Ambra Provenzani

Valutazione dell'alcol-dipendenza in categorie a rischio per l'incolumità di terzi: dati preliminari

research product

Malattie asbesto-correlate osservate in un reparto di Medicina del Lavoro siciliano

research product

Pharmacogenetic considerations for optimizing tacrolimus dosing in liver and kidney transplant patients

The introduction of tacrolimus in clinical practice has improved patient survival after organ transplant. However, despite the long use of tacrolimus in clinical practice, the best way to use this agent is still a matter of intense debate. The start of the genomic era has generated new research areas, such as pharmacogenetics, which studies the variability of drug response in relation to the genetic factors involved in the processes responsible for the pharmacokinetics and/or the action mechanism of a drug in the body. This variability seems to be correlated with the presence of genetic polymorphisms. Genotyping is an attractive option especially for the initiation of the dosing of tacrolim…

research product

Aspetti normativi inerenti l'assunzione di bevande alcoliche sui luoghi di lavoro

research product

Anomalie renali subcliniche, immunologicamente mediate, in soggetti esposti a silice

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D.M. 155/07: Registro degli esposti agli agenti cancerogeni

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Esposizione cronica a campi elettromagnetici a bassissima frequenza correlata ad alterazioni elettrocardiografiche nell'uomo

research product

Prevalence of Sensitization toAnisakis simplexAmong Professionally Exposed Populations in Sicily

Anisakis simplex (AS) is a cause of allergic sensitization and potential occupational risk is suggested in fishermen and workers assigned to fish processing and sale. A cross-sectional study was conducted in order to assess possible health effects of occupational exposure to AS in workers recruited from western Sicily fisheries sector. Social, demographic, and occupation-related data were collected. Serum total immunoglobulin E (IgE) and specific IgE levels to AS (threshold >0.35 kU/L) were determined by an fluoroimmunoassay technique. Ninety-four subjects with potential occupational exposure (fishmongers, fishermen, fish industry employees) were recruited. Specific AS IgEs were detected in…

research product

Studio osservazionale su un gruppo di operatori sanitari addetti alla manipolazione di farmaci antiblastici di tre nosocomi siciliani

Neoplastic disease therapy problems, e.g. antiblastic drugs manipulation, is developing. We suggested correlation assessment between the lasting professional workers' exposition of three city hospital and disease development. We selected 43 exposed workers; we gave a questionnaire regarding the modality of activity; then we examined this sample with a protocol including clinical examination and special tests (blood tests, ECG, audiometry and spirometry). RESULTS: over 55% of the workers reported aspecific complaint related to antiblastic exposure (headache, nausea, vertigo, dermatitis, alopecia, rhino-conjunctivitis, asthenia, parageusia, fauces dryness); we registered, instead, the absence…

research product

Malattie asbesto-correlate in un reparto di medicina del lavoro palermitano

research product

Esposizione a campi elettromagnetici a bassa frequenza (ELF) in ambito occupazionale e nella popolazione generale

Scopo del presente lavoro è quello di verificare l’eventuale riscontro di alterazioni della frequenza cardiaca e del ritmo cardiaco in un campione di soggetti esposti professionalmente a campi elettromagnetici, nello specifico lavoratori di centrali elettriche e sottostazioni, afferenti presso l’ambulatorio di cardiologia della Sezione di MDL dell’AOUP di PA, posti a confronto con soggetti di pari età e sesso non esposti al fattore di rischio considerato. I dati raccolti sono stati messi in relazione ai rilievi ambientali dei campi elettromagnetici a bassa frequenza effettuati dall’ARPA Sicilia (1). Sono stati quindi analizzati i risultati ottenuti nelle due popolazioni in esame al fine di …

research product

D.M. 155/2007: cartella sanitaria e di rischio negli esposti a rischio cancerogeno

