Taru Lintunen

Individual- and environmental-related correlates of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity in 11-, 13-, and 15-year-old Finnish children

peer-reviewed The objective of this study was to analyze the associations of various individual- and environmental- related factors with subgroups of daily, frequent, moderate and low moderate-to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) among children and adolescents. Data were obtained from the Finnish School-age Physical Activity (FSPA) study 2016 from 4677 national representative 11-, 13-, and 15-year-old children and adolescents. MVPA and individual- and environmental-related factors were assessed by a questionnaire and analyzed by two-level logistic regression. Seventeen of the twenty-one variables were statistically significantly associated with MVPA. However, only three variables were stati…

research product

A dual process model to predict adolescents’ screen time and physical activity

OBJECTIVE: Many adolescents report a lack of physical activity (PA) and excess screen time (ST). Psychological theories aiming to understand these behaviours typically focus on predictors of only one behaviour. Yet, behaviour enactment is often a choice between options. This study sought to examine predictors of PA and ST in a single model. Variables were drawn from dual process models, which portray behaviour as the outcome of deliberative and automatic processes. DESIGN: 411 Finnish vocational school students (age 17-19) completed a survey, comprising variables from the Reasoned Action Approach (RAA) and automaticity pertaining to PA and ST, and self-reported PA and ST four weeks later. M…

research product

Predicting school students’ physical activity intentions in leisure-time and school recess contexts: Testing an integrated model based on self-determination theory and theory of planned behavior

BackgroundIdentifying psychological correlates of children's physical activity intentions may signpost potentially modifiable targets for interventions aimed at promoting physical activity participation. School recess and leisure-time outside of school are appropriate contexts in which such interventions may be delivered. However, few studies have identified correlates of physical activity intentions in these environments. Examining correlates in these contexts may provide formative evidence on which to base interventions to promote physical activity.PurposeThe current study adopted an integrated theoretical model to test relations between motivational constructs from self-determination the…

research product

Can High Group Cohesion Be Harmful?

High group cohesion is considered to be beneficial and lead to better performance. This qualitative case study describes a case in which high social cohesion led to a deterioration in a team's performance. The aim of the present study was to investigate the relationships between performance in a team sport and social psychological group phenomena such as cohesion, conformity, groupthink, and group polarization. The participants were members of a junior-league ice-hockey team, consisting of three adult coaches and 22 players aged 15 to 16 years. The data were derived from an interview with the main coach, continuous observation by the principal researcher, and a diary based on observations …

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Depressed mood and body mass index as predictors of muscle strength decline in old men

OBJECTIVE: To study depressed mood as a predictor of strength decline within body weight categories over a 3-year follow-up period. DESIGN: A prospective cohort study over 3 years. SETTING: Honolulu, Hawaii. PARTICIPANTS: The subjects were 2275 men participating in the Honolulu Heart Program with an average age of 77.1 years (range 71–92 years), who were not cognitively impaired at baseline (Exam 4), and who participated in maximal hand grip strength measurements at baseline and 3 years later (Exam 5). MEASUREMENTS: Hand grip strength was measured using a dynamometer. Depressive symptoms were studied using an 11-item version of Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale with 9 as a c…

research product

Predicting Adolescents’ Physical Activity Intentions : Testing an Integrated Social Cognition Model

Abstract Background Few adolescents meet guideline levels of physical activity associated with good health, highlighting the need for intervention. Interventions promoting adolescents’ physical activity should be guided by research applying behavioral theory to identify potentially modifiable correlates and associated processes. We applied an integrated social cognition model to identify theory-based constructs and processes that relate to physical activity intentions in a secondary analysis of two samples of Finnish adolescents using a correlational design. Method Participants in the first sample (n = 455) completed self-report measures of social cognition constructs from theory of planned…

research product

Vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kokemuksia vastavuoroisuudesta ikääntyneiden ihmisten vapaaehtoistyössä

Sosiaalisen vaihdon teorian mukaan vastavuoroisuus on tärkeää ikääntyneiden ihmisten suhteissa. Vapaaehtoistyössä vastavuoroisuus on oleellista, mutta sitä ei ole juuri tutkittu eläkeikäisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kannalta. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, kuinka eläkeikäiset vapaaehtoistyöntekijät kokevat vastavuoroisuuden vapaaehtoistyössä. Kolme kuukautta kestäneen toimintajakson aikana vapaaehtoistyöntekijät auttoivat liikkumiskyvyn ongelmista kärsiviä ikäihmisiä osallistumaan kodin ulkopuoliseen toimintaan osana Vapaaehtoistyö, ulkoliikunta ja vanhusten hyvinvointi (VAU) -tutkimushanketta. Tämän laadullisen osatutkimuksen 17 osallistujaa olivat 61 - 72-vuotiaita. Tutki…

research product

The continuity of physical activity - a retrospective and prospective study among older people

