Gianfranco Orlando

Control of Electron Motion in a Molecular Ion: Dynamical Creation of a Permanent Electric Dipole

The dynamics of a diatomic one-dimensional homonuclear molecule driven by a two-laser field is investigated beyond the usual fixed nuclei approximation. The dynamics of the nuclei is treated by means of Newton equations of motion; the full quantum description is used for the single active electron. The first laser pulse (pump) excites vibrations of the nuclei, while the second very short pulse (probe) has the role of confining the electron around one of the nuclei. We show how to use the radiation scattered in these conditions by the molecule to achieve real-time control of the molecular dynamics.

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Simulazione numerica di una molecola H2 in campi laser intensi

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Full Quantum Treatment of an H2+ Molecule in Presence of a Laser to Study the Nuclear Motion

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High-Order Harmonic Generation from Molecules: Classical versus Quantum Effects

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Piecewise static Hamiltonian for an atom in strong laser field

We show that it is possible to use a piecewise constant Hamiltonian to describe the main features of the dynamics of an atom interacting with a laser field. In particular we show that using this approximation we are able to give a good description of the ionization signal, of the HHG spectra and of the attosecond pulses generated by the radiating electron. Finally, we give an explicit formula to evaluate the ionization rate in the time dependent laser field. This formula, which is a generalization of the Landau formula for the ionization rate of an atom in a static electric field, fairly well reproduces the numerical ionization rates for a broad range of laser frequency and intensity. The m…

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Control of the high harmonic generation spectra by changing the molecule-laser field relative orientation

The time dependent Schrodinger equation of a homonuclear diatomic molecule in the presence of a linearly polarized laser field is numerically solved by means of a split-operator parallel code. The calculations are carried out by assuming a single active electron model with fixed nuclei; a simplified two-dimensional model of the system is used. The highly nonlinear response of the electron wave function to the laser electric field stimulates the molecule to emit electromagnetic radiation consisting of a wide plateau of odd harmonics of the laser field. It is shown that the emitted spectrum can be finely controlled by changing the angle between the laser electric field and the molecular axis;…

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Evidence of Nuclear Motion in Hydrogen-like Molecules by Means of High Harmonic Generation

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Study of the Effects of Nuclear Motion on High Harmonic Generation in Simple Molecules

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Nuclear Molecular Dynamics Investigated by Using High Order Harmonic Generation Spectra

In this paper we show how it is possible to investigate the nuclear dynamics of simple molecular ions and molecules by looking at the high-order harmonic generation spectra they emit in the presence of a laser field. In particular we investigate two different effects: the presence of sidebands in the emitted spectra around the usual odd harmonics and an isotopic effect which affects the height of the plateau lines. We further study the advantages and the limitations of the semiclassical approach.

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Monitoring molecular dynamics with high-order harmonic generation

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Harmonic Spectra in H2⁺ in the Presence of a Laser Field

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HHG by a 3D-H2+ molecular ion

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Study of the effects of nuclear motion on High Harmonic Generation in simple molecules

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Analytical wave function of an atom in the presence of a laser pulse

We study a simple model atom that has two bound states and a continuum of free states, interacting with a strong electromagnetic field. In our analysis we assume that only the continuum-continuum transitions occur- ring between degenerate free states are important for the dynamics of the atomic system; adopting this sim- plifying hypothesis, we show that it is possible to describe the time evolution of the atom by means of an infinite but discrete set of first-order differential equations describing a formal model atom that has two bound states and a degenerate quasicontinuum of states. Moreover, these equations depend on a small number of parameters of the bare atom and of the external las…

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Sidebands of Harmonic Spectra in H2+ Molecule in the Presence of a Laser

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A paradigm of fullerene

We study the dynamics of an electron constrained over the surface of a rigid sphere, with geometrical parameters similar to those of the C60 fullerene, embedded in a low intensity linearly polarized laser field. The model is shown to emit odd harmonics of the laser even at very low field intensity. For more intense laser fields, the spectrum presents odd harmonics and hyper-Raman lines shaped in a broad plateau. The spectrum of the model is compared to that theoretically obtained by other authors for more realistic models of C60. It is concluded that the model can be used as a paradigm for mesoscopic molecules in the fullerene family, particularly in practical applications where it is conve…

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A three-colour scheme to generate isolated attosecond pulses

We propose a new scheme to produce isolated attosecond pulses, involving the use of three laser pulses: a fundamental laser field of intensity I = 3.5 × 1014 W cm−2 and of wavelength λ = 820 nm, and two properly chosen weak lasers with wavelengths 1.5λ and 0.5λ. The three lasers have a Gaussian envelope of 36 fs full width at half maximum. The resulting total field is an asymmetric electric field with an isolated peak. We show that a model atom, interacting with the above-defined total field, generates an isolated attosecond pulse as short as 1/10 of a laser period, i.e. approximately 270 as.

