Rachel Guillain

Interactions, knowledge spillovers and growth in a cross-section of European cities: Geography, business climate or networks ?

International audience

research product

Urban segregation and unemployment: A case study of the urban area of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence (France)

International audience; In this paper, we study the effects of the spatial organization of the urban area of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence on unemployment there. More specifically, differences in the characteristics of the residential population induce urban stratification with the result that urban structure may affect the probability of employment. In order to evaluate the effects of spatial structure on unemployment, we implement a spatial probit model to reveal the employment probabilities of young adults still living with their parents. Our results support the hypothesis that living in or near a deprived neighborhood decreases the probability of employment.

research product

The influence of geography on the spatial agglomeration of production in the European Union

Abstract We investigate the relative impact of geographic features on the location of production in the European Union. Specifically, we attempt to quantify how much of the spatial pattern of GDP can be attributed to exogenous first-nature elements alone and how much can be derived from endogenous second-nature factors. In order to disentangle both effects empirically, we control for second-nature factors. A method based on the decomposition of the per capita GDP variance is applied to a panel of 1,171 European NUTS 3 regions for 2006. We demonstrate that variable and model misspecifications may bias results unless proper allowance is made for spatial autocorrelation and spatial heterogenei…

research product

Polarisation and mobility in the Canadian urban system

International audience

research product

L’évaluation des politiques éducatives compensatoires : quelles leçons à retenir ?

National audience

research product

Fonds structurels, effets de débordement géographique et croissance régionale en Europe.

Les fonds structurels constituent l’un des instruments financiers de la politique regionale europeenne les plus intensement utilises afin de promouvoir la convergence entre les regions des pays membres de l’Union europeenne. Cependant, de nombreuses divergences theoriques et empiriques existent dans la litterature quant a leur capacite a encourager la croissance economique des regions les plus defavorisees. Par consequent, cet article se propose de proceder a des estimations complementaires en integrant des elements nouveaux : tout d’abord, nous adoptons une approche par l’econometrie spatiale afin de prendre en compte de possibles effets de debordement geographique entre regions ; ensuite,…

research product

Impact of structural funds on regional growth : How to reconsider a 9-year-old black box

International audience

research product

Changes in Spatial and Sectoral Patterns of Employment in Ile-de-France, 1978-97

This paper investigates the spatial distribution of employment in the region of Ile-de-France in 1978 and 1997. Exploratory spatial data analysis is used to identify employment centres and a sectoral analysis of the central business district (CBD) and sub-centres is performed. The results highlight a process of suburbanisation of employment in Ile-de-France between 1978 and 1997. A more polarised space emerges in 1997 than in 1978, with several employment centres specialised in different activities. Moreover, even if the spatial influence of the CBD declines over the study period, the CBD maintains its economic leadership by concentrating a large variety of high-order producer services.

research product

The Local versus Global Dilemma of the Effects of Structural Funds

This paper extends the analysis by Dall'erba and Le Gallo dealing with the impact of structural funds on the growth process of European regions. Like most of the other 18 contributions assessing the efficiency of structural funds, our article was based on a global model of b-convergence: one coefficient pertaining to the structural funds variable was estimated for the whole sample. In this paper, we extend this approach by performing local estimations, where one coefficient is estimated for each region, so that the impact of structural funds can be regionally differentiated. As in the previous contribution, the presence of spatial spillover effects is taken into account using spatial econom…

research product

Agglomeration and dispersion of economic activities in and around Paris: An exploratory spatial data analysis

The agglomeration patterns of twenty-six manufacturing and service sectors in and around Paris in 1999 are analysed. The method used measures the intensity of spatial agglomeration and identifies the location patterns of economic sectors. First the locational Gini coefficient and Moran’s I statistics of global spatial autocorrelation are computed. These provide different but complementary information about the spatial agglomeration of the sectors under study. Then exploratory spatial data analysis tools are applied. Moran scatterplots and local indicators of spatial association statistics reveal great diversity in location patterns across sectors.

research product

Mutations urbaines et logiques de localisation des emplois: le cas de la Communauté de l'agglomération dijonnaise (1990, 1999).

The aim of this paper is to analyze the spatial changes in the Dijon urban area (COMADI) by studying in particular the new tendencies of localization of the high order producer services. Our results display a multicentric structure of the COMADI which exhibits several employment poles. Not only the economic composition of these poles differs between the central pole and the peripheral ones but this composition changes over the study period (1990-1999). New localization logics appear for the high order services : if the historical center remains specialized in financial activities, insurance and real estate (FIRE), the other producer services are more likely to be localized in the periphery.…

research product

Urban economic segregation. What do we learn from zoning policies ? Some lessons

International audience

research product

Innovation in a system of cities How do knowledge spillovers flow across European cities

International audience; no abstract

research product

L’analyse de la criminalité à Chicago : de nouvelles perspectives offertes par l’économétrie spatiale à une question ancienne

International audience

research product

Ségrégation urbaine et éducation : quels enjeux pour les politiques publiques ?


research product

Identifier la localisation des activités économiques : une approche par les outils de l'analyse exploratoire des données spatiales

International audience

research product

Ségrégation spatiale, nouvelles approches, nouveaux résultats

International audience

research product

How information shapes cities : theory and facts

The primary aim of this paper is to show that « information matters » in shaping space and cities. This statement has both theoretical and empirical foundations. Theoretical reasoning, especially on the basis of economic geography modelling, is able to provide consistent and realistic explanations for the agglomeration of information using activities including producer services and R&D. Empirical testing of these models raises a number of methodological problems. Nevertheless, many empirical studies have been conducted into the local character of the diffusion of tacit information. Over the last ten years, much progress has been made, and initial difficulties are progressively being overcom…

research product

Employment Density in Ile-de-France: Evidence from Local Regressions

In recent decades, cities have experienced a particularly intense phase of urban sprawl. Urban growth has been characterized by the spatial concentration of population in urban areas and the concomitant extension of those urban areas (Nechyba and Walsh 2004). Urban sprawl has also been accompanied by major reorganizations of urban areas with regard to the location choices of households and firms. More specifically, most cities in developed countries have experienced several waves of suburbanization of economic activities: “an economic definition of suburbanization is a reduction in the fraction of a metropolitan area’s population or employment that is located in the central city (correspond…

research product

Changes in the Intra-Metropolitan Location of Producer Services in Ile-de-France (1978-1997) : do information technologies promote a more dispersed spatial pattern?

Because of their intensive need for face-to-face contacts, producer services have, historically, been found at the core o f CBDs. However, it has been suggested that advances in information technologies could lead to the erosion o f the CBD’s economic base, rendering face-to-face contacts obsolete and enabling producer services to suburbanize. Although a considerable amount o f empirical work has been done on the suburbanization o f these activities in North-America, the same is not true of France. In this paper, we adopt an original methodology to study the role played by face-to-face contacts in the spatial distribution of producer services in the Ile-de-France region between 1978 and 199…

research product

Changes in spatial and sectoral patterns of employment in Ile-de-France, 1978-1997

International audience; This paper investigates the spatial distribution of employment in the region of Ile-de-France in 1978 and 1997. Exploratory spatial data analysis is used to identify employment centres and a sectoral analysis of the central business district (CBD) and sub-centres is performed. The results highlight a process of suburbanisation of employment in Ile-de-France between 1978 and 1997. A more polarised space emerges in 1997 than in 1978, with several employment centres specialised in different activities. Moreover, even if the spatial influence of the CBD declines over the study period, the CBD maintains its economic leadership by concentrating a large variety of high-orde…

research product

The local vs global dilemma of the effects of structural funds

International audience

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