This study investigated the continuity of life-span physical activity by examining the predictors of the maintenance of a high level of physical activity over 8 years among subjects aged 65-84 years at the baseline, in 1988, in Jyvaskyla, Finland. Age, education, marital status and chronic conditions and past physical activity were studied at the baseline. In men and women, self-reported competitive sport participation from as early as 10-19 years of age was a significant predictor for maintaining activity in old age. Also women's participation in recreational sports at the age of 40-64 years predicted activity. We concluded that past physical activity is strongly connected to maintaining a…

research product

Etäteknologian vaikuttavuus liikunnallisessa kuntoutuksessa : järjestelmällinen kirjallisuuskatsaus ja meta-analyysi

research product

Additional file 5 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 5. Types of adaptations and implementations in the teacher workshop delivery by those respondents who report having delivered or intending to deliver the program in some form.

research product

Predicting physical activity intentions using a goal perspectives approach: A study of Finnish youth

Utilising a goal perspectives framework, a study predicting physical activity intentions in 12 to 16-year-old Hungarian adolescents was conducted with two samples. Theoretical predictions established a model that was tested through path analysis. Beliefs thought to underpin goal orientations were hypothesised to predict ego orientation (general and gift beliefs) and task orientation (learning and incremental beliefs). Task orientation was hypothesised to predict intentions directly, while ego orientation was hypothesised to predict intentions indirectly through perceived competence. Results from the first sample (n=301) suggested that the model could be improved by adding paths between gene…

research product

Change, Reliability, and Stability in Self-perceptions in Early Adolescence: A Four-year Follow-up Study

Changes in self-perceptions of fitness, appearance, and self-esteem among adolescents were assessed in a 4-year follow-up study. Both the changes in the mean levels across time (profile analysis), and the changes in the reliability and stability of individual differences (i.e. covariance stability as test-retest correlations) were examined. The subjects (64 boys, 49 girls) were 11 years old at the first annual measurement. Self-esteem was assessed using the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, as well as self-assessment questionnaires specifically designed for this study to assess Perceived Fitness and Perceived Appearance. MANOVA-and Simplex-models were used in the analysis. Our results among the…

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Esa Rovio 1972-2013 : In Memoriam

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The effect of advice by health care professionals on increasing physical activity of older people

The aim of this study was to investigate whether advice by health care professionals is associated with increased exercise activity in older people. As part of the Evergreen follow-up study, self-report data on exercise related advice were collected in 1996 and physical activity in 1988 and 1996 among 611 non-institutional people initially aged 65-84 years. Logistic regression analyses were used to study the association of recollection of having received exercise counseling with increased activity. Of all the subjects, 92% reported having been in contact with health care professionals during the follow-up period, and 58% of them recalled having been advised to exercise. Those men and women …

research product

Additional file 1: of Using physical education to promote out-of school physical activity in lower secondary school students â a randomized controlled trial protocol

PETALS measures. Measures, data collection time points and methods in the PETALS intervention. Overview of measures, data collection time points and methods in the PETALS intervention including main outcome measure, secondary outcome measure, mediating measures, additional measures, teacher measures, parenting measures and demographic measures. (DOCX 17 kb)

research product

Differences in physical activity at recess and school-related social factors in four Finnish lower secondary schools

This study investigated the differences in physical activity (PA) at recess and school-related social factors, and described school PA promotion processes and staff experiences at four lower secondary schools from the Finnish Schools on the Move programme. Recess PA, peer relationships at school, relatedness to school, and school climate were assessed via surveys with eighth-grade students in spring 2011 (n ¼ 385) and spring 2013 (n ¼ 373). Local contact people in the school projects (n ¼ 6), school staff (n ¼ 83) and principals (n ¼ 3) provided information on the PA promotion process via telephone interviews and surveys. Differences in student-level data in years 2011 and 2013 were analyse…

research product

Una nueva mirada a la formación en eficacia docente de Gordon (TET): Un estudio-intervención en el aprendizaje social y emocional del profesorado

