Valentina Lo Mauro
Rassegna Internazionale di Gruppoanalisi: Il Dono: psicologia ed economia
Recensione: Corbella S. (2003) Storie e luoghi del gruppo. Raffaello Cortina, Milano
Un intervento sul benessere organizzativo nei contesti penitenziari
Recensione: Fonzi A. (2001) Le parole sommerse. Incontro fra una psicologa e una bambina diversa. Giunti, Firenze.
Misunderstanding Situations in Culture and Cultural Care
This article focuses on cultural misunderstanding in care relations, starting from the analysis of the effects misunderstanding causes in the relation between doctor and migrant patient. The Western medical model tends to be based on objective data, which can be diagnosed through more and more precise and detailed techniques, but it excludes human and cultural aspects of subjectivity and relation from care. This exclusion creates distance, which increases when doctor and patient do not share a cultural homogeneity but differ for their language and the way they conceive their body, health, and disease. By showing some clinical examples, this contribution points out how specialized competence…
Dal curare al prendersi cura
Recensione: Lingiardi V. (2002) L’alleanza terapeutica. Teoria, clinica, ricerca. Cortina, Milano.
La relazione e il malinteso: le competenze relazionali e negoziali del mediatore
Essere fuori luogo. Appunti di clinica della migrazione
Viene analizzato il vissuto del migrante proveniente da altri luoghi e altre culture nell'impatto con la società occidentale. In particolare si analizzano gli aspetti legati all'integrazione, i conflitti esistenti tra il mondo originario e il luogo di accoglienza e la condizione che lascia il migrante sospeso tra il paese che lo accoglie e quanto di reale, simbolico o mitico egli porta con sé
Developing professional identity through group experiential learning: A Group-Analytic experiential training approach for use with postgraduate clinical psychology students
This article describes a Group-Analytic, experiential and non-directive training approach taken with postgraduate clinical psychology students in training. Based on median/large group settings, it is aimed at promoting the development of psychology students’ professional identities. It uses a particular form of experiential learning beyond the rational and cognitive aspects of traditional didactic teaching in order to stimulate students’ own involvement in the integration of their thoughts, feelings and attitudes. From a Group-Analytic perspective, the group is conceived of as an organic entity. The convenor takes up a less intrusive and non-directive role in comparison to a traditional sem…
Hârat al gadîdah. Luoghi della memoria e della cura
La storia di Malinké. Operazioni di articolazione e connessione all’interfaccia tra mondi
L’intervento di formazione nelle comunità terapeutiche e la produzione di benessere relazionale
A group-analytic experiential training model for undergraduates psychology programs
The destiny of the subjectivity and the life of relationship in the globalized financial economic device.
The present contribution intends to introduce to a reflection on the relationship between culture and personality, on the historicity of the contents that structure all the different levels of subjectivity (individual, interpersonal and transpersonal) beginning from the experience of the EATGA Workshop 2011 that took place in Palermo and that hads as its theme “Intersubjective bonds in the globalized economy”. Following studies and research on the role of the cultural phenomena in the formation of the psyche, in the life of relationship and in the work of transcultural analysis, the EATGA Workshop 2011 have introduced important elements of discontinuity. The theme, that structures the exper…
Note dal Seminario Manifestazioni dell'istantaneità nella fenomenologia della patologia borderline. Frammenti artistici
Rassegna internazionale di Gruppoanalisi
Recensione: Severino, E., Trentini, G. (a cura di) (2001) Valori e nichilismo. Franco Angeli, Milano
La funzione riflessiva nelle organizzazioni. La capacità di mentalizzare come fattore di protezione del rischio stress lavoro-correlato
Il razionale e il ragionevole nei procedimenti di mediazione
Coppo, P. (2003) Tra Psiche e Cultura. Elementi di etnopsichiatria, Bollati Boringhieri,
Setting terapeutici come luoghi di ancoraggio comunitario. Esperienze cliniche con pazienti migranti
Legame, relazione e conflitto
Recensione: Gutmann, D., Iarussi, O. (1999) La trasformazione. Psicoanalisi, desiderio e management nelle organizzazioni., Edizioni Sottotraccia
Recensione: Ronchi E., Ghilardi A. (a cura di) (2003) Professione psicoterapeuta. Il lavoro di gruppo nelle istituzioni. Franco Angeli, Milano
Rassegna Internazionale di Gruppoanalisi: gruppi e sogno
Recensione: Coppo, P. (2003) Tra Psiche e Cultura. Elementi di etnopsichiatria, Bollati Boringhieri, Torino
The life of relationship in globalized financial economic devices: Evidences from the experience of a group-analytic transcultural workshop
The present contribution - starting from the experience of the EATGA Workshop 2011 that took place in Palermo and that had as its theme “Intersubjective bonds in the globalized economy” - invites to reflect on the quality of the life of relationship and intersubjective connectedness in social contemporary world. One of the characterizing cultural phenomena influencing contemporary reality is made up by the dominant and pervasive presence of logic and language of financial markets in policies and activities that organize and articulate daily life. Theoretical hypothesis driving our research is that the structures of subjectivity, the meaning and the way of being in a relationship are charact…
Il malinteso tra cultura ed emozioni
The misunderstanding between culture and emotions The aim of this article is the study of the cultural misunderstanding in care relationships, beginning from the analysis of the misunderstanding effects on physician-immigrant patient relations, for example the therapy interruption, the incomprehensibility of symptoms. The western medical model tends to be based on objective data, which can be diagnosed through increasingly precise and detailed techniques, but it excludes the human and cultural aspects from care relationships. This exclusion produces distance, which is increased by both the absence of a cultural homogeneity and the presence of different languages and different body, health a…