Emerico Luna
Tyroid surgery with “ligasure
PTFE mesh in renal allograft compartment sindrome
Confezionamento di fistola artero-venosa nativa per l’emodialisi
Intraoperative Parathyroid Hormone Monitoring During Parathyroidectomy for Hyperparathyroidism in Waiting List and Kidney Transplant Patients
This report describes the use of the intraoperative parathyroid hormone (ioPTH) assay during parathyroidectomy in waiting list and transplanted patients. ioPTH levels were determined in 40 patients on the waiting list for kidney transplantation with secondary hyperparathyroidism who underwent subtotal parathyroidectomy and 9 transplanted patients with tertiary hyperparathyroidism who underwent removal of hyperplasic glands. Rapid PTH levels decreased significantly at each time period; the percentage decrease in rapid PTH levels was 61.3% among patients with IPT II and 70.2% in patients with IPT III at 10 minutes and 86.5% in patients with IPT II and 91% in patients with IPT III at 15 minute…
Il trattamento chirurgico delle lesioni nodulari tiroidee: nostra esperienza. Analisi di 462 casi.
Nodular thyroid lesions are the most frequent endocrine diseases in the general population. The surgical procedure is indicated for nodular thyroid tissue degeneration, or when the suppressive pharmacologic therapy is less efficient, even if sometimes both factors are associated. In Authors' study 462 patients were observed who underwent surgical procedures for thyroid diseases between January 1997-April 2003. In the thyroid pathology, either uninodular or multinodular, the surgical therapy adopted is total thyroidectomy, according to other Authors. The aim of total thyroidectomy is to avoid recurrence and simplify long term pharmacologic treatment. Although the question about the surgical …
Videolaparoadrenalectomy, our experience
PTFE mesh in renal allograft compartment syndrome.
We report a case of anuria in a 42-year-old female kidney transplant patient that occurred secondary to extrinsic compression from a large kidney being placed extraperitoneally in a small iliac fossa. Prompt reexploration in the immediate postoperative period resulted in salvage of the graft with restoration of kidney function. The abdominal wall was reconstructed using prosthetic mesh, which decreased the compartment pressure within the iliac fossa sufficiently to allow the renal vein patency and the kidney perfusion. We think that this tension-free surgical technique should be applied in those cases in which the retroperitoneal space is less than the size of the kidney to avoid renal allo…
Il trapianto di rene è al momento il miglior trattamento per i pazienti affetti da IRC terminale. Il costante e graduale aumento del numero dei pazienti che necessitano di tale tipo di trattamento, e la crescente carenza di donatori cadavere, hanno reso necessario lo sviluppo di strategie volte ad allargare ed ottimizzare il pool dei donatori impiegando, a scopo di trapianto, reni provenienti da donatori viventi. Il trapianto renale da vivente rappresenta in quest’ottica la carta vincente, in grado di ridurre i tempi di attesa; è stato anche dimostrato che si hanno risultati migliori rispetto al trapianto di rene da donatore cadavere in quanto vi è una maggiore compatibilità genetica tra do…
Thyroid Surgery with "Ligasure"
Videolaparosurrenectomia: nostra esperienza preliminare
INTRODUCTION: In 1992, Gagner described the first laparoscopic adrenalectomy. Since then this technique has been more and more widely employed and several studies confirmed its advantages, comparing to the traditional approach, in terms of reduction of mean hospital stay and therefore of the health expense. PATIENTS AND METHODS: The Authors' preliminary experience spreads from March to November 2003 when 4 patients were studied and thus underwent a transperitoneal laparoscopic adrenalectomy: 2 of them were affected by Cushing syndrome, 1 by pheochromocytoma in MEN and 1 by an incidentaloma. The transabdominal access in lateral decubitus with 4 trocars was performed. RESULTS: No complication…
Intraoperative Parathyroid hormone monitoring during parathyroidectomy for renal hyperparathyroidism
The aim of this report was to evaluate the effectiveness of the endoscopic treatment of colonic polyps to allow secondary prophylaxis in order to prevent the onset of cancer arising from adenomas. From October 2002 to January 2004 we performed 487 colonoscopies on a patient group with the following indications: screening prior to kidney transplant; screening for colorectal cancer (patients positive at faecal occult blood testing); follow-up of patients who had undergone colonic resections for colorectal cancer; patients with other diseases. Colorectal polyps were diagnosed in 15 males and 15 females, with a mean age of 63 years. All the neoplasms were resected during colonoscopy and specime…
Videolaparosurrenectomia.nostra esperienza
La chirurgia delle lesioni nodulari tiroidee: analisi di 592 casi
Thyroid surgery with the system Ligasure.
Intraoperative parathyroid hormone monitorino durino parathyroidectomy for renal hyperparathyroidism
Incidentaloma Surrenalico. Caso di Sindrome di Cushing subclinica.
The authors describe a case of adrenal incidentaloma that was the cause of subclinical Cushing's syndrome and take the opportunity to weigh up some of the clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects. Besides the particular expression of the symptoms which were difficult to interpret before reaching a diagnosis, the authors describe the diagnostic work-up adopted, aimed at precisely identifying the type of tumour and the surgical procedure implemented laparoscopically, the outstanding validity of which is confirmed compared to traditional adrenalectomy techniques.