Milan Knezevic

Enzimas salivales y enfermedad periodontal

Objetivos: Las enfermedades que producen daño tisular producen la liberación de diferentes enzimas relacionadas con la muerte y destrucción celular, como son la aspartato y alanino aminotransferasa (AST, ALT), lactato dehidrogenasa (LDH), creatinin kinasa (CK), alcalina y ácida (ALP, ACP) y gamma glutamil transferasa (GGT). Al tratarse la enfermedad periodontal (EP) de un proceso inflamatorio con afectación de la encía y periodonto, parece lógico pensar que la actividad enzimática debe reflejar los cambios metabólicos secundarios a esta reacción inflamatoria. Diseño del estudio: En este artículo examinamos la actividad de CK, LDH, AST, ALT, GGT, ALP y ACP en la saliva de pacientes con EP, a…

research product

Bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw : a proposal for conservative treatment

The use of bisphosphonates (BPs) has proven effective in the treatment of bone-related diseases, despite the potential risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ). So far, results for the treatment of ONJ have not been satisfactory. In our study, we have treated two patients diagnosed with ONJ. In addition to local treatments a hydrogel was applied, with promising results. The fistulae disappeared 2-3 weeks into the treatment. After a six-month follow-up period there has been no sign of recurrence. The extent of maxillary bone exposure has diminished notably, although not entirely disappeared. In all cases, the patients exhibit no other symptoms (they suffer from no pain or swelling o…

research product

Queratoquiste odontogénico con cartílago en la pared: presentación de un caso

Existen siete casos publicados en la literatura médica referentes a la presencia de cartílago en la pared de un queratoquiste. Presentamos un nuevo caso con inclusiones de queratina y cartílago en la pared quística. Incluimos imágenes clínicas, radiográficas e histopatológicas, así como sus posibilidades etiopatogénicas. There are seven published cases in world literature on cartilage in the walls of odontogenic keratocysts. Herein is presented one further case with keratin inclusions in the cystic wall, which also bears a cartilaginous component. X-rays, clinical images and pathohistological images are included.

research product

The efficacy of acupuncture and decompression splints in the treatment of temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome

Objectives: The goal of the present study was to evaluate the results of applying acupuncture or occlusal decompression splints in the treatment of patients diagnosed with the temporomandibular joint pain-dysfunction syndrome. Design of the study: We conducted a randomized clinical trial including 20 patients to whom the mentioned treatments were applied. Results were evaluated through an analogue pain scale, measurements of mouth opening and jaw lateral deviation in millimetres, and assessment of sensitivity to pressure on different points: preauricular, masseter muscle, temporal muscle and trapezius. Parameters were evaluated before and 30 days after the treatment. For standardized pressu…

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