Introducción.. En este estudio exploramos el desarrollo de las habilidades de aprendizaje social y emocional (SEL) de los docentes, mediante el uso de MET [Maestros Eficaz y Técnicamente preparados] (Gordon Training International) como intervención con dos grupos de docentes. También quisimos abordar el modelo de Gordon desde la perspectiva de la psicología educativa moderna. Los efectos de la intervención MET sobre los docentes fueron examinados utilizando el modelo de Kirkpatrick y Kirkpatrick (2006), ya que consideramos importante observar diversos aspectos de los resultados de la intervención, incluyendo las reacciones, el conocimiento, la aplicación del conocimiento (habilidades) y el …

research product

Kollektiiviset tavoitteet naisten palloilujoukkueissa kilpailukauden alussa

Tavoitteiden on aikaisemmissa tutkimuksissa todettu tehostavan urheilusuorituksia. Enemmistö tutkimuksista on tehty yksilölajeissa, mutta joukkueurheilussa ja varsinkin naisjoukkueissa asetettavista joukkueen yhteisistä kollektiivisista tavoitteista on vain vähän tutkittua tietoa. Tutkimuksessa pyrittiin selvittämään, millaisena naisjoukkueen kollektiiviset tavoitteet näyttäytyvät pelaajille. Pelaajien käsityksiä tarkasteltiin sekä tulostavoitteiden, että suoritus- ja prosessi- eli toimintatavoitteiden näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksessa tarkasteltiin, kuinka yhtenäinen käsitys joukkueiden sisällä vallitsi yhteisestä tulostavoitteesta. Toisena tavoitteena oli tarkastella sitä, mitkä 25:stä toiminta…

research product

Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors

Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes’ or children’s holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activ…

research product

Predictors of school students’ leisure-time physical activity : An extended trans-contextual model using Bayesian path analysis

Abstract Background:The trans-contextual model (TCM) has been applied to identify the determinants of leisure-time physical activity participation in secondary school students. In the current study, the TCM was extended to include additional constructs that represent non-conscious, implicit processes that lead to leisure-time physical activity participation alongside the motivational and social cognition constructs from the TCM. The current study used baseline and follow-up data from an intervention study to test the extended TCM.Methods:The current study adopted a two-wave prospective design. Secondary-school students (N = 502) completed measures of perceived autonomy support from physical…

research product

Additional file 1: of ‘Let’s Move It’ – a school-based multilevel intervention to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour among older adolescents in vocational secondary schools: a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial

A selection of Let’s Move It posters, table triangle stands, and video workouts (screenshots). (DOCX 1.74 mb)

research product

Use of the Perceived Physical Competence Scale with Adolescents with Disabilities

The construct validity and reliability of the 1987 Perceived Physical Competence Scale of Lintunen were examined to assess the applicability of the instrument for use with adolescents with disabilities. Subjects were 51 girls and 34 boys ( M age = 15.1 yr.) from several schools in central Finland. Principal component factor analysis with varimax rotation yielded the same two factors for adolescents with disabilities as reported for nondisabled adolescents in the related literature. Cronbach alphas for the two factors were .89 and .56. It was concluded that the scale is an appropriate measure for adolescents with disabilities. Statistical analysis indicated no gender differences for adolesc…

research product

A qualitative study of pre-service teachers’ experienced benefits and concerns of using motivational interaction in practice after a training course

This is a pre-print of a published study: Renko, E., Koski-Jännes, A., Absetz, P. et al. A qualitative study of pre-service teachers’ experienced benefits and concerns of using motivational interaction in practice after a training course. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 9, 458 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1057/s41599-022-01484-y Despite its positive effects on physical activity promotion, motivational style of interaction by health professionals is not easily taken up, as shown by meta-analyses of training courses. The concerns professionals experience for taking up the novel skills remain an open question. Preservice physical education teachers were offered a 16-hour training course on motivational i…

research product

Trait Self-Control, Social Cognition Constructs, and Intentions: Correlational Evidence for Mediation and Moderation Effects in Diverse Health Behaviours.

Background: We examined effects of trait self‐control, constructs from social cognition theories, and intentions on health behaviours. Trait self‐control was expected to predict health behaviour indirectly through theory constructs and intentions. Trait self‐control was also predicted to moderate the intention–behaviour relationship. Methods: Proposed effects were tested in six datasets for ten health‐related behaviours from studies adopting prospective designs. Participants (N = 3,249) completed measures of constructs from social cognition theories and self‐control at an initial time point and self‐reported their behaviour at follow‐up. Results: Results revealed indirect effects of self‐co…

research product

The Development of the Dealing with Challenging Interaction (DCI) Method to Evaluate Teachers’ Social Interaction Skills

