C Spitaleri
Monosomia parziale 4p e trisomia parziale 22q: quadro elettroclinico
Il bullismo
Oloprosencefalia semilobare: aspetti elettroencefalografici
Benign nocturnal alternating hemiplegia of chilhood: A new case
A new case of Worster-Drought syndrome
Introduction: Worster-Drought syndrome (WDS) consists of a congenital pseudobulbar palsy and is usually associated with spastic tetraplegia, learning impairment, behavioural problems, and epilepsy. Congenital bilateral perisylvian syndrome (CBPS) is characterized by bilateral perisylvian polymicrogyria on imaging. Clark et al, have previously proposed a WDS spectrum that includes CBPS, speculating that it may be due to malformation of the perisylvian region due to various perinatal or congenital causes, whether demonstrable on imaging, or functional and not visible with current imaging techniques. Worster-Drought suggested that the syndrome is probably a developmental defect of the motor tr…
New perspectives in the studies of resonance scattering
We consider various possibilities for studies of nuclear structure in resonance reactions induced by radioactive beam. We discuss investigations on both sides of nuclear stability as well as studies of the a-cluster structure of light nuclei applying the reverse geometry thick target method.