (Lamto, Côte d'Ivoire) a été suivie dans le cadre du programme SAvanes à Long Terme (SALT). Ces données ont permis de développer un modèle de simulation des échanges surface/atmosphère en savane humide, basé sur les relations fonctionnelles existant entre la production et la phénologie de la savane d'une part, et les bilans d'énergie et hydrique de ce type de surface d'autre part. Ce modèle est issu du couplage de deux sous-modèles fonctionnant au pas de temps journalier et utilisant des variables climatiques standard en entrée : le modèle de bilan d'én…

research product

Crop water budget: Estimation of irrigation requirement

Crops water models; International audience

research product

CCDC 739865: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Perrier, V.Comte, C.Moise, P.Richard, P.Le Gendre|2010|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2010|1562|doi:10.1002/ejoc.200901407

research product

CCDC 834840: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Massard, V.Rampazzi, A.Perrier, E.Bodio, M.Picquet, P.Richard, J.-C.Hierso, P.Le Gendre|2012|Organometallics|31|947|doi:10.1021/om200999n

research product

CCDC 834837: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Massard, V.Rampazzi, A.Perrier, E.Bodio, M.Picquet, P.Richard, J.-C.Hierso, P.Le Gendre|2012|Organometallics|31|947|doi:10.1021/om200999n

research product

CCDC 834839: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Massard, V.Rampazzi, A.Perrier, E.Bodio, M.Picquet, P.Richard, J.-C.Hierso, P.Le Gendre|2012|Organometallics|31|947|doi:10.1021/om200999n

research product

CCDC 834838: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Massard, V.Rampazzi, A.Perrier, E.Bodio, M.Picquet, P.Richard, J.-C.Hierso, P.Le Gendre|2012|Organometallics|31|947|doi:10.1021/om200999n

research product

CCDC 739866: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Perrier, V.Comte, C.Moise, P.Richard, P.Le Gendre|2010|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2010|1562|doi:10.1002/ejoc.200901407

research product

CCDC 834836: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Massard, V.Rampazzi, A.Perrier, E.Bodio, M.Picquet, P.Richard, J.-C.Hierso, P.Le Gendre|2012|Organometallics|31|947|doi:10.1021/om200999n

research product

CCDC 739864: Experimental Crystal Structure Determination

Related Article: A.Perrier, V.Comte, C.Moise, P.Richard, P.Le Gendre|2010|Eur.J.Org.Chem.|2010|1562|doi:10.1002/ejoc.200901407

research product