Gérard Lassibille
Student outcomes and learning in Lesotho's primary education
Satisfacción laboral en los países pobres: el caso de los docentes malgaches
Utilizando informaciones inéditas recopiladas en el marco de un amplio programa de mejora de la gestión del sistema educativo, este articulo analiza los niveles de satisfacción de los docentes de educación primaria en Madagascar. En base a la estimación de modelos multinivel, se identifican como principales factores de insatisfacción los bajos niveles salariales y las dificultades en el cobro, los elevados ratios alumno-profesor, la precariedad en el empleo, la carencia de formación continua y la falta de infraestructuras básicas y material docente. Las tareas de control realizadas por el director también afectan negativamente a la satisfacción, lo que apunta a que, en las escuelas malgache…
La gestion des processus pédagogiques
El valor del tiempo en la Universidad
L'ajustement de trends logistiques
Universidad y formacio de recursos humanos
Référence interne : 93091
Improving education management in Madagascar: results and implications of an impact evaluation
International audience
Is there a pilot in the classroom ?
En ligne sur : http://2012.economicsofeducation.com/user/pdfsesiones/064.pdf; Using data from a survey conducted recently in Madagascar, the article analyzes what teachers and school directors do when they are at work and how they manage the pedagogical process. The results show that in only 15 percent of the sample schools do all of the teachers and school directors consistently perform the tasks considered essential to their role. Engagement at work is found to be significantly lower among contract teachers than among civil service teachers, and the ability of teachers to manage the pedagogical process does not improve with accumulated experience. Other noteworthy features in the importan…
Book review : "Job access, workplace mobility, and occupational achievement" de Marteen van Ham
Education in Rwanda. Rebalancing Resources to Accelerate Post-Conflict Development and Poverty Reduction
International audience; Rwanda's recent history was marred by genocide in 1994, in which at least ten percent of the population lost their lives. Rebuilding the stock of human capital is an important part of the rehabilitation process, where the government has made efforts to broaden access to education, and enhance the quality of services. On the international stage, the education sector has also come into the limelight, specifically under the 2000 United Nations Millennium Declaration, and, the foregoing context presents clear challenges for education managers. The purpose of this report is to provide a factual basis for discussion. Noteworthy are the efforts to reduce grade repetition in…
Financiacion de la ensenanza superior en Francia
International audience
De l'inefficacité du système français d'enseignement supérieur
Rapport commandité par le CNRS; International audience
Evolución del rendimiento del capital humano en España desde 1981 a 1991
International audience
Système d'information statistique sur les dépenses d'éducation (SISDE) : note méthodologique
L'excédent de la demande d'éducation dans les pays en développement
Référence interne : 84054
The evolution of returns to education in Spain 1980-1991
STT Working Paper, n°01-99 (Université d'Orléans), janvier 1999; Based on data from the 1980 and 1990 Household Surveys, we analyze educational expansion in Spain and estimate earnings equations for male family heads ; then rates of return to education in both years are compared. Furthermore we decompose the over-all average earnings differential over time to verify to what extent the magnitude of changes is due to variations in the characteristics of the working population during the 1980-1991 period, and how much of that differential is explained by differences in the pay structure.