The Dealing with Challenging Interaction (DCI) method was developed to measure social interaction skills of teacher study groups. The participants were 70 teachers from three schools. The inter-rater agreement, Cohen’s kappa, varied between 0.57- 1.00. The discriminant validity was supported by a cluster analysis differentiating between the skilful and less skilful teachers. The results of the supplementary instrument were equivalent to the cluster analysis maintaining criterion oriented validity of the method developed. The DCI appeared to be a reliable and valid tool for measuring teachers’ social interaction skills. Peer reviewed

research product

Additional file 1 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 1. The in-service professional development training (2 × 4 h) for teachers to implement the Let’s Move It program with a motivational interaction style: Description of the training content.

research product

Predicting change in middle school students’ leisure‐time physical activity participation: A prospective test of the trans‐contextual model

We applied the trans-contextual model (TCM) to examine the effects of middle school students’ perceived autonomy support from their physical education (PE) teachers on autonomous motivation toward PE in school and, critically, autonomous motivation toward, and actual participation in, leisure-time physical activity (PA). The research adopted a three-wave prospective design enabling the modeling of change in the TCM constructs over time. Middle school students (N = 248) aged from 12 to 16 years reported their perceived autonomy support, autonomous motivation in PE, autonomous motivation toward leisure-time PA, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control (PBC), intentions for PA…

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The Science of Behavior Change : The Road Ahead

Peer reviewed

research product

Using physical education to promote out-of school physical activity in lower secondary school students : a randomized controlled trial protocol

Background Given the documented decline in levels of physical activity in early adolescence, promoting physical activity in young people is a priority for health promotion. School physical education (PE) is an important existing network in which participation in physical activity beyond school can be promoted to the captive young people. The objective of current article is to present the protocol for a PE teacher-delivered theory-based trial to promote secondary school students’ participation in physical activity out-of-school contexts. The intervention will be guided by the trans-contextual model explaining the processes by which PE teachers’ support for autonomous motivation in the classr…

research product

Adolescents' physical activity at recess and actions to promote a physically active school day in four Finnish schools

The national Finnish Schools on the Move programme support schools with their individual plans to promote school-based physical activity (PA). We examined the changes in adolescents’ recess and overall PA in four lower secondary schools and described the school actions to promote students’ PA and the local contact persons’ perceptions of the effects. Recess and overall PA were assessed four times by anonymous questionnaires from students in grades 7–9 (n = 789) in 2010–12, and local contact persons (n = 7) provided information on school actions with diaries, interviews and surveys. Student data were analysed with descriptive statistics and chi-square tests, and school actions data were anal…

research product

Recommendations for and warnings against physical activity given to older people by health care professionals.

Abstract Background Little is known about how health care professionals advice older people with chronic conditions about physical exercise. This study investigated exercise counseling in the context of health care as perceived by older people, and factors associated with perceived advice. Design and methods Participants were 580 non-institutional 73- to 92-year-old people who reported at least one contact with health care during the previous 12 months. Results Of all the participants, 23% recalled solely recommendations to exercise, and 9% solely warnings against exercise. Additionally, 34% recalled receiving both recommendations for and warnings against physical activity, and 34% did not …

research product

Testing a physical education-delivered autonomy supportive intervention to promote leisure-time physical activity in lower secondary school students: the PETALS trial.

© 2020 The Author(s). Background: Inadequate physical activity in young people is associated with several physical and mental health concerns. Physical education (PE) is a potentially viable existing network for promoting physical activity in this population. However, little research has been conducted on whether PE teachers can influence students' engagement in leisure-time physical activity. The present study therefore examined the efficacy of an intervention aimed at increasing PE teachers' autonomy support on students' leisure-time physical activity (the PETALS trial). The intervention was guided by the trans-contextual model (TCM) explaining the processes by which PE teachers' provisio…

research product

Lasten ja nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2018

research product

Predicting alcohol consumption and binge drinking in company employees: An application of planned behaviour and self-determination theories

Objectives. This study tested an integrated model of the psychosocial determinants of alcohol-related behaviour among company employees from four nations. A motivational sequence was proposed in which motivational orientations from self-determination theory influenced intentions to consume alcohol within guideline limits and alcohol-related behaviour via the mediation of the theory of planned behaviour variables of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control (PBC). Design. A three-wave prospective design using self-reported psychological and behavioural measures. Methods. Company employees (N= 486, males = 225, females = 261; M age = 30.41, SD= 8.31) from four nations (Est…

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Päätöksentekijöitä pitää voida arvioida : laadunhallintaa liikuntatieteisiin ja liikuntahallintoon

research product

Additional file 5 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 5. Types of adaptations and implementations in the teacher workshop delivery by those respondents who report having delivered or intending to deliver the program in some form.

research product

Nuorten liikuntakäyttäytyminen Suomessa : LIITU-tutkimuksen tuloksia 2020

research product

Population physical activity legacy from major sports events: The contribution of behavior change science

research product

Additional file 2 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 2. Acceptability items.

