Adrien Caillot
Aptitudes et habitudes dans la pratique du vélo
National audience; Depuis les années 80, la majorité des poli-tiques publiques liées aux déplacements ou à l'aménagement affiche une volonté de ré-duire l'usage de la voiture en milieu urbain. Pour mener à bien cette mission, plusieurs modes de déplacements alternatifs à l'au-tomobile sont proposés et soutenus par les collectivités et les aménageurs : on trouve, en général, les transports en commun en premier lieu, tandis que le vélo est géné-ralement cité en second lieu, souvent avec la marche et parfois avant le covoiturage et l'autopartage. Doté de l'image du moyen de déplacement écologique par excellence, le vélo est de plus en plus visible. Il illustre largement les documents de commun…
Understanding the links between cyclists' behavior and cyclability in French Cities
Since the 80s in France several urban policies have emerged targeting a shift from car to other transport modes. Despite new infrastructures and communication campaigns, the results of such policies still remain lower than expected [Kaufmann, 2000 ; Buhler, 2015]. For most of French cities, bicycle modal share remains under 3%. My PhD work focuses on the reasons of this.A consistent literature suggests institutional, technical and economical reasons, but in our knowledge there are few research works about bicycle usage from the cyclist's point of view. The hypothesis we tackle here concerns the “cycling-ability” that makes a person cycle or not. In an urban environment, a cyclist needs to d…
Adult beginner cyclists in French cities. Characterizing their profiles and their bike-use persistence with a two-wave panel survey
International audience; This paper focuses on the question of adult beginner cyclists (ABCs) in French cities. In other words, the profile identified and described here concerns people cycling for utility purposes on a rather regular basis but with low cycling skills. With the help of an analysis based on two waves of a panel-survey (2018 and 2019, n=1 113) ABCs are estimated between 1,8% to 3% of French urban population, or in absolute terms between 600 000 and a million cyclists. A second key result shows that almost two ABCs out of three (65%) abandon cycling during the year, which makes it a very vulnerable category of cyclists. These figures could make ABCs a subject of great interest …