Schooling systems and the efficient provision of education and training : an international comparison
International audience
Education in Ethiopia: Strengthening the Foundation for Sustainable Progress
International audience; With the end of civil war in 1991, Ethiopia's government launched a New Education and Training Policy in 1994 which, by the early 2000s, had already produced remarkable results. The gross enrollment ratio rose from 20 to 62 percent in primary education between 1993-94 and 2001-02; and in secondary and higher education it climbed, respectively, from 8 to 12 percent and from 0.5 to 1.7 percent. Yet the government can hardly afford to rest on its laurels. Primary education is still not universal, and already there are concerns about plummeting educational quality and the growing pressures to expand post-primary education. Addressing these challenges will require more re…
Managing for results in Primary Education in Madagascar
The impact of specific actions designed to streamline and tighten the workflow processes of key actors in Madagascar's primary education sector are evaluated. To inform the strategy for scaling up, a randomized experiment was carried out over two school years. The results show that interventions at the school level, reinforced by interventions at the subdistrict and district levels, succeeded in changing the behavior of the actors toward better management of key pedagogical functions. In terms of education outcomes, the interventions improved school attendance, reduced grade repetition, and raised test scores (particularly in Malagasy and mathematics), although the gains in learning at the …
Time allocation during Higher education : a study of Brazilian, French and Spanish students
International audience; The results we present enable us to highlight common features and disparities in the way students from the three countries organize their time. While the lecture attendance time varies little from one country to another, it is different for other elements of time use. The Spaniards in particular seem to spend more time on personal work and the Brazilians more often have paid employment. The initial comparison should however be regarded as provisional in that no systematic correlation was made with educational policies in each country. Certainly, the lack of grants system in Brazil is linked to the significant amount of available time spent on salaried work but it wou…
Les évaluations internationales menées dans les pays pauvres sont-elles fiables ?
National audience; Cet article passe en revue les principales études internationales d'évaluation qui sont menées dans le contexte des pays pauvres, et souligne l'absence d'éléments empiriques permettant d'apprécier le degré d'appariement des tests aux programmes scolaires. A titre d'illustration, nous évaluons la sensibilité d'un test international en comparant les réponses apportées à un même instrument par des élèves qui fréquentent deux années d'études consécutives. En utilisant la méthode du score de propension, qui permet de controler les caractéristiques des élèves et des enseignants, nous montrons que le test est imparfaitement calibré, ce qui remet probablement en cause les conclus…
Rendimiento monetario de la educación en España en la última decada
Actes des 11ème rencontres universitaires sur l'économie de l'Europe du Sud, 1995, Faro; International audience
Student Learning in Public and Private Primary Schools in Madagascar
03058; International audience; This article examines the progress of primary education in Madagascar. The challenge facing policy makers is enormous: how to maintain (or indeed, improve) learning across schools within Madagascar based on the data from the Conference des Ministries de l'Education des Pays Ayant le Francais en Partage in five African countries where common tests were administered to second- and fifth-graders. Beyond documenting the aggregate differences across sectors, the extent to which differences across schools, particularly between those in the public and private sectors, are associated with pupils' socioeconomic background, difference sin school inputs, and gaps across …
L'économétrie des variables qualitatives
International audience
La production de diplômés à l'Université
référence interne : 83040
Prevision de los gastos de educacion primaria en el ano 2000 en les paises en desarrollo
International audience
Gastos y costes de la ensenanza
International audience
Prévisions des dépenses d'éducation prioritaire à l'horizon 2000 dans les pays en développement
Référence interne : 89080; L'objet de ce rapport est de fournir une évaluation chiffrée de la dépense publique que devraient supporter les pays en développement pour satisfaire la demande d'éducation primaire qui est prévue en l'an 2000, et d'estimer également le coût qu'impliquerait la généralisation de l'enseignement primaire à cette même époque.