research product

Training and selection of sport psychologists: An international review

research product

Additional file 3 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 3. Experienced acceptability (EA) and anticipated acceptability (AA).

research product

Iäkkäiden ihmisten ja eläkeikäisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kokemuksia kanssakäymisestä vapaaehtoistyössä

Kotona asumista korostavan hoivapolitiikan seurauksena on paljon iäkkäitä henkilöitä, jotka eivät pääse ulos kodistaan ilman apua. Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan huonokuntoisten iäkkäiden ihmisten ja eläkeikäisten vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden kokemuksia keskinäisestä kanssakäymisestään vapaaehtoistyöhön perustuvalla toimintajaksolla. Vapaaehtoistyöntekijät auttoivat kodin ulkopuolisiin aktiviteetteihin yksin asuvia iäkkäitä ihmisiä, joilla oli liikkumiskyvyn ongelmia. Tutkimuksessa oli mukana viisi iäkkään ihmisen ja eläkeikäisen vapaaehtoistyöntekijän muodostamaa paria. Tutkimusaineisto koostui iäkkäiden (79–87-vuotiaiden) ihmisten ja vapaaehtoistyöntekijöiden (61–71-vuotiaiden) yksilöhaastattel…

research product

Predicting Change in Middle School Students’ Leisure-Time Physical Activity Participation: A Prospective Test of the Trans-Contextual Model

We applied the trans-contextual model (TCM) to examine the effects of middle school students’ perceived autonomy support from their physical education (PE) teachers on autonomous motivation toward PE in school and, critically, autonomous motivation toward, and actual participation in, leisure-time physical activity (PA). The research adopted a three-wave prospective design enabling the modeling of change in the TCM constructs over time. Middle school students (N = 248) aged from 12 to 16 years reported their perceived autonomy support, autonomous motivation in PE, autonomous motivation toward leisure-time PA, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control (PBC), intentions for PA…

research product

Underlying Factors in the Association between Depressed Mood and Mobility Limitation in Older People

<i>Background:</i> Depressed mood may either precede mobility limitation or follow from mobility limitation. <i>Objective:</i> To compare mood status among people with manifestmobility limitation, those with preclinical mobility limitation and those without mobility limitation and investigate factors explaining the association between depressed mood and mobility limitation. <i>Design:</i> Cross-sectional. Subjects: 645 community-living 75- to 81-year-old people. <i>Methods:</i> Depressed mood was assessed using the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale (CES-D, cut-off score 16); difficulty walking 500 m was assessed by self-report.…

research product

Personality, motivational, and social cognition predictors of leisure-time physical activity

Objective The purpose of the present study was to investigate associations between personality traits of extraversion and neuroticism, autonomous motivation, and the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) constructs and leisure-time physical activity. The study examined whether autonomous motivation and the TPB constructs mediate the association between personality traits and physical activity, and whether personality traits moderate the relationship of autonomous motivation and the TPB constructs with physical activity. Methods Middle-aged women (N = 441) completed self-report measures of personality traits, autonomous motivation, attitudes, subjective norms, perceived behavioral control (PBC) a…

research product

The reasoned action approach applied to health behavior: Role of past behavior and tests of some key moderators using meta-analytic structural equation modeling.

Abstract Rationale The reasoned action approach (RAA) is a social cognitive model that outlines the determinants of intentional behavior. Primary and meta-analytic studies support RAA predictions for multiple health behaviors. However, including past behavior as a predictor in the RAA may attenuate model effects. Direct effects of past behavior on behavior may reflect non-conscious processes whereas indirect effects of past behavior through social cognitive variables may represent reasoned processes. Objective The present study extended a previous meta-analysis of the RAA by including effects of past behavior. The analysis also tested effects of candidate moderators of model predictions: be…

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Sertifikaatti kertoo koulutuksesta ja pätevyydestä

research product

The Copenhagen Concensus Conference 2016: Children, youth, and physical activity in schools and during leisure time

From 4 to 7 April 2016, 24 researchers from 8 countries and from a variety of academic disciplines gathered in Snekkersten, Denmark, to reach evidence-based consensus about physical activity in children and youth, that is, individuals between 6 and 18 years. Physical activity is an overarching term that consists of many structured and unstructured forms within school and out-of-school-time contexts, including organised sport, physical education, outdoor recreation, motor skill development programmes, recess, and active transportation such as biking and walking. This consensus statement presents the accord on the effects of physical activity on children's and youth's fitness, health, cogniti…

research product

Perceived goal setting practices across a competitive season

Goal setting is an effective and frequently used tool for performance enhancement in sports. However, in the previous studies, the focus has been on goal effectiveness among individual male athletes and at one point in time. Therefore, the purpose of this longitudinal study was to examine goal setting practices in women’s sport teams across a competitive season from players’ individual and team perspectives. A total of 146 female players representing 24 teams in ice hockey, ringette, or floorball completed three online surveys. Surveys focused on setting outcome, process, and performance goals, as well as evaluating the follow-through of setting goals and actually reaching these goals acro…

