Philippe Pointereau
"Messicoles" : Conservation des plantes messicoles dans les parcelles cultivées : caractérisation des systèmes de cultures favorables, rôles fonctionnels, perception par la profession.
Flore du blé d’hiver, les facteurs qui influencent sa composition et sa diversité
EA SPE EcolDur EJ2 CT3; National audience; Contexte - Cet article fait suite à une description, dans Phytoma n° 678, de l'évolution de la flore adventice du blé d hiver en France depuis quarante ans, basée sur le travail de Barralis & al. dans les années 1970 et celui du réseau Biovigilance Flore de 2002 à 2010. Il cherche à expliquer ces évolutions. Évolution de la flore - Ce travail a permis de confirmer et évaluer l'influence, sur la flore globale et sa diversité, de la zone géographique, des facteurs pédo-climatiques, du type d'agriculture et des pratiques culturales : notamment IFT herbicide (mesure de l'IC, indice de contrôle) et travail du sol. Analyse par espèce - Une analyse statis…
Segetal plant conservation in arable fields: functional role, farmers’ perception and farming systems
International audience; Segetal plants, or “messicoles” as they are known in French, are weedy inhabitants of wheat crops (mainly winter cereals). The national list of segetal species includes 102 taxa; of which 7 are extinct, 52 threatened, 30 to be kept under close observation and 12 abundant. Data on their distribution indicates that they are mostly in decline due to intensive farming systems. As their survival is intrinsically linked to farming systems, we need to improve knowledge on their relationships with land management in order to establish a sound scientific basis for protection tools, to support and guide farmer conservation measures and to disseminate concerns for segetal biodi…
« Messicoles » : conservation des plantes messicoles dans les parcelles cultivées : caractérisation des systèmes de cultures favorables, rôles fonctionnels, perception par la profession
Segetal plants, or “messicoles” as they are known in French, are weedy inhabitants of wheat crops (mainly winter cereals). The national list of segetal species includes 102 taxa; of which 7 are extinct, 52 threatened, 30 to be kept under close observation and 12 abundant. Data on their distribution indicates that they are mostly in decline. As their survival is intrinsically linked to farming systems, we need to improve knowledge on their relationships with land management in order to establish a sound scientific basis for protection tools, to support and guide farmer conservation measures and to disseminate concerns for segetal biodiversity to agro-environmental policymakers. We propose to…
Farmland abandonment in Europe: Identification of drivers and indicators, and development of a composite indicator of risk
Accounting for more than half of the European Union's (EU) territory, agriculture ensures food production, manages important natural resources and supports socio-economic development of rural areas. Moreover, it is estimated that 50% of all plant and animal species (including some of that are listed in the EU Habitat Directive) depend on agricultural practices. The continuation of appropriate agricultural land management is essential to ensure these primary functions. Avoidance of farmland abandonment is therefore an important rationale for the EU's Common Agricultural Policy which requires improved knowledge of this phenomenon at the European level. This study assesses the risk of farmland…