La financiacion de la ensenanza superior en Andalucia : 1987-1993
International audience
The Returns to Education in Rwanda
05077; International audience; Based on data from the 1999–2001 Household Living Conditions Survey conducted by the Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning, we estimate wage equations for employees in Rwanda, treating the choice of employment sector as an endogenous process and making separate estimates for workers in the modern and traditional sectors of the economy. The results show that returns to education increase with the level of education, contrary to the pattern typically reported in the literature and that the returns to higher education is particularly high in Rwanda. A noteworthy feature in the results is that the returns to education are quite different across sectors of empl…
Los gastos de educacion a cargo de las familias
Managing for Results in Primary Education: Results of a Randomized Trial in Madagascar
International audience; Using information from a randomized experiment carried out over the course of two school years in Madagascar, this paper evaluates the impact of specific actions designed to streamline and tighten the work processes of public primary school directors. The results show that interventions at the school level, reinforced by interventions at the district and subdistrict levels, succeeded overall in changing school heads' behavior toward better management. However, the average impact hides important heterogeneity. The impact of the intervention was significantly larger among school heads who had a nonpermanent contract and among school principals who were responsible for …
Coste y Financiación de la Universidad Española
International audience
Une panoramica de los gastos privados de educacion en Andalucia
Référence interne : 96116
Les effets de la modification de la carte universitaire 1960-1975
International audience
Sur les méthodes d'estimation des taux d'analphabétisme dans le monde
Référence interne : 89043
A look at the cost and financing of spanish universities
International audience
Distribución y formación de rentas en España
n°6 de la collection "Documentos de Econometrica"; Documentos de Econometrica (Université de Saint Jacques de Compostelle), n°6; International audience
Aspecto general y evolución del consumo y de la renta en Andalucía
Wages in the industrial research sector : the case in engineers in Spain
Un modèle théorique de localisation optimale des établissements de l'enseignement supérieur
L'accès à la formation professionnelle continue dans le secteur de la construction : le cas de l'Espagne et du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg
série Panorama, analyse comparéeRéférence interne : 92091; Pour les deux pays concernés ces monographies analysent l'organisation de la formation professionnelle dans le secteur du BTP, les modalités d'accès à la formation et l'état du secteur. Des éléments de comparaison sont ensuite proposés.
Human capital models
International audience
Informe de Evaluacion Externa de la Pontificia Universidad Catolica Madre y Maestra
Référence interne : 08127
Jiào yù zhi chu tong jì xìn xi- xi tong
International audience
L'enseignement supérieur en Espagne et en France : une comparaison chiffrée
Rapport réalisé dans le cadre de l'action intégrée n° 161Référence interne : 89081
Améliorer la gestion de l'enseignement primaire à Madagascar
Despite considerable efforts which have been undertaken, Madagascar's primary education is facing major management problems which severely limit the chances of success of ongoing reforms and outcomes. The initiative, Improving Education Management in Madagascar (AGEMAD), attempts to address these issues. Before generalizing about this management system of the whole sector, the Ministry of Education wanted to assess the impact of implementing the initiative AGEMAD on the behavior of actors (teachers, principals, administrators, etc.) and student performance. To accomplish this, a large-scale experiment was designed and implemented. It monitored arrangements to assess the impact of different …
Los gastos privados de educación en Andalucía
International audience
Uso del tiempo y exito en la Universidad
Actes publiés dans "Anales de Economia Aplicada", Caja de Murcia, 1997. IV Reunión Anual de ASEPELT-ESPAÑA : Murcia, 19 y 20 de junio de 1990; International audience
An economists'view of schooling systems
International audience
Hacia una necesaria diferenciación del sistema español de enseñanza
International audience
La valorisation des investissements éducatifs par le marché : évidence empirique dans le contexte de l'Espagne
International audience
Book review : Youth unemployment and employment policy : a global perspective : Niall O'Higgins.