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The Study of Nuclear Motion in D2+ Molecular Ion by Using the Harmonic Spectra

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Evidence of Nuclear Motion in H2-like Molecule by Means of High Order Harmonic Generation

The dynamics of hydrogen-like molecules is investigated beyond the usual fixed nuclei approximation. The nuclear motion introduces in the familiar spectrum of emitted radiation additional regular lines whose separation is essentially given by the vibrational frequency of nuclear motion. A wavelet analysis of the emitted spectrum shows that the intensity of the harmonic lines is modulated with the same period of the nuclear motion; this suggests the possibility of the real-time control of the nuclear dynamics.

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Evidence of Nuclear Motion in H2 Molecule through High Horder Harmonic Generation

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Use of three detuned lasers to generate isolated attosecond pulses

The dynamics of a one-dimensional atom driven by three-laser fields is investigated. The total electric field is made up of a fundamental laser field of intensity  W cm−2 and wavelength λ = 820 nm and two weak lasers with larger wavelengths. The intensity of the two weak fields is with k = 0.25. The frequencies of the weak fields are and , with and . The three lasers have a Gaussian envelope of 72 fs FWHM. It is shown, by numerical computation and using the semiclassical theory of high-harmonic generation, that the atom interacting with this combined field is able to emit an isolated attosecond burst of radiation.

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Spectrum emitted by a trapped electron

We study the behaviour of a homonuclear molecule driven by an intense laser field. Newton's laws are used to describe the dynamics of nuclei while the quantal approach is reserved to the study of the electron. It is observed that the nuclei can oscillate or dissociate according to the degree of ionization of the molecule. In case of low ionization rate it is shown that great amount of information can be obtained by using the simplified approaches of fixed nuclei and of two-state approximation. Under suitable conditions the electron wave function spends a long time localized around one nucleus. The harmonic generation of the molecule is studied and seen to contain even harmonics.

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Modello numerico tridimensionale di uno ione H2+ in campi laser intensi

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Generation of isolated attosecond pulses using unipolar and laser fields

A new scheme to generate isolated attosecond pulses is presented that involves the use of a laser field and of a unipolar field. The laser field has a pulse of intensity I = 1.5×1014 W cm−2 and wavelength λ = 820 nm. The unipolar pulse is an asymmetric pulse consisting of a sharp peak, lasting approximately half a laser period, i.e. nearly 1.4 fs, followed by a long and shallow tail. We show that on combining these two fields, it is possible to generate isolated attosecond pulses as short as 1/10 of a laser period, i.e. approximately 270 as. Moreover, it is argued that this scheme is robust either against small variations of the laser envelope, or against small changes in the delay between …

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Signature of Nuclear Motion in H2 by Menas of High Harmonic Generation

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Bremsstrahlung from a repulsive potential: attosecond pulse generation

The collision of an electron against a repulsive potential in the presence of a laser field is investigated. It is found that a sufficiently strong laser field forces the electron to remain in the neighbourhood of the repulsive potential causing bremsstrahlung. By appropriately filtering the emitted signal, an electron in the presence of a repulsive potential is capable of generating attosecond pulses.

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Ionization and Dissociation Dynamic of H2 Molecule Driven by a Laser Field

We study the single and double ionization yields and the dissociation dynamics of a onedimensional two-electron molecule exposed to an intense laser pulse. The double ionization yields are systematically investigated for both fixed and moveable nuclei. At low intensities the ionization curves have a power law shape, followed by a knee profile for higher intensities. A temporal correlation between the nuclear motion and the electron ionization shows that the nuclear motion deeply affects the ionization yield.

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Three-Dimensional Numerical Model of an H2+ Ion in Intense Laser Fields

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Even harmonics from laser driven homonuclear molecules

The dynamics of a homonuclear diatomic molecule driven by a laser pulse is obtained beyond the fixed nuclei approximation. Laser parameters can be adjusted to confine the electron over one of the two nuclei for a relatively long time or not. A time-resolved analysis of the electromagnetic spectrum emitted by the molecule presents the usual odd harmonics far from confinement and even harmonics during the confinement periods. A physical interpretation of the results is given.

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H2 Molecule Driven by a Laser Field

We study the single and double ionization yields and the dissociation dynamics of a one-dimensional two-electron molecule exposed to a laser pulse of intensity IL in the range 1013 − 1015 W/cm2 and photon energy hω¯L =3.18 eV. The calculations are carried out in the case of both fixed and movable nuclei. At low IL the ionization curves have a power law shape In that is interrupted by a knee at higher intensity.

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