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Motives for and barriers to physical activity among older adults with mobility limitations

The purpose of this study was to investigate what older adults with severe, moderate, or no mobility limitation consider motives for and barriers to engaging in physical exercise. Community-dwelling adults (N = 645) age 75–81 years completed a questionnaire about their motives for and barriers to physical exercise and answered interview questions on mobility limitation. Those with severely limited mobility more often reported poor health, fear and negative experiences, lack of company, and an unsuitable environment as barriers to exercise than did those with no mobility limitation. They also accentuated disease management as a motive for exercise, whereas those with no or moderate mobility …

research product

Additional file 4 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 4. Anticipated acceptability (AA), Interaction techniques, Part II.

research product

Effect of physical activity counseling on physical activity of older people in Finland (ISRCTN 07330512).

SUMMARY The aim of this study was to describe the underlying theory and the implementation of a 2-year individualized physical activity counseling intervention and to evaluate whether benefits persisted 1.5 years after the intervention. The sample included 632 sedentary 75- to 81-year-old participants. Data were collected in 2003 –2005. The participants were randomly assigned to an intervention group and a control group. The intervention consisted of an individualized face-to-face meeting followed by telephone contacts every 4 months for 2 years, with the aim to increase participation in specific physical activities as well as to increase habitual physical activity. At the 2-year follow-up,…

research product

Customer-oriented counseling for physical activity in older people: study protocol and selected baseline results of a randomized-controlled trial (ISRCTN 07330512)

The objective of this study is to describe the rationale, design and selected baseline results of a 2-year randomized-controlled trial (RCT) on the effects of physical activity counseling in community-living older people. After a four-phase screening and data-collection process targeting all independently living people in the city center of Jyvaskyla, Finland, six hundred and thirty-two 75–81-year-old cognitively intact, sedentary persons who were able to move independently outdoors at least minimally and willing to take part in the RCT were randomized into intervention and control groups. At baseline, over half of the subjects exercised less than two to three times a month and two-thirds w…

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European perspectives in sport motivation research: introduction to t he special issue.

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Tavoiteristiriita ja kiinteys : tapaus- ja seurantatutkimus yhdestä naisten SM-tason ringettejoukkueesta

Joukkuetavoitteita tutkittaessa lähtökohtana on ollut, että kaikki pelaajat mieltävät yhteisen tavoitteen samalla tavalla. Yhdessä tutkimuksessa kuitenkin havaittiin että useassa joukkueessa vallitsi erilaisia käsityksiä yhteisestä tavoitteesta, joten ilmiö saattaa olla oletettua yleisempi. Tässä tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan yhtä naisten SM-sarjassa pelannutta ringettejoukkuetta, jossa vallitsi pelaajien kesken ristiriitainen käsitys tulostavoitteesta koko kauden ajan. Tämän määrällistä ja laadullista aineistoa sisältävän tapaus- ja seurantatutkimuksen tarkoituksena on kuvata ja ymmärtää pelaajien ristiriitaisia käsityksiä yhteisestä tavoitteesta. Joukkueen pelaajat (N=20) vastasivat kolmeen…

research product

Feasibility of a Responsibility-Based Leadership Training Program for Novice Physical Activity Instructors

Most coaches and instructors would like to teach more than just sport skills to their athletes and children. However, to promote athletes' or children's holistic development and teach them to take responsibility and lead, requires the coaches and instructors to first master the skills themselves. Therefore, feasible, high quality leadership training programs where coaches and physical activity instructors are taught to teach and share leadership are needed. The aim of the current study was to evaluate the feasibility of a leadership training program to optimize it and to determine whether to proceed with its evaluation. In the leadership training program, eight Finnish novice physical activ…

research product

Additional file 2: of ‘Let’s Move It’ – a school-based multilevel intervention to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour among older adolescents in vocational secondary schools: a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial

Accelerometer data by different cutoff criteria. (DOCX 20.0 kb)

research product

Training programme for novice physical activity instructors using Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model : a programme development and protocol

