D. Lipari
Le rappresentazioni sociali dell'abuso: i protagonisti e i contesti
Localization of the atrial natriuretic factor in the human inferior turbinates. An immunohistochemical study
In man, the architecture of the turbinates is able to modify some of the physiochemical characteristics of the air inhaled. These modifications depend on the nervous system and on the action of neurotransmitters such as vasoactive intestinal peptide. Substance P, calcitonin gene-related peptide and other neuropeptides. As atrial natriuretic factor has been detected in the trachea and lung, the present immunohistochemical study was carried out to establish the presence and localisation of the atrial natriuretic factor on the inferior turbinates of the human being. The findings show atrial natriuretic factor to be present in the serous epithelial cells and in some cells of the tonaca propria …