C. Gauvrit

The influence of herbicides on the fluidity of the mitochondrial membrane

International audience

research product

Lutte chimique contre l'ambroisie : recherche de solutions respectueuses de l'environnement

National audience

research product

Behaviour of alkyl oleates on leaf surfaces in relation to their influence on herbicide penetration

International audience

research product

Amelioration de l'efficacite des phytosanitaires : des techniques a preciser

National audience

research product

De l'isoproturon au dff, une question de site d'action

National audience

research product

Effects of brief cold stress on 2,4-D penetration migration and metabolism in maize plants

International audience

research product

Formulation une composaante à ne pas négliger

National audience

research product

Evidences for a 1:1-CA+:glyphosate association in deposit residuals on leaf surface

International audience

research product

6e symposium international sur les adjuvants pour l'agrochimie - ISAA01 ou la cuvée 2001 : molécules, rétention, effets biologiques, dérive et réglementation

National audience

research product

Seedoil derivatives as adjuvants : influence of methyl to octadecyl oleates on the penetration of herbicides through various plant cuticles

International audience

research product

Effets d'huiles sur les paramètres d'efficacité du diclofop-méthyl appliqué sur ray-grass

National audience

research product

Fatty acid derivatives as co-formulants for herbicides

International audience

research product

Tank-mix adjuvants for agrochemicals

International audience

research product

Desherber avec ou sans adjuvants ?

National audience

research product

Herbicides céréales. Le point sur quelques modes d'action

National audience

research product

Glyphosate et calcium : un mauvais ménage

National audience

research product

Comment les herbicides penetrent dans les feuilles des plantes

National audience

research product

Effet d'un mélange d'adjuvants sur les paramètres d'éfficacité du diclofop-methyl

National audience

research product

L'ambroisie dans les systèmes agricoles

National audience

research product

Glyphosate response to calcium, ethoxylated amine surfactant, and ammonium sulfate

International audience

research product

Les esters d'huiles végétales comme adjuvants : influence d'une série d'esters de l'acide oléique sur la pénétration des herbicides au travers de divers types de cuticules

National audience

research product

Seed oils as adjuvants : penetration of glycerol trioleate, methanol oleate and diclofop-methyl in maize leaves

International audience

research product

Reduction de volume et taille de gouttes

National audience

research product

Adjuvants : regulatory aspects

International audience

research product

Relation entre l'efficacité et la pénétration foliaire du flupysulfuron-méthyle chez le vulpin (Alopecurus Myosuroides Huds.). en conditions contrôlées

National audience

research product

Mode of action of the herbicide siduron on wheat

International audience

research product

Methodology for determining foliar penetration of herbicides with reference to oil-based adjuvants

Oils are used extensively in pesticide formulation and in pesticide application as spray adjuvants. They improve the biological efficacy of several foliage-applied herbicides without impairing their selectivity. Beneficial effects were first observed with atrazine in maize (Zea mays; Jones and Anderson 1968; Nalewaja 1968) and with phenmedipham in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris: Miller and Nalewaja 1973). More recently, oils have met with success as spray adjuvants for graminicides (Buhler and Burnside 1984; Nalewaja 1986; Barrentine and McWorther 1988) and for bentazone (Doran and Andersen 1975; Nalewaja et al. 1975). Since they allow the use of reduced herbicide application rates, oils also im…

research product

Pénétration et migration des herbicides dans les végétaux

chap. 7; National audience

research product

Uncoupling properties of the herbicide N-n-Pentyl-N-Methyl-N'-(3,4-Dichlorophenyl)-Urea

International audience

research product

Self-emulsifying ethoxylates of rapeseed oil and methylated rapeseed oil as novel adjuvants for herbicides

International audience

research product

Influence de l'ion calcium sur l'efficacité de quelques herbicides

National audience

research product

Effet de basses températures sur le devenir du 2,4-D dans le Maïs

National audience

research product

An alteration in membrane fluidity can explain the various effects of the herbicides benzoylpropethyl and flampropisopropyl on plant mitochondria

International audience

research product

Les huiles en phytosanitaire: le cas des herbicides

National audience

research product

Les adjuvants : mirifiques , illusoires ou dangereux?

National audience

research product

Quelles sont les conditions optimales pour appliquer un herbicide ?

National audience

research product

L'absorption foliaire des herbicides

National audience

research product

Nouvelle technologie de formulation de l'association phenmediphame, desmediphame et ethofumesate pour le desherbage des betteraves

National audience

research product

Influence of triolein methyl-, ethyl- and propyloleate on the deposit shape and the foliar penetration of phenmedipham and quizalofop-ethyl

International audience

research product

Les remèdes à l'antagonisme Ca2+ - Glyphosate

National audience

research product

Herbicides des cereales, s'adapter au sol ou au climat

National audience

research product

Action of methomyl analogues on maize mitochondria

International audience

research product

Optimisation of herbicide use in France

International audience

research product

Adjuvants, quatre conseils pour bien les utiliser

National audience

research product

Diquat, aminotriazole, 2,4-D et glyphosate : quatre types d'herbicides systematiques

National audience

research product

La volatilite des esters d'herbicides hormonaux

National audience

research product

Les adjuvants au Columa: Une "première"

National audience

research product

Herbicide foliar absorption and transport in plants

research product

Contrôle chimique d'Ambrosia artemisiifolia en situation de non culture

National audience

research product

Formulations et adyuvants in herbicides

chap. 4; National audience

research product

Pourquoi des herbicides perdent-il leur efficacite ?

National audience

research product

Uptake and fate of triticonazole applied as seed treatment to spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

International audience

research product

Efficacité et sélectivité des herbicides

National audience

research product

Glyphosate et calcium : quelles solutions ? La dureté de l'eau continue de faire jaser et vendre

National audience

research product

Les principaux types d'adjuvants et leurs actions majeures

National audience

research product

Influence of ester derivatives of oleic-sunflover seedoil on the foliar penetration of herbicides

International audience

research product

Comment desherber par temps froid

National audience

research product

Ethoxylated rapeseed oil derivatives as novel adjuvants for herbicides

International audience

research product

Pénétration et migration du tebuconazole appliqué sur l'épi de blé

National audience

research product

Topographical geometric factors governing the biological activities of methomyl derivatives on binding receptors of maize mitochondria

Abstract The topographical study of the binding receptors of T and N mitochondria was undertaken with methomyl derivatives acting as molecular probes. The two biological activities related to topography and geometric isomerism are distinguishable from the receptor sites of T and N mitochondria.

research product

Huiles végétales et monoterpènes en formulation phytosanitaire

National audience

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