Previous research indicates that programmes employing Hellison?s Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model in physical activity have had a positive impact on youth development by increasing participants? positive values, autonomy, life skills, and prosocial behaviour. Despite encouraging results of the effects of TPSR-based programmes, there remains lack of research on the effective content of these programmes, and their implementation and evaluation. The current protocol article describes the development of a TPSR-based instructor training programme and a plan for an intervention study in which novice instructors learn to understand and apply the TPSR model in practice. The …

research product

Additional file 4 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 4. Anticipated acceptability (AA), Interaction techniques, Part II.

research product

Additional file 1 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 1. The in-service professional development training (2 × 4 h) for teachers to implement the Let’s Move It program with a motivational interaction style: Description of the training content.

research product

Liikunnanopettajien täydennyskoulutustutkimus osallisuuden ja autonomiaa tukevan opetuksen kehittämiseksi - PETALS

Liikunnanopetus on avainasemassa oppilaiden autonomisen eli omaehtoisen liikuntamotivaation edistämisessä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että autonomisesti motivoituneet ihmiset sitoutuvat tärkeänä pitämäänsä toimintaan, kuten liikuntaan ja saavuttavat muita todennäköisemmin positiivisia tuloksia pyrkimyksissään. Autonomian tukeminen liikunnanopetuksessa liittyy siihen, kuinka oppitunnit toteutetaan ja millaisen ilmapiirin opettaja tunneille luo. Tässä esitellään PETALS-tutkimus sekä siihen liittyvä liikunnanopettajien täydennyskoulutusohjelma. nonPeerReviewed

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The Handbook of Behavior Change

research product

Autonomiaa tukeva liikunnanopetus

Oppilaiden psykologisia perustarpeita eli autonomiaa, kyvykkyyttä ja yhteenkuuluvuutta tukeva liikunnanopetus voi tuottaa omaehtoista ja sisäsyntyistä motivaatiota koululiikuntaa ja vapaa-ajan liikuntaa kohtaan. Perustarpeita edistävä liikunnaopetus tukee liikunnallista elämäntapaa ja siihen sitoutumista. Liikunnanopettajia voidaan kouluttaa oppilaiden perustarpeita tukeviksi, mistä hyötyvät niin oppilaat kuin opettajatkin. nonPeerReviewed

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‘Let’s Move It’ – a school-based multilevel intervention to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviour among older adolescents in vocational secondary schools: a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial

Background Physical activity (PA) has been shown to decline during adolescence, and those with lower education have lower levels of activity already at this age, calling for targeted efforts for them. No previous study has demonstrated lasting effects of school-based PA interventions among older adolescents. Furthermore, these interventions have rarely targeted sedentary behaviour (SB) despite its relevance to health. The Let’s Move It trial aims to evaluate the effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of a school-based, multi-level intervention, on PA and SB, among vocational school students. We hypothesise that the intervention is effective in increasing moderate-to-vigorous-intensity phy…

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Effects of achievement goals on perceptions of competence in conditions of unfavourable social comparisons: The mastery goal advantage effect

Background Previous prospective studies have documented that mastery-approach goals are adaptive because they facilitate less negative psychological responses to unfavourable social comparisons than performance-approach goals. Aims This study aimed to confirm this so-called ‘mastery goal advantage’ effect experimentally. Methods A 2 × 3 design was adopted where achievement goals (mastery vs. performance) and normative information (favourable vs. no-normative information vs. unfavourable) were manipulated as between participant factors. Sample Participants were 201 undergraduates, 57 males and 144 females, ranging in age from 17 to 55 years (Mage = 22.53, SD = 6.51). Results Regression analy…

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An mHealth App for Supporting Quitters to Manage Cigarette Cravings With Short Bouts of Physical Activity: A Randomized Pilot Feasibility and Acceptability Study

BackgroundWhile gains in reducing smoking rates in Finland have been made, prevalence rates are still substantial. Relapse rates among smokers engaged in quit-smoking programs are high. Physical activity has been proposed as one means to help smokers manage cravings. Software and apps on mobile phone and handheld devices offer an opportunity to communicate messages on how to use physical activity to manage cravings as part of quit-smoking programs. ObjectiveWe aimed to test the feasibility, acceptability, usability, and preliminary efficacy of an mHealth mobile phone app, Physical activity over Smoking (PhoS), to assist smokers in quitting smoking in a randomized controlled trial. The app w…

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The development of teachers’ responses to challenging situations during interaction training

The qualitative changes in teachers’ responses in challenging situations were analysed during a four-day Teacher Effectiveness Training (TET) course, which aimed at improving teachers’ interpersonal dynamics with pupils, parents and colleagues. The participants were 21 teachers from one elementary and 23 teachers from one secondary school attending a TET course in Finland. Qualitative abductive content analysis was used to classify the data. Frequencies based on this analysis were also looked at. After TET the teachers described the behaviour of their pupils and expressed their feelings and the actual consequences of that behaviour, instead of using generalized labels and subjective interpr…

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Recess physical activity and school-related social factors in Finnish primary and lower secondary schools: cross-sectional associations.

