Esteban Pérez Delgado
Efectividad del programa para el desarrollo moral
Se lleva a cabo una intervención en dos condiciones diferentes, una será la “intervención moral” que constará de 10 sesiones en dos meses a sesión semanal, y la otra será la “mixta” que será de contenido moral y desarrollo del autoconcepto y autoestima. Los sujetos de la muestra se encuentran en torno a los 22/23 años y en 4º curso de licenciatura. En la intervención moral, se han estudiado 56 sujetos, de los cuales se han obtenido las puntuaciones pre- post de cada uno de los estadios de razonamiento moral, en pensamiento convencional y en madurez moral. Después de las sesiones de educación moral se ha obtenido que se han producido cambios significativos en el estadio 3, el grupo que parti…
Una intervención en el campo del desarrollo moral y del autoconcepto
Here we find the results obtained as a consequence of the interference in the development of moral judgment and self-concept of two university groups. The tools used for the evaluation of this intervention were 'Defining Issue Test (DIT)' by J. Rest and 'The Auto Concept Scale' by Fitts. The data indicates that short interventions are more efficient if they act on a single aspect than if they address several simultaneously. The progress in self-concept and in moral maturity verifies the effectiveness of the applied programs. This insinuates the close relationship between cognitive and affective variables in the moral and personal development of those studied. RESUMEN: Se ofrecen aquí los re…
Resultados generales de las intervenciones
El objetivo central es ver los cambios obtenidos en el desarrollo del juicio moral. Para la medida del desarrollo del juicio moral se ha utilizado el Cuestionario de Problemas Sociomorales (DIT) de Rest en un total de 17 intervenciones y dos grupos control. La muestra está formada por 566 escolares de 8º de EGB y de BUP, la intervención se ha realizado dentro del contexto escolar, en los horarios de clase y conforme a un programa preestablecido en cuanto a contenidos y a método. Respecto a los resultados, hay grupos en los que se han producido resultados significativos en alguno de los estadios y otros grupos en los que no ha habido cambios. En conclusión, se han producido diferencias signi…
Efecte del tipus d'estudi (batxillerat/Formació Profesional) en el desenvolupament del Judici Moral d'una població d'adolescents.
This study seeks to evaluate and analyze the link between moral judgment development in a group of secondary students from the centre of the Valencian Autonomous Region. The results show the level of moral reasoning of the individuals, which is situated in general at the conventional level of moral reasoning; although the first group reasoned more frequently than the other with post-conventional criteria. On the other hand, it has been shown that post-conventional moral thought progressively increases as the level of formal education rises. The students of Bachillerato have a significantly higher score in post- conventional thought and moral maturity, and lower in conventional thought. 'RES…
Gordon W. Allport en los orígenes de una Psicología moral basada en rasgos de personalidad.
This essay presents the position of Gordon Allport (1937) towards the conclusions of Harshorne and May's Character Education Inquiry (1928-1930). This American psychologist offers an alternative to the 'conductism' of these authors, to explain moral conduct based on a psychology of traits, in other words, from the constancy guaranteed by the personality traits of the subjects. The issue is situated, in general terms, in the controversy between situationists and generalists among the theorists of personality psychology. Allport is a clear supporter of the generalist position against the 'situationism' of the conductists. RESUMEN En este trabajo se presenta el posicionamiento de Gordon Allpor…
Diferencias de género en la empatía y su relación con el pensamiento moral y el altruismo
The object of this present study is to evaluate the relationship between cognitive and affective components of moral development and the altruist tendency. Using scientific literature that points out important gender differences in empathic tendency, it seeks to verify if the difference in gender affects the empathic response of our adolescent population. The empathic study has been carried out with a group of 339 adolescents, 159 males and 180 females, during the school years from 8th year of General Basic Education, to the 3rd year of Higher Basic Education (Bachillerato). The results indicate that women are more empathic than men, independent of the gender of the victim who is the object…
Educación familiar y desarrollo de la afectividad en los hijos.