La participation des parents à l'éducation scolaire des enfants
Capital humain et productivité des entreprises congolaises et malgaches: Résultats d'après l'enquête ICA
El abandono en la enseñanza superior
International audience; El objetivo de este trabajo es avanzar en la comprension del fenomeno del abandono de los estudiantes en la ensefianza universitaria en Espafia, tratando de identificar sus principales determinantes. Nuestros resultados se hasan en los datos de una cohorte completa de alumnos que accedieron por primera vez a carreras de cielo corto y largo en una universidad representativa, y que fueron observados durante un periode 8 afios que finalizo en el2004. El amilisis econométrico se lleva a cabo en el marco de los modeles de duracion,mediante la estimaci6n de modeles de riesgos en competencia. Los resultados para los distintos tipos de carreras muestran que la preparaci6n ac…
Uso del tiempo y exito en la Universidad
International audience
La escuela com unidad de produccion
International audience
Les dépenses d'enseignement dans le monde
Capital humano y formación de rentas
International audience
Are private schools more efficient than public schools ? Evidence from Tanzania
International audience; Beginning in the mid-1980s, there has been an explosive growth of private secondary schools in Tanzania. By easing constraints on private operators, the government has clearly found an effective way in the context of right public budget constraints to cope with the excess demand for this level of schooling. But has the policy also led to efficient operations in terms of student learning ? In this paper, we attempt to shed light on this issue by comparing the efficiency of four types of schools that make up the majority of schools in the country : Government and Community schools in the public sector, and Chirstian and Wazazi schools in the private sector. Using longi…
Distribución y formación de rentas en Andalucía
L'extension de l'offre d'enseignement supérieur : causes ou conséquences des scolarisations
International audience
International Assessment Surveys of Educational Achievement in Developing Countries : Why Education Economists Should Care
International audience; This paper reviews the most known international assessment studies that are conducted in the context of poor countries and highlights the lack of empirical evidence on the degree to which the contents of the tests really match countries' curricula. To illustrate, the paper evaluates the sensitivity of an international testing instrument by comparing the responses of students in two consecutive grades on the same battery of tests. Using propensity score matching to control for student and teacher characteristics, the results show that the tests are not grade sensitive, which raises the question of the validity of many empirical works that are based on similar instrume…
La inversión en capital humano
Horizon 2000 : prévisions des dépenses d'éducation primaire dans les pays en développement
The aim of the present article is to provide a statistical assessmentof the amount of public money developing countries will nedd to spend in order to meet the estimated demand for primary education in the year 2000 and to evaluate the cost of providing universal primary education by that date.
Funciones de produccion en los centros de ensenanza superior Franceses
International audience
L'estimation de trends logistiques : une approche nouvelle d'un thème ancien
La aparicion de la ensenanza superior de masa
Escolarización, trabajo infantil y satisfacción en el empleo: evidencia para Etiopía 2008
08088 - ISBN : 978-84-691-651
International Assessment Surveys of Educational Achievement in Developing Countries
This paper reviews the most known international assessment studies that are conducted in the context of poor countries and highlights the lack of empirical evidence on the degree to which the contents of the tests really match countries' curricula. To illustrate, the paper evaluates the sensitivity of an international testing instrument by comparing the responses of students in two consecutive grades on the same battery of tests. Using propensity score matching to control for student and teacher characteristics, the results show that the tests are not grade sensitive, which raises the question of the validity of many empirical works that are based on similar instruments.
Organisation and Efficiency of Education Systems: Some empirical findings
Using a sample of countries chosen for their similar level of development, this article shows the extent to which the organisation of primary and secondary education differs from one country to another, notably with respect to the way in which systems differentiate and select pupils for specialised curricula. It also explores the question of whether an education system that sorts pupils at a very early age is more cost-effective than a system that does not sort pupils during compulsory education. The stylised description of national education systems is based on various sources of information. The data used in the cost analysis come from the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develo…
Un analisis de los gasto privados de educacion en Espana en 1991
Référence interne : 96098
Student outcomes in Philippine elementary schools: An evaluation of four experiments
International audience; Policymakers in most developing countries are concerned about high dropout rates and poor student learning in primary education. The government of the Philippines initiated the Dropout Intervention Program in 1990-92 as part of its effort to address these issues. Under this program, four experimental interventions were randomly assigned to 20 schools in selected low-income areas. Pre- and post-intervention data were collected from these schools, as well as from 10 control schools, in order to evaluate the program's impact on dropout behavior and student learning. The economic justification for replication appears to be strongest for the interventions that provided te…
Expansion of private secondary education : lessons from recent experience in Tanzania
International audience; The private sector's role in education has been the subject of much analysis and policy debate in recent years. In developing countries, public resources for education are limited and governments have traditionnally relied on private education, particularly at the post-basic levels, to meet the excess demand for education. Even when excess demand is not a major issue, advocates of private education note that private schools can be more efficient than their public sector counterparts, delivering more value in terms of student achievement per investment of resources. In this article we explore Tanzania's experience with private education during the early 1990s, a perio…
The teaching production in french institutions of higher education
International audience
Youth Transition from School to Work in Spain
Using a data set drawn from the Encuesta Socio-Demográfica conducted by the Instituto Nacional de Estadística in 1991, we analyze the labor market entrance of Spanish school leavers and the match between education and work at the early stages of working life. The empirical evidence shows that human capital exerts a strong influence on the duration of unemployment. With regard to the job match between education and work we find that young workers are more likely to be underutilized compared to their adult co-workers. Regression results indicate that people with higher education have, all else being equal, a lower probability of being overeducated and a shorter lenght of unemployment. They al…
Diseño del sistema educativo, abandono escolar y inserción escolar de los jovenes
05122; in La transición de los jovenes de 16 a 29 años hacia el empleo desde la inactividad (édité par J. Cañada Vicinay). Ministerio de Trabajo y Asuntos Sociales, Madrid, 2005, 350 pages., pp.1-20.