research product


L’utilizzo di fitofarmaci costituisce a tutt’oggi un rischio non trascurabile per tutto il settore primario, coinvol- gendo sia coloro che sono addetti alle coltivazioni di prodotti destinati all’uso alimentare (agricoltori), sia di piante ornamentali e fiori (giardinieri e vivaisti). L’obiettivo dello studio è la verifica delle conoscenze specifiche dei lavora- tori addetti al settore florovivaistico, riguardo il corretto utilizzo di prodotti fitosanitari, in particolare nell’attività di stoccaggio, preparazione delle miscele e conservazione delle stesse presso la sede di lavoro. Inoltre è stata approfondita la tematica della corretta formazione, informazione ed addestramento delle maestra…

research product

Infortuni e malattie riscontrate nell'attività della pesca nel porto di Trapani

research product

Esposizione professionale a polveri di legno duro in un gruppo di falegnami siciliani

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Concentrazioni ematiche ed urinarie di cromo in una popolazione siciliana esposta e non per motivi professionali: valutazioni e considerazioni

research product

Releves hematiques de chrome sur la population habitant en zone urbaine ou extra-urbaine

research product

Cromemia e cromuria: valori a confronto tra soggetti professionalmente esposti al cromo e popolazione generale

Aim of present study is the valutation and quantification of chromium in blood and urine. We compared 3 groups of persons formed by building workers, in particular masons, because cement contains potassium chromate that is dangerous for health, and by common people: urban population and outside the town population. In fact, exposure to CrVI risk is high for people who live near chromate industries. We maked a medical examination, blood and instrumental tests, chromium measuring in blood (recent exposure indicator) and urine (recent and previous indicator). Then we used statistical methods to estimate obtained values of blood and urine chromium among professional exposed people and common pe…

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Le disosmie in Medicina del Lavoro. Studio caso-controllo

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Prevalenza di anticorpi anti-HCV e anti-HBV nei lavoratori della sanità di un nosocomio palermitano

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Esposizione cronica a campi elettromagnetici ad alta frequenza ed alterazioni della funzione cardiaca.

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Esposizione professionale ad agenti inquinanti ambientali: studio osservazionale su un gruppo di edicolanti della città di Palermo.

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Pharmacokinetic interaction between tacrolimus and corticosteroids in liver transplant patients

research product

Prevalenza di sensibilizzazione all’Anisakis Simplex in popolazione professionalmente esposta in Sicilia

research product

Le alterazioni del senso cromatico in un gruppo di lavoratori esposti a solventi organici

research product

Prevalence of Sensitization to Anisakis simplex Among Professionally Exposed Populations in Sicily

Anisakis simplex (AS) is a cause of allergic sensitization and potential occupational risk is suggested in fishermen and workers assigned to fish processing and sale. A cross-sectional study was conducted in order to assess possible health effects of occupational exposure to AS in workers recruited from western Sicily fisheries sector. Social, demographic, and occupation-related data were collected. Serum total immunoglobulin E (IgE) and specific IgE levels to AS (threshold >0.35 kU/L) were determined by an fluoroimmunoassay technique. Ninety-four subjects with potential occupational exposure (fishmongers, fishermen, fish industry employees) were recruited. Specific AS IgEs were detected in…

research product

Descrizione di un caso clinico di neoplasia vescicale in un addetto alla viabilità

research product

La malattia di Lyme in agricoltura. Problematiche diagnostiche

research product

La valutazione del rischiio VOCs in un laboratorio di chimica universitario

research product

Occupational exposure to environmental pollutants: evaluation of long-term effects on a group of newsagents in the city of Palermo

Environmental pollution constantly threatens the health of urban populations. This problem of environmental hygiene takes a particular interest in Occupational Medicine, whereas some tasks take place mostly outdoors, so the airborne pollutants and noise can be considered as occupational hazards. The subject of this study is to evaluate the health of a group of newsagents in the city of Palermo, in relation to the level of urban pollution and noise monitored in ten years (2000-2010). It was assessed lung function, hearing, kidney, liver and cardiovascular systems, with particular reference to endothelial structures. Analysis of the results show the high prevalence of damage to the carotid di…

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Some precautionary remarks about people exposed to chemical risks in dry- cleaners

research product

Rilievi ematici di piombo inorganico nella popolazione residente in territorio urbano ed extraurbano: risultati preliminari

research product