Geoffroy Caruso

S-ghost city : self-generating housing, open space and transportation in the city

International audience; S-GHOST city is a theoretical simulation model aimed at investigating the spatial patterns of urban growth. A gridded (cellular) 2D space is considered, with a CBD located at a crossroad. Households arrive sequentially in the city and choose their location by maximizing a utility function subject to a budget constraint. Households have preference for open-space and for the public goods that are located in their neighbourhood. They bear a cost for commuting to the CBD along the road network. As households migrate into this growing city, agricultural plots are converted to residential use, and the public authorities create a continuous network of roads so as to provide…

research product

Transition phases and leapfrogging in urban sprawl patterns : a simulation and analytical approach with SGHOST

International audience

research product

Morphological similarities between DBM and an economic geography model of city growth (Lecture notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, 4)

International audience; An urban microeconomic model of households evolving in a 2D cellular automata allows to simulate the growth of a metropolitan area where land is devoted to housing, road network and agricultural/green areas. This system is self-organised: based on individualistic decisions of economic agents who compete on the land market, the model generates a metropolitan area with houses, roads, and agriculture. Several simulation are performed. The results show strong similarities with physical Dieletric breackdown models (DBM). In particular, phase transitions in the urban morphology occur when a control parameter reaches critical values. Population density in our model and the …

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