Larisa Bule
The Impact of Population Ageing and Social Stratification: The Case of Latvia
Population ageing and social stratification is widely assumed to have detrimental effects on the economy yet there is little empirical evidence about the magnitude of its effects. The aim of this article is to investigate the relationships between population ageing and social stratification and the state of economy of a small and post-transition economy. We are looking for these relationships and their strength of influence; at what time after shocking these variables reach their original levels. We apply standard Granger (non-) causality tests, VAR (Vector Auto-Regressive), IRF (Impulse Response Function) and the prediction error variance analysis by using quarterly data from 2000 to 2018.…
Latvian pension system is considered to be one of the most sustainable, but it should be mentioned that financial sustainability may be achieved in different ways and sometimes the aspects of sustainability are estimated without considering system’s ability to provide equity, equality and adequacy of retirement provision. The European Pillar of Social Rights has been proclaimed in 2017. According to this statement delivering on the principles and rights defined under the Pillar is the joint responsibility of the EU institutions, member states, social partners and other stakeholders. The 3rd chapter devoted to social protection and inclusion establishes the key approaches to determining the …
Personal income tax reform in Latvia: assessment of effect
Personal income tax (PIT) policy in Latvia has been changed significantly in 2018 with the aim to reduce the tax burden and increase the income of working population by amending progressive tax rates and increasing the non-taxable minimum and minimum wage. Purpose − the aim of this study is to estimate the impact of PIT reform by assessing the effect of implementation of non-taxable minimum, deductions and substantiated spending on the dynamics of income and tax administration efficiency. Research methodology − PIT theoretic and normative concepts have been analyzed; unpublished data on actual wages in 2015−2018 provided by Latvian State Revenue Service and State Social Insurance Agency hav…
SMEs Digital Journey Report : Latvia 2021
This research is funded by the Latvian Council of Science, project DIGISMES, project No. LZP-2020/2-006
Latest trends in assessing pension reforms
Old age pension provision constantly creates an increasing financial pressure on most of the EU countries, therefore some of European countries are in a further stage or reforming pension system, others already completed transformation and became an object of analysis and surveillance for researchers and policymakers. Over the years attitude towards the role of pension system in economy changed significantly from simple provision of retirement benefits and income distribution to indisputable contribution to a very wide range of economic, social and other processes. Nowadays pension system is supposed to be the instrument of impact and all reforms, even parametric, have a consequent effect o…