La distribucion de rentas de los asalariados y de los trabajadores por cuenta propia: un test de las teorias del filtro y del capital humano
International audience
Éléments pour une définition harmonisée des dépenses d'éducation
Référence interne : 94034; Ce rapport présente les concepts, les définitions et les procédures utiles à l'élaboration d'une comptabilité des dépenses d'éducation. Il se place sur un plan strictement méthodologique et ne cherche pas à aborder les problèmes posés par l'utilisation et l'interprétation des informations collectées. Mais comme on le comprendra aisément, en favorisant l'émergence de données financières assez homogènes, le compte permet d'améliorer la connaissance des flux financiers qui participent au développement de l'éducation, de chiffrer avec plus de précision les coûts de fonctionnement des systèmes et l'effort des pays en faveur de l'éducation, de planifier dans de meilleur…
La Producción de Educación
La asignacion del tiempo en la Universidad: el caso de los estudiantes brasilenos, espanoles y franceses
International audience
L'accès à la formation professionnelle continue dans le secteur de la construction
Población y capital humano en España
Se analiza las inversiones educativas en España desde una perspectiva histórica, haciendo referencia también a una comparación intenacional que permite resaltar algunos de los problemas que padece el sistema de enseñanza español respecto a los de las principales economías de su entorno. Después de describir el nivel de formación formal de la población adulta y de la población activa, se analiza los cambios que se han producido a largo plazo en la demanda de educación, haciendo una lectura comparada de los hechos a través de la organización del sistema educativo.
Les déterminants de la scolarisation en Afrique
Référence interne : 81020
Capital humain, comportements familiaux et formation des revenus
référence interne : 85058
Enquête longitudinale 2, la première année d'études, la réussite, l'abandon, l'échec
International audience
Actuar para mejorar la implicacion en el trabajo de los docentes: resultados diferenciados de un experimento randomizado
En ligne sur http://2013.economicsofeducation.com/user/pdfsesiones/106.pdf?PHPSESSID=vg6pgcqhd5dl52aenlhacj17k6; International audience; Utilizando datos de un experimento randomizado realizado en Madagascar durante dos años escolares completos, se evalúan las heterogeneidades de impacto de unas intervenciones específicamente diseñadas para mejorar la gestión del proceso pedagógico en la escuelas primarias. Nuestros resultados muestran que intervenciones intensivas y directas a lo largo de la jerarquía educativa permiten cambiar el comportamiento de los docentes de manera significativa. Sin embargo, el impacto medio del programa oculta una gran heterogeneidad. Los maestros que tenían pocos …
Expansion of Private Secondary Education: Lessons from Recent Experience in Tanzania
International audience; The private sector's role in education has been the subject of much analysis and policy debate in recent years. In developing countries, public resources for education are limited and governments have traditionnally relied on private education, particularly at the post-basic levels, to meet the excess demand for education. Even when excess demand is not a major issue, advocates of private education note that private schools can be more efficient than their public sector counterparts, delivering more value in terms of student achievement per investment of resources. In this article we explore Tanzania's experience with private education during the early 1990s, a perio…