Hugo Castaneda
Development of an Automatic Pollen Classification System Using Shape, Texture and Aperture Features
International audience; Automatic detection and classification of pollen species has value for use inside of palynologic allergen studies. Traditional labeling of different pollen species requires an expert biologist to classify particles by sight, and is therefore time-consuming and expensive. Here, an automatic process is developed which segments the particle contour and uses the extracted features for the classification process. We consider shape features, texture features and aperture features and analyze which are useful. The texture features analyzed include: Gabor Filters, Fast Fourier Transform, Local Binary Patterns, Histogram of Oriented Gradients, and Haralick features. We have s…
Profiles, motives and experiences of authors publishing in predatory journals: OMICS as a case study
International audience; The paper aims to understand the context and drivers of researchers' decision to submit a manuscript to a predatory journal. Using OMICS as a case study and asking authors for their views, the paper presents their profile, motivations and publishing experiences. The methodology is based on a questionnaire sent by email to all authors of articles published in OMICS (+2200). The authors were asked about 1/ the factors that influenced their decision to submit their article, 2/ their publishing predatory journal. At the same time, it reveals some of the strategies used by OMICS to persuade authors to submit their papers. The findings will help to inform institutional pol…