Münzel Thomas
Effect of a Strategy of Comprehensive Vasodilation vs Usual Care on Mortality and Heart Failure Rehospitalization Among Patients With Acute Heart Failure
Importance Short-term infusions of single vasodilators, usually given in a fixed dose, have not improved outcomes in patients with acute heart failure (AHF). Objective To evaluate the effect of a strategy that emphasized early intensive and sustained vasodilation using individualized up-titrated doses of established vasodilators in patients with AHF. Design, Setting, and Participants Randomized, open-label blinded-end-point trial enrolling 788 patients hospitalized for AHF with dyspnea, increased plasma concentrations of natriuretic peptides, systolic blood pressure of at least 100 mm Hg, and plan for treatment in a general ward in 10 tertiary and secondary hospitals in Switzerland, Bulgari…
Evaluation of oral anticoagulation therapy: Rationale and design of the thrombEVAL study programme
Since decades, oral anticoagulation (OAC) with vitamin K antagonists (VKA) is an established therapy for both prevention and treatment of thromboembolism in daily clinical routine. Increasing life expectancy, demographic changes, and novel oral anticoagulants have led to an increasing complexity of medical therapy. However, data on quality and management of VKA therapy with phenprocoumon in current medical care are limited. Our aim is to investigate the quality of OAC with VKA in current health care and to evaluate the potential for improvements.The investigator-initiated thrombEVAL study programme comprises two cohorts of patients treated with vitamin K antagonists for oral anticoagulation…
Psychodynamic Motivation and Training program (PMT) for the secondary prevention in patients with stable coronary heart disease: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial of feasibility and effects.
Background Nonpharmacological secondary prevention of coronary heart disease is considered a safe and effective measure to substantially reduce mortality. Despite the effectiveness of lifestyle changes, the compliance rate of patients is very low mainly due to psychosocial barriers. Psychotherapeutic approaches that address how persons think about themselves and their behaviors appear to have a significant potential for improving health behavior. Methods/design Against this background, our study aims to examine the feasibility and effects of a Psychodynamic Motivation and Training program (PMT) as compared to one session of advice in exercise training (EX) and treatment as usual (TAU). For …