M. Melodia
P178 Remote monitoring as an effective management strategy in inflammatory bowel disease: the lesson from COVID-19 pandemic
Abstract Background During the COVID-19 outbreaks many IBD clinics in Italy adopted a remote monitoring approach both to ensure an adequate follow-up of patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) and respect the rules of social distancing, while access to hospital was restricted. Aim of the study was to perform a survey on IBD patients submitted to remote monitoring in our tertiary referral center in order to assess adherence and patients’ perceptions and satisfaction as well as their opinions for future monitoring. Changes in disease activity and Quality of Life were also evaluated. Methods Consecutive patients with IBD scheduled for follow-up visits were switched to remote monitoring …
Caratterizzazione del campo di induzione magnetica prodotto da cabine secondarie
L’articolo presenta una metodologia per la caratterizzazione del campo di induzione magnetica nei pressi di cabine secondarie di tipo a box prefabbricato in cemento armato vibrato, che costituisce un valido strumento per la verifica del rispetto degli obiettivi di qualità imposti dalla legislazione vigente.