Michele Marrapodi
"La lettera a teatro: il caso di 'Hamlet'"
Wandering in Illusions: The Complexity of The Comedy of Errors
"The 'Woman as Wonder' Trope: From Commedia Grave to Shakespeare's Pericles and the Last Plays"
Shakespeare, Milton, and the Romantic Imagination
Appropriating Italy: Towards a New Approach to Renaissance Drama, pp. 1-12.
"Mens sana in corpore sano": The Rhetoric of the Body in Shakespeare’s Roman and Late Plays
"Introduction: Shakespeare against Genres"
La Tempesta. Tradotta e messa in scena 1977-78, ed. Rosy Colombo, afterword by Anna Anzi, with a DVD of the 2008 Piccolo teatro production, Milan (Roma: Donzelli Editore, 2007).
“The Shakespeare of Giorgio Melchiori: From Critical Pluralism to the Pluralism of Art”.
Introduction: Intertextualizing Shakespeare's Text
Shakespeare and His Contemporaries, by Jonathan Hart, New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2011.
Profilo critico-bibliografico di Marcello Cappuzzo
The Aretinean Intertext and the Heterodoxy of The Taming of the Shrew.
Shakespeare's Romantic Italy: Novelistic, Theatrical, and Cultural Transactions in the Comedies, pp. 51-68.
"'Mens sana in corpore sano': the Rhetoric of the Body in Shakespeare's Roman and Late Plays"
In many of his stage settings Shakespeare appears to be obsessed by the idea, image, or concept of the body in its multiple literal and figurative aspects and by the dramaturgical potentiality of the language of corporeality. The rhetoric of the body does in fact lend itself to an impressive series of striking theatrical forms since it is innate to the physicality of performance and to the natural ‘spectacle’ of the dramatic actio. What indubitably makes the corporeal semantics of Shakespeare’s language even more fertile is the social, political, and ideological value acquired by this kind of rhetoric in the culture of the early Renaissance. In the history plays in particular the political …
The Ambivalence of Revenge and of the Avenger's Role in HAMLET: The Function of Letters and Emblematic Allusions
Introduction: Shakespearean Subversions.
William Shakespeare, Agostino Lombardo e Giorgio Strehler, LA TEMPESTA, tradotta e messa in scena 1977-78, a cura di Rosy Colombo, con una postfazione di Anna Anzi, Roma, Donzelli, 2007.
Thomas V. Cohen, Love and Death in Renaissance Italy, Chicago: Chicago UP, 2004. Seventeenth-Century News
Transazioni shakespeariane: dalla commedia grave alla tragicommedia
"Shakespeare e le Arti Sorelle. Rappresentazione pittorica e tensione ekfrastica in Othello e Cymbeline"
Beyond the Reformation: Italian Intertexts of the Ransom Plot in Measure for Measure