S. Cambria
Solanum lanceolatum (Solanaceae) in Sicily: A new alien species for the European flora
Solanum lanceolatum Cav. (Solanaceae) is a species native to Central America (Mexico, Belize, Guatemala and Panama), that has been found naturalized near Sutera and Porto Empedocle (Sicily). This is the first record in Italy and Europe.
Contributo alla conoscenza floristica dei monti Sicani (Sicilia): resoconto dell’escursione del Gruppo di Floristica (S.B.I.) nel 2012
The results of the excursion of the “Gruppo di Floristica” of the Italian Botanical Society held in the Sicani Mountains (CW-Sicily) on May 3-6, 2012, are here presented. During the research a total of 532 taxa was recorded. Three of them, the native Rosa squarrosa and the alien Phyllostachys aurea and Vitis ×koberi are new to Sicily, and 14 are new to the Sicani Mts. On the other side, we confirm the exclusion of Erica manipuliflora from the flora of the region.