G Marino
Livelli ridotti di cistatina C nell’infarto miocardico acuto vs. angina instabile, aneurisma aortico e controlli normali
The Attenuation of the Bronchodilatory Effect of Deep Inspiration (DI) in COPD Is Related to Reduced Airway Distensibility as Measured by HRCT
Prevalenza di fattori di rischio e variazione temporale dei parametri lipidici in una serie consecutiva di 350 infarti acuti del miocardio registrati in una unita’ intensiva di Palermo.
Effects of dialysis on the cardiovascular risk of uremic patients: increase in levels of remnant particles
Molecular Modelling on Leptin and the Ob Receptor as anti-obesity target
Obesity is a chronic pathology with multi-factorial aetiology, characterized by extreme body weight due to storing of fat in the adipose tissue, caused by an increase of caloric income, decrease of energetic intake, or both. The body weight control is a mechanism finely regulated by several hormonal, metabolic, and nervous pathways. Recessive homozygous mutations in the ob/ob and db/db mouse strain cause extreme obesity. The products of the ob and db genes are leptin and its receptor, respectively (1,2). The leptin receptor is critical for energy homeostasis and regulation of food uptake. Leptin is a 16 kDa hormone that is mainly secreted by fat cells into the bloodstream. Under normal circ…
Low-density-lipoprotein peak particle size in a Mediterranean population.
Background: The predominance of small, dense low-density lipoprotein (LDL) particles ('LDL phenotype B') has been associated with a three-fold increased risk of myocardial infarction, but the feasibility of the identification of small, dense LDL as independent predictors of coronary artery disease risk in population studies remains questioned. Design: We evaluated the LDL peak particle size and its relation with other established risk factors for coronary heart disease in a group of 156 randomized subjects living on the Mediterranean island of Ustica (71 males and 85 women, range of age 20-69 years), representing approximately 30% of the total population. Results: The prevalence of LDL phen…
The body weight control is a mechanism thinly regulated by several hormonal, metabolic, and nervous pathways (1). Recessive homozygous mutations in the ob/ob and db/db mouse strain cause extreme obesity. The products of the ob and db genes are leptin and its receptor, respectively. The leptin receptor is crucial for energy homeostasis and regulation of food uptake. Leptin is a 16 kDa hormone that is mainly secreted by fat cells into the bloodstream. Under normal circumstances, circulating leptin levels are proportionate to the fat body mass. Sensing of elevated leptin levels by the hypothalamic neurocircutry activates a negative feedback loop resulting in reduced food intake and increased e…
Descrizione di una famiglia siciliana con iper-alfa-lipoproteinemia con deficit di CETP
Description of a sicilian family with hyper-alpha-lipoproteinemia with deficit of CETP activity
Effetti della dialisi sul rischio cardiovascolare nei pazienti uremici: aumento delle particelle remnants
Le variazioni dei valori dell’assetto lipidico durante la risposta di fase acuta post-infarto miocardico acuto sono accompagnate da modifiche nel size delle LDL
Plant-based water stress sensing in two olive cultivars with different physiological responses to drought
A large portion of modern olive plantings is dominated by one main cultivar (‘Arbequina’) planted at super high density (SHD, 1,500 tree ha‑1), leading to a dangerous reduction in olive biodiversity. Very few cultivars have growth and productive patterns that suit the SHD system requirements. Partial intensification and mechanization with several cultivars may represent the safest and easiest alternative. The efficient use of limited natural resources, such as water, in SHD systems, requires precise management. Continuous plant-based sensing is a promising approach to managing water, mainly tested on the cultivar ‘Arbequina’. In this study, we evaluated the sensitivity of two promising indi…
Levels of b-sitosterol in a sicilian sample of hyper-cholesterolemic patients
Low prevalence of the atherogenic small, dense LDL in a mediterranean population. Nutrition, Metabolism and Cardiovascular Diseases
Cystatin C levels are decreased in acute myocardial infarction: Effect of cystatin C G73A gene polymorphism on plasma levels
Background: Cystatin C is the most abundant protease inhibitor in the plasma. Low plasma levels have been found in patients with aortic aneurysms and they seem correlated with the extension of the aortic lesions in early aneurysms detected by ultrasonography. Methods: In this study, plasma levels of cystatin C have been investigated in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI), unstable angina and controls. The effect on plasma levels of the G73A polymorphism of the CST3 gene has been also evaluated. Results: Patients with acute myocardial infarction showed significantly lower levels of cystatin C compared to unstable angina and controls, but levels were nearly normal in a week after …
Bassa prevalenza delle LDL aterogene piccole e dense in una popolazione mediterranea
Eastern Mediterranean Transient-type events over the last five centuries
Mediterranean carbonate system dynamics and planktonic biocalcification during the last 19,000 years
Descrizione di un modello minimo per lo studio della cinetica dei chilomicroni dopo pasto grasso
Livelli di b-sitosterolo in una popolazione siciliana di pazienti ipercolesterolemici
High resolution computed tomography quantitation of emphysema is correlated with selected lung function values in stable COPD.
BACKGROUND: The literature shows conflicting results when high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) scores of emphysema were correlated with different indices of airflow obstruction. OBJECTIVES: We correlated HRCT scores of emphysema with different indices of airflow obstruction. METHODS: We performed HRCT of the chest in 59 patients, all smokers or ex-smokers, with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease of different severity [GOLD stages I-IV; mean age ± SD 67.8 ± 7.3 years; pack/years 51.0 ± 34.6; percent predicted forced expiratory volume in 1 s (FEV(1)% predicted) 52.3 ± 17.6; post-bronchodilator FEV(1)% predicted 56.5 ± 19.1; FEV(1)/forced vital capacity (FVC) ratio 50.8 ± 10.2;…