Myriam Sanchez
Dissection of pea responses to water stress during seed filling identifies candidate genes for drought tolerance
International audience; Given their ability to fix atmospheric nitrogen, legumes are pivotal to the development of sustainable agriculture in Europe as a source of protein for food and feed. Pea (Pisum sativum) is currently the leading grain legume crop in France and major efforts are being made to reintroduce legumes as protein crops in Europe. However, instability of seed yield and quality due to environmental fluctuations still represent a real barrier for the development of these cultures, and breeding for stable yields is needed. In pea, drought stress occurring during the reproductive phase can greatly affect seed yield and quality. We investigated the response of pea plants (var. Cam…
Role of vacuolar sulfate in nutritional quality of pea seeds
Grain legumes have a key role to play in both agroecological and food transitions. Indeed, these plants are able to accumulate large amounts of proteins in their seeds even in the absence of nitrogen fertilization thanks to symbiotic N2 fixation in the root nodules. However, legumes are exposed to abiotic stresses, including nutrient deficiencies, making it important to optimize nutrient use efficiency for maintaining seed protein content and quality. Seed protein quality refers to the ability of the seed proteins to meet the body’s requirements for essential amino acids. It strongly depends on the amino acid balance, which determines protein digestibility. In pea (Pisum sativum) seeds, met…
Regulation of legume seed size by an endosperm-expressed transcription factor
BAP Pôle GEAPSI; International audience; There are numerous reports of transcription factors (TFs) which are implicated in the control of seed size and seed composition. We have identified, using a platform of TF sequences derived from the Medicago truncatula genome sequence, a class of TFs specifically expressed during the seed filling stage. One such TF, DASH, was shown to be confined to the developing endosperm. We investigated the role played by DASH through analysis of mutant alleles. These give rise to seed-lethal or near-lethal phenotypes, with degeneration of the endosperm and arrested embryo development. The relation of this phenotype to seed auxin action was investigated.
β-Amyrin Synthase1 Controls the Accumulation of the Major Saponins Present in Pea (Pisum sativum)
Abstract The use of pulses as ingredients for the production of food products rich in plant proteins is increasing. However, protein fractions prepared from pea or other pulses contain significant amounts of saponins, glycosylated triterpenes that can impart an undesirable bitter taste when used as an ingredient in foodstuffs. In this article, we describe the identification and characterization of a gene involved in saponin biosynthesis during pea seed development, by screening mutants obtained from two Pisum sativum TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes) populations in two different genetic backgrounds. The mutations studied are located in a gene designated PsBAS1 (β-amyrin s…
Importance du sulfate vacuolaire pour l’établissement du rendement et de la qualité des graines de pois
Les graines de pois constituent un aliment sain et nourrissant, notamment de par leur forte teneur en protéines (environ 25%). La qualité nutritionnelle de ces protéines est néanmoins limitée par leur faible proportion en acides aminés soufrés (AAS) : cystéine et méthionine. L’objectif était d’étudier la contribution du stock de sulfate contenu dans les vacuoles à l’élaboration du rendement et de la qualité des graines, notamment la synthèse des AAS. Nous avons ciblé l’unique gène SULTR4 de pois qui code un transporteur permettant l’efflux de sulfate de la vacuole vers le cytosol. Après avoir confirmé sa localisation à la membrane vacuolaire, nous avons recherché des mutants de pois pour ce…
The pea sulfate transporter, PsSULTR4, contributes to seed yield and quality
To investigate the role of vacuolar sulfate in seed yield and quality, we have targeted the single pea SULTR4 gene (PsSULTR4), which encodes a transporter homologous to Arabidopsis SULTR4;1 and 4;2 that allow sulfate efflux from the vacuole to the cytosol. By simulating the 3D structure of PsSULTR4, we observed that it is similar to that of SULTR4;1 in Arabidopsis. Furthermore, a phylogenetic analysis revealed a high level of conservation of SULTR4 protein motifs across land species. A fluorescent protein fusion experiment confirmed that PsSULTR4 localizes to the vacuolar membrane.Five sultr4 mutants were identified by TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genomes), two of which showe…
Role of vacuolar sulfate in the nutritional quality of pea seeds
Legumes have a key role to play in both agroecological and food transitions due to their ability to accumulate large amountsof seed proteins without nitrogen fertilization thanks to symbiotic N2 fixation in the root nodules. However, in agroecologicalsystems, legumes are more exposed to nutrient deficiencies, including sulfur deficiency, than in conventional systems, makingit important to optimize nutrient use efficiency for maintain seed protein quality, in particular the level of (semi) essentialamino acids like methionine and cysteine. These sulfur-containing amino acids are synthetized through the sulfur metabolicpathway starting from sulfate reduction. Sulfate is taken up from the soil…
TILLING resources in pea: a valuable tool for functional validation
Prod 2019-88t BAP GEAPSI INRA; National audience; Since 2004, two INRA teams (UMR Agroecology Dijon and IJBP, Versailles), both partners of PEAMUST, have created 3 EMS-induced mutant collections in the framework of European or French ANR projects. The genotypes chosen for these collections have specific agronomic traits according to the research subject. For example, the Terese rms3 and -rms4 branched genotypes (Rameau et al., 1997) are well suited to the study of shoot architecture in relation with strigolactone and the lines easy to grow and to backcross in glasshouse conditions. Caméor, an early cultivar with high seed protein content, is the reference genotype for the pea sequencing pro…