Giovanni Lascari
Metodi di certificazione a punteggio
Including sustainable criteria in territorial energy plans: an application to the building sector in Sicily
Conflicting needs of the thermal indoor environment of museums: In search of a practical compromise
Thermal indoor microclimate conditions in museum buildings refer to two important requirements: the preservation of works of art and the comfort of visitors to these buildings and/or those working inside them. Unfortunately, different works of art have different internal parameters which render the management and control of the indoor thermal microclimate difficult. In this work the values proposed by various standards for the thermal environment of museum buildings have been revised. Moreover, the indoor microclimatic conditions relating to people's comfort have been described, with the aim of singling out possible common ranges for these parameters. With this aim, a useful simultaneousnes…
An integrated and shared approach to sea of the regional town master plan of Sicily
The work addresses one of the most important problems in contemporary environmental land planning. Already existing procedures, in fact, must now conform to the new requirements imposed by the recent national and international regulations and standards that call for a more conscious approach to the use of natural resources. Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), for example, takes into account, the different effects of a plan in various fields such as the environment, the economy and the development. This obviously calls for global analysis tools that could help administrators, stakeholders and technicians in the decision-making process of such complex systems. SEA of the Town Master Pla…
An ex post criticism, based on stakeholders’ preferences, of a residential sector’s energy master plan: the case study of the Sicilian region
Energy master plans are important tools for an effective and sustainable land governance. On the other hand, the stakeholder role in setting priorities for planning energy interventions is dramatically increasing, also in the light of recently issued European directives. The priorities of energy-saving measures of the Sicilian energy and environmental master plan were originally established with the application of typical economic indicators (the cost of saved energy and the cost of avoided pollutant emissions). During the prioritization process, there was a minor contribution from stakeholders who were not directly involved in the priority-setting process but were only asked to express the…
Greening a university campus: trends of energy consumption and possible sustainable paths
Recent years have seen an increasing public interest in issues related to energy saving and environmental pollution reduction of public buildings, such as those in university campuses, that should set an example of sustainable development. University campuses are usually characterized by the daily presence of a high number of people working and living in a relatively limited area. They are sites of a wide spread of functions, ranging from teaching to laboratory activities, from housing and food preparation to local transportation. All these activities require remarkable amount of energy that, actually, are not always utilized with the best possible efficiency. This calls for a deep reconsid…
Efficienza energetica degli edifici - Istruzioni per l'uso. Prestazioni e certificazioni: arriva la Norma UNI EN 15217:2007. Che si aggiunge ai dlgs 192 e 311.
Energia solare a scala urbana: metodi di stima della percentuale di utilizzo delle coperture degli edifici
Energia solare in area urbana. Tecniche GIS per la stima del potenziale.
A model for predicting the potential diffusion of solar energy systems in complex urban environments
Abstract The necessity to reduce greenhouse gases emission produced by energy building consumptions and to cut the energy bill (mainly due to the use of fossil sources) leads to the employment of renewable energy sources in new planned scenarios. In particular, more and more often municipal energy and environmental plans pay great attention to the possibilities of employment of the solar technologies at urban scale. Solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV) systems are, by far, the most suitable tools to be utilized in urban areas. Obviously, the proper adoption of such systems in buildings does call for the availability of calculation methods suitable to provide the actual level of exploitation …