M Perricone
Soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDS) in Pleistocene calcarenites of Favignana island (Sicily, Italy)
Carta geologica del versante meridionale delle Madonie Occidentali
La sensibilità alla desertificazione del sottobacino Iudeo-Bucari (bacino del fiume Mazaro – TP).
Strutture deformative sindeposizionali nelle calcareniti Pleistoceniche del settore orientale dell'Isola di Favignana (Sicilia, Italia)
Stima della pericolosità potenziale al dissesto idrogeologico nella provincia di Messina: valutazione preliminare
GIS based landslide hazard assessment at regional scale in Sicily (central mediterranean)
Ecological geological maps: GIS-based evaluation of the Geo-Ecological Quality Index (GEQUI) in Sicily (Central Mediterranean)
Integration of stratigraphic data with HVSR measures for studies of seismic microzonation: the case of Oliveri (ME)
The seismic microzoning is a technique of analysis of a territory which aims to recognize, at a small scale, the local geological and geomorphologic conditions that may significantly affect the characteristics of the seismic motion, generating stress on structures that could produce permanent and critical effects. In other words, this technique has the objective to predict and evaluate possible site effects as a result of an earthquake. The first phase of the seismic microzoning is the detailed partition of the territory in homogeneous areas with respect to the expected behavior of soils during an earthquake. The seismic micro-zoning is a tool for prevention and reduction of seismic risk pa…