Antti Lehtinen

Guiding Student Thinking Through Teacher Questioning When Learning with Dynamic Representations

Dynamic representations (e.g., dynamic geometry software GeoGebra for mathematics learning and PhET simulations for science learning) offer excellent opportunities for students to conduct investigations and to formulate explanations for the visualized phenomena. In order for this to be effective, students need guidance, for example, for planning their investigations and reflecting on their actions. One way to support students is by prompting them by using questions that are adapted to the students’ current situation. This chapter focuses on how pre-service teachers provide guidance for students through questioning and by both structuring and problematizing student learning. Data comes from …

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Learner-generated drawings in physics education

Different kinds of visual representations, such as graphs and drawings are important in education but especially in science education. Little attention is paid especially to drawings. Students are required to examine drawings and assimilate the information conveyed by them but not much attention is paid to the students’ own drawings. Arguments can be made for the importance of learner-generated drawings in science education. The subject of this thesis is the use of learner-generated drawings in physics education. A study was conducted to study the use of learner-generated drawings as a tool for meaning-making. The study involved 36 upper secondary school students who were given a drawing as…

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DigiPhysLab : kokeellista fysiikkaa kännykällä

Koronapandemia pakotti yliopistot ympäri maailman muuttamaan toimintatapojaan ja siirtymään etäopetukseen sukupolvelle ennennäkemättömässä laajuudessa. Erityisesti kokeellisen fysiikan kurssien osalta pakotettu etätyöskentely tuli useimmille fysiikan laitoksille puskista, eikä valmista toimivaa ratkaisua kokeellisen työskentelyn tekemiseen muualla kuin kampuksen laboratoriotilassa ollut. nonPeerReviewed

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The focus and timing of gaze matters : Investigating collaborative knowledge construction in a simulation-based environment by combined video and eye tracking

Although eye tracking has been successfully used in science education research, exploiting its potential in collaborative knowledge construction has remained sporadic. This article presents a novel approach for studying collaborative knowledge construction in a simulation-based environment by combining both the spatial and temporal dimensions of eye-tracking data with video data. For this purpose, we have investigated two undergraduate physics student pairs solving an electrostatics problem in a simulation-based environment via Zoom. The analysis of the video data of the students’ conversations focused on the different collaborative knowledge construction levels (new idea, explication, eval…

research product

Differences in teacher telling according to students' age

Teacher telling can support but also hinder learning. In inquiry activities, telling that removes productive struggle may be problematic. In this study, different aged students experimented in a digital learning environment to build rules for a balance beam. We examined how the amount of teacher telling vary according to students’ age and the sophistication level of the rule. We collected video data from 21 pre-service teachers when each of them guided eight, 10, and 12 year old students. We found that the amount of teacher telling generally was not related to students’ age. However, when considering teacher guidance for more sophisticated rules, teacher telling was related to students’ age…

research product

A framework for designing experimental tasks in contemporary physics lab courses

While lab courses are an integral part of studying physics aiming at a huge variety of learning objectives, research has shown that typical lab courses do not reach all the desired goals. While diverse approaches by lab instructors and researchers try to increase the effectiveness of lab courses, experimental tasks remain the core of any lab course. To keep an overview of these developments and to give instructors (and researchers) a guideline for their own professional efforts at hand, we introduce a research-informed framework for designing experimental tasks in contemporary physics lab courses. In addition, we demonstrate within the scope of the EU-co-funded DigiPhysLab-project how the f…

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Näkymätön näkyväksi : opettajaopiskelijoiden uskomuksia ja aikomuksia luonnontieteen ja kuvataiteen ilmiölähtöisestä oppimisprojektista

Oppiminen ei muutu ilmiölähtöiseksi pelkästään kirjaamalla tällainen tavoite opetussuunnitelmiin. Lisäksi vaaditaan ainakin, että opettajat ymmärtävät opetussuunnitelman ilmiölähtöisyyttä ja toimivat sen mukaisesti. Tässä artikkelissa paneudumme opettajaopiskelijoiden ilmiölähtöiseen opettamiseen liittyviin uskomuksiin ja niiden vaikutukseen aikomukseen opettaa ilmiölähtöisesti. Kontekstina on Jyväskylän yliopiston Opettajankoulutuslaitoksella toimiva Checkpoint Leonardo -hanke. Aineisto kerättiin suunnitellun käyttäytymisen teoriaan pohjautuvalla kyselyllä (n = 14) ilmiölähtöiseen oppimiseen ja opettamiseen liittyvistä opiskelijoiden asenteista, säännöistä ja normeista sekä kontrolleista. …