Abstract Background Participation in physical activities provides students with opportunities for social interaction and social skills development. The purpose of this study was to investigate the associations of students’ recess physical activity with school-related social factors. Methods Data were collected in 19 schools countrywide in autumn 2010, and 1463 students from grades 4 and 5 (primary school) and from grades 7 and 8 (lower secondary school) completed an anonymous questionnaire. Multiple linear regression analysis was used to investigate whether self-reported physical activity at recess was associated with peer relationships at school, relatedness to school and school clim…

research product

Tuokiokuvia liikuntapsykologiasta viideltä vuosikymmeneltä

Liikuntapsykologia kehittyi, laajentui ja ammattimaistui voimakkaasti työurani aikana. Urheilupsykologian lisäksi keskeiseksi nousi terveytensä kannalta vähän liikkuvien arviointi. nonPeerReviewed

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Changing Behavior : A Theory- and Evidence-Based Approach

Social problems in many domains, including health, education, social relationships, and the workplace, have their origins in human behavior. The documented links between behavior and social problems have sparked interest in governments and organizations to develop effective interventions to promote behavior change. The Handbook of Behavior Change provides comprehensive coverage of contemporary theory, research, and practice on behavior change. The handbook incorporates theory- and evidence-based approaches to behavior change with chapters from leading theorists, researchers, and practitioners from multiple disciplines, including psychology, sociology, behavioral science, economics, and impl…

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Teacher, peer and parent autonomy support in physical education and leisure-time physical activity: A trans-contextual model of motivation in four nations

An extended trans-contextual model of motivation for health-related physical activity was tested in samples from four nations. The model proposes a motivational sequence in which perceived autonomy support from teachers in a physical education (PE) context and from peers and parents in a leisure-time physical activity context predict autonomous motivation, intentions and physical activity behaviour in a leisure-time context. A three-wave prospective correlational design was employed. High-school pupils from Britain, Estonia, Finland and Hungary completed measures of perceived autonomy support from PE teachers, autonomous motivation in both contexts, perceived autonomy support from peers and…

research product

Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

This is a pre-print of a published study: Renko, E., Knittle, K., Palsola, M. et al. Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion. BMC Public Health 20, 1568 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-020-09653-x Background: In order to achieve real-world impacts, successful behavior change interventions need to be scaled up and broadly implemented. Implementation is challenging however, and the factors influencing successful implementation are not fully understood. This study describes the nationwide implementation of a complex theory-based program to promote physical activity and reduce sedentary behavior in vocational school…

research product

The effects of physical activity counseling on mood among 75- to 81-year-old people: a randomized controlled trial.

Abstract Objectives. To examine the effects of physical activity counseling on mood among older people unselected for their depressive symptomatology. Methods. Data are from “Screening and Counseling for Physical Activity and Mobility in Older People” project (SCAMOB), conducted in Finland during 2003–2005. SCAMOB was a 2-year single-blinded randomized controlled trial among 624 participants 75 years and older randomized into physical activity counseling group and control group. Depressive symptoms were assessed at baseline and after 24 months using Center for the Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale. Results. Among all the study participants, no effect of intervention was observed. Howev…

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Additional file 2 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 2. Acceptability items.

research product

LIITU 2018 -tutkimus : liikunnan merkitysten kirjo on kaventunut

Hieman reilu kolmasosa suomalaislapsista ja -nuorista liikkui suosituksen mukaan – toimintarajoitteita kokevista joka neljäs. Lasten ja nuorten liikunnalle antamien merkitysten kirjo oli kaventunut ja esteet vahvistuneet, vaikka koettu pätevyys ja liikuntamotivaatio olivat korkealla. Suurin osa lapsista ja nuorista kannatti urheilun eettisten sääntöjen noudattamista. Säännöllinen liikkuminen oli myönteisesti yhteydessä koettuun terveyteen. Säännöllisesti liikkuvilla oli myös vähemmän yksinäisyyden kokemuksia. nonPeerReviewed

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Additional file 3 of Acceptability, reach and implementation of a training to enhance teachers’ skills in physical activity promotion

Additional file 3. Experienced acceptability (EA) and anticipated acceptability (AA).

research product

Effectiveness of a Mobile Phone App for Adults That Uses Physical Activity as a Tool to Manage Cigarette Craving After Smoking Cessation: A Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial


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