The object of this study, after explaining the meaning of the term empathy and mentioning the different existing types, is to establish the connection between different education styles and the empathic capacity of Spanish adolescents. Love, control and hostility are the different education styles taken into account. To this purpose 349 adolescents, 175 girls and 174 boys between the ages of 12 and 17, are evaluated. During the academic year 95-96, all these students were studying their respective years from the 8th year of General Basic Education, to the 3rd year of Higher Basic Education (Bachillerato), in government funded private schools. The selection made was carried out by the conglo…
Interiorización de valores y desarrollo moral
Este estudio pretende contrastarse con el de Perez-Delgado y Mestre (1993) y su finalidad es averiguar si los estadios del razonamiento moral están asociados a subgrupos de valores a los que los sujetos asignan prioridad y comprobar si tiene algo que ver el nivel de juicio moral con los valores que los sujetos señalan como más relevantes. Para ello se cuenta con una muestra de 809 adolescentes y jóvenes adolescentes, todos ellos estudiantes, de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se le ha pasado dos cuestionarios de forma colectiva y manteniendo las mismas normas para todos: “cuestionario de problemas sociomorales” en su versión española y la “escala de valores de Rokeach”. Los resultados de este estu…
Diferencias psicológicas en razón del Género : una visión multidimensional de la empatía en adolescentes
The last decades have seen a growing interest develop to consider empathy as a multidimensional entity. This essay is situated in this framework of theory, and has as its object to evaluate the differences of gender and age in the cognitive and emotional factors of empathy during adolescence. The tool used for this study is Davis' 'Impersonal Reactivity Index' (1980), which includes four factors: perspective taking, fantasy, empathic concern and personal distress. The results show that gender is a more relevant variable than age during the period evaluated. The differences indicate a higher empathic tendency in women, especially in emotional components. RESUMEN: En las última décadas se ha …
Origenes históricos del libro de J. Piaget 'el juicio moral en el niño': sus fuentes filosóficas y científicas
This essay presents an exploratory study of the historic foundations of J. Piaget's moral psychology, using chiefly his work 'The child's moral judgment'. In particular the religious, philosophical and scientific foundations of his work are looked into. This is partly done using a bibliometric methology, but also carrying out a study of content. The study shows how Piaget's initial hypotheses originate in his fundamental philosophical difficulties, which arise during his university years. Later, Piaget looks for answers in a programme of scientific design, the results of which are in contrast with those obtained by other scientists with interest in the subject, such as E. Durkheim. RESUMEN:…
Cuestionarios de contenido moral en la Psicología anterior a la Primera Guerra Mundial
This essay describes the first surveys of moral content conducted towards the end of the 19th Century and beginnings of the 20th Century. It explains that these measuring tools arise during the educational period, as a response to juvenile delinquency problems on the threshold of the 1st World War. Arising as an urgent response to social conflicts by the educational field, this essay reveals that the surveys are not covered by any psychological theory and, on the other hand, are basically orientated to measuring the moral understanding of children and adolescents, and not the evolution of structures that generate the moral development of those studied. This last is covered by the psycho-evo…
Función del nivel educativo y del sexo en el desarrollo moral de los adolescentes
This present study seeks to approach the study of moral judgment development and the different variables that modulate said development. The main objective is to discover to what extent gender and the level of education are related to moral and personal growth in adolescents. The empirical study is conducted with a small group of secondary students (n=524), boys and girls. Results show that the two variables being studied (gender and education) are linked with the moral judgment development of the subjects. Women showed a tendency to guide their moral reasoning by higher principles. The education that the adolescents receive also clearly influences their moral and personal development. RESU…
Conocimiento y afecto en el desarrollo moral de las personas : efectos diferenciadores del sexo en cuanto a la empatía y al pensamiento moral
The central objective is the evaluation of moral judgment and the disposition to respond in an empathic way in the adolescent population, with regard to two variables: gender and age. The sample consists of 339 individuals (men and women) that study the following courses: primary education (94 individuals), years 5-6 (51 individuals), year 7 (45 individuals), year 8 (66 individuals), year 9 (60 individuals) and year 10 (23 individuals): all of ages between 12 and 19. The tools used are: Defining Issue Test (DIT) by J. Rest (1979), Empathy index for children and adolescents by Bryant (1982), Auto report of Altruism by Rushton (1981). Regarding the results, it is again observed that adolescen…