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Onko asenteen merkitys vakio? Asenteiden ja oppimistulosten välinen yhteys luonnontieteissä eri maaryhmissä

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Guidance Provided by Teacher and Simulation for Inquiry-Based Learning: a Case Study

Current research indicates that inquiry-based learning should be guided in order to achieve optimal learning outcomes. The need for guidance is even greater when simulations are used because of their high information content and the difficulty of extracting information from them. Previous research on guidance for learning with simulations has concentrated on guidance provided by the simulation. Little research has been done on the role of the teacher in guiding learners with inquiry-based activities using simulations. This descriptive study focuses on guidance provided during small group investigations; pre-service teachers (n = 8) guided third and fifth graders using a particular simulatio…

research product

Pre-service teachers and guided inquiry-based science teaching with simulations

The aim of this dissertation was explore the beliefs and practices of pre-service primary teachers on using simulations as a part of guided inquiry-based lessons. Even though research has shown that using simulations to learn science offers certain learning benefits compared to other forms of instruction, their use in Finnish schools is still rare compared to the international average. Teacher training has the potential to promote the use of simulations in primary classrooms. Internationally, research has been called for the role of teachers in learning and teaching with simulations. As a part of this dissertation, an intervention was designed to accustom a group of pre-service teachers to …

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Tutkimuksellisuus luonnontieteissä ja sen yhteys luonnontieteelliseen osaamiseen Suomessa

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Comparing Guidance via Implicit and Explicit Model Progressions in a Collaborative Inquiry-Based Learning Environment with Different-Aged Learners

There is a need for research on the effect of different types of model progressions and learner age on learning and engagement in inquiry-based science settings. This study builds on the Scientific Discovery as Dual Search model to introduce less specific implicit model progression and compares them to the traditional explicit model progression. The data come from Finnish 8-, 10-, and 12-year-olds collaboratively using two different configurations of an inquiry-based learning environment about balance. Balance scale tasks were used to assess learning. Students also rated their situation-specific engagement. Both types of model progressions were beneficial for learning but there was no diffe…

research product

DigiPhysLab : Digital Physics Laboratory Work for Distance Learning

Pursuing a broad range of learning objectives, effective physics laboratory courses need conducive-to-learning, motivating, and engaging experimental tasks. The Covid-19 pandemic has further increased the demand for quality experimental tasks which can also be used in online learning scenarios. The EU-funded DigiPhysLab-project meets this need by developing a set of 15 competence-centred experimental tasks which can be implemented by instructors effortlessly in their own lab courses, independent of whether they are held on-campus or in distance learning. For this, the project utilizes the broad availability of digital technologies like smartphones which allow an inexpensive data collection …

research product

Using tablets as tools for learner-generated drawings in the context of teaching the kinetic theory of gases

Even though research suggests that the use of drawings could be an important part of learning science, learnergenerated drawings have not received much attention in physics classrooms. This article presents a method for recording students’ drawings and group discussions using tablets. Compared to pen and paper, tablets offer unique benefits, which include the recording of the whole drawing process and of the discussion associated with the drawing. A study, which investigated the use of drawings and the need for guidance among Finnish upper secondary school students, is presented alongside ideas for teachers on how to see drawing in a new light. peerReviewed

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Complementing the Guidance Provided by a Simulation through Teacher Questioning

The interaction between the teacher and the learners when using simulations is in need of research. This study concentrates on two questioning approaches, series of probing and series of guiding questions that teachers use to guide learning with simulations. These two approaches are contrasted with non-directive and directive guidance provided by the simulation. The data was collected through screen capture videos of pre-service primary teachers teaching physics with a PhET simulation. Two cases were selected for further analysis of teacher questioning and its adaptation to the learners. Even though teachers might use the spaces for explanations created by the simulation to probe for learne…

research product

The interplay between the guidance from the digital learning environment and the teacher in supporting folding back

AbstractPrevious studies have proposed that students’ mathematical understanding develops dynamically through the process known as folding back, in which learners revisit earlier forms of understanding and use them to build even deeper levels of mathematical understanding. Digital learning environments, where students can manipulate representations, are often used to enable students to notice properties, patterns, or rules. When working in such an environment, students usually receive support from the environment and the teacher. The interplay between these different sources of support is important according to previous studies. In this study, we examine this interplay in the case of foldin…

research product

The connection between forms of guidance for inquiry-based learning and the communicative approaches applied : a case study in the context of pre-service teachers

Recent research has argued that inquiry-based science learning should be guided by providing the learners with support. The research on guidance for inquiry-based learning has concentrated on how providing guidance affects learning through inquiry. How guidance for inquiry-based learning could promote learning about inquiry (e.g. epistemic practices) is in need of exploration. A dialogic approach to classroom communication and pedagogical link-making offers possibilities for learners to acquire these practices. The focus of this paper is to analyse the role of different forms of guidance for inquiry-based learning on building the communicative approach applied in classrooms. The data for th…

research product

Content Production Strategies for E-Government

The terms electronic government (e-government) and digital government are used to refer to the utilization of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) effectively in public sectors. In e-government development activities, the concern is often in building new means to support and strengthen democracy (e.g., Watson, Alselsen, Evjemo, & Aarsæther, 1999). In other cases, the main concern may be in supporting the work of people in public sectors (e.g., Mustajärvi, 2003), or in building new kinds of services for citizens (e.g., Lyytikäinen, Tiitinen, & Salminen, 2000). Common to most development activities is the need to have the content of public sector inf…

research product

Pre-Service Primary Teachers' Beliefs of Teaching Science With Simulations

Although the benefits of the use of simulations in science education have been extensively documented, research on pre-service teacher education related to the use of simulations in science teaching remains limited. The aim of this study was to investigate the beliefs of pre-service primary teachers in two teacher training programs of two different universities (n = 36 and n = 18) related to teaching science with simulations. The teachers participated in an intervention where they planned and gave a science lesson where simulations were used. The effect of the two different types of interventions on the beliefs was also studied. The Interconnected Model of Professional Growth by Clarke and …

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Checkpoint Leonardo Network (CPLN)

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Projektioppimisen mallin kehittäminen kuvataiteen ja ympäristöopin monialaiseen ohjaamiseen

Perusopetuksen opetussuunnitelman perusteiden 2014 yhtenä tavoitteena on eheyttää opetusta. Checkpoint Leonardo, muuttuva energia -oppimisprojektissa (CPLME) yhdistimme luonnontieteen sisältöjä muihin kouluaineisiin, erityisesti kuvataiteeseen. Samalla pyrimme kehittämään projektioppimisen mallin, joka eheyttää opettajan- ja täydennyskoulutusketjun hyödyntäen koulun ulkopuolisia ja virtuaalisia oppimisympäristöjä ja -yhteisöjä. Tutkimme opettajaopiskelijoiden näkemyksiä oppiaineiden rooleista ja oppimisympäristöjen hyödyntämisestä. Kaikki kyselyyn osallistuneet 27 opiskelijaa pitivät projektissa luonnontiedettä tietämiseen liittyvänä ja 23 heistä piti kuvataidetta tekemiseen liittyvänä oppi…

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Tietokoneavusteinen mallinnus rakenteisten asiakirjastandardien kehittämisessä

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Differenzierung beim Inquiry-based Learning im naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht : Ein Differenzierungstool für das Experimentieren im Sinne des Forschenden Lernens

Differenzierung ist ein wichtiges Unterrichtsprinzip. Konzepte zur Leistungsdifferenzierung existieren jedoch hauptsächlich für inhaltliche Kompetenzen, Lesen, Schreiben und mathematische Kompetenzen. Differenzierung in Bezug auf prozedurale Kompetenzen wie Hypothesen aufstellen, Experimente planen, Experimente durchführen und Schlussfolgerungen ziehen wurden bisher kaum entwickelt. Dabei kann eine Kombination von Diagnostik und Scaffolding die Differenzierung beim Vermitteln prozeduraler Kompetenzen sehr gut unterstützen. Im Buch wird für diesen Zweck ein Differenzierungstool für die Sekundarstufe zum Experimentieren im Sinne von Inquiry-based Learning (Forschendes Lernen) für die Fächer B…

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