R. Gernhäuser
Deep sub-threshold $K^\ast (892)^{\circ}$ production in collisions of Ar + KCl at 1.76 A GeV
Deformation and mixing of coexisting shapes in neutron-deficient polonium isotopes
Coulomb-excitation experiments are performed with postaccelerated beams of neutron-deficient Po196,198,200,202 isotopes at the REX-ISOLDE facility. A set of matrix elements, coupling the low-lying states in these isotopes, is extracted. In the two heaviest isotopes, Po200,202, the transitional and diagonal matrix elements of the 2+1 state are determined. In Po196,198 multistep Coulomb excitation is observed, populating the 4+1,0+2, and 2+2 states. The experimental results are compared to the results from the measurement of mean-square charge radii in polonium isotopes, confirming the onset of deformation from Po196 onwards. Three model descriptions are used to compare to the data. Calculati…
Microscopic structure of coexisting $0^+$ states in $^{68}$Ni probed via two-neutron transfer
© 2019 authors. Published by the American Physical Society. Published by the American Physical Society under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license. Further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the published article's title, journal citation, and DOI. The structure of low-spin states originating from shape-coexisting configurations in Ni284068 was directly probed via the two-neutron transfer reaction Ni66(t,p)Ni68 in inverse kinematics using a radioactive ion beam on a radioactive target. The direct feeding to the first excited 0+ state was measured for center-of-mass angles 4-16 and amounts to an integral of 4.2(16)% rela…
Single-neutron orbits near Ni-78: Spectroscopy of the N=49 isotope Zn-79
5 pags., 6 figs.
Shape Coexistence in the Neutron-Deficient Even-EvenHg182−188Isotopes Studied via Coulomb Excitation
Coulomb-excitation experiments to study electromagnetic properties of radioactive even-even Hg isotopes were performed with 2.85 MeV/nucleon mercury beams from REX-ISOLDE. Magnitudes and relative signs of the reduced E2 matrix elements that couple the ground state and low-lying excited states in Hg182-188 were extracted. Information on the deformation of the ground and the first excited 0(+) states was deduced using the quadrupole sum rules approach. Results show that the ground state is slightly deformed and of oblate nature, while a larger deformation for the excited 0(+) state was noted in Hg-182; 184. The results are compared to beyond mean field and interacting-boson based models and i…
Shape dynamics in neutron-rich Kr isotopes: Coulomb excitation of 92Kr, 94Kr and 96Kr
We report on the study of excited states in 92,94,96Kr populated via projectile Coulomb excitation at safe energies. The radioactive ion beams at energies of 2.85 MeV/u were delivered by the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN and impinged on self-supporting 194,196Pt targets. The emitted γ -rays were detected by the Miniball detector-array. A detailed description of the experimental techniques used for extracting diagonal and transitional matrix elements and of the theoretical framework is given. The present experiment reveals the moderate evolution of the collective structure in the considered neutron-rich Kr isotopic chain, which is supported by the interacting boson model combined with the self…
Approaching the precursor nuclei of the third r-process peak with RIBs
The rapid neutron nucleosynthesis process involves an enormous amount of very exotic neutron-rich nuclei, which represent a theoretical and experimental challenge. Two of the main decay properties that affect the final abundance distribution the most are half-lives and neutron branching ratios. Using fragmentation of a primary $^{238}$U beam at GSI we were able to measure such properties for several neutron-rich nuclei from $^{208}$Hg to $^{218}$Pb. This contribution provides a short update on the status of the data analysis of this experiment, together with a compilation of the latest results published in this mass region, both experimental and theoretical. The impact of the uncertainties …
Deep sub-threshold K*(892)0 production in collisions of Ar + KCl at 1.76A GeV
Results on the deep sub-threshold production of the short-lived hadronic resonance K*(892)0 are reported for collisions of Ar + KCl at 1.76A GeV beam energy, studied with the High Acceptance Di-Electron Spectrometer (HADES) at SIS18/GSI. The K*(892)0 production probability per central collision of \( P_{K^{*0}}=(4.4\pm 1.1 \pm 0.5)\times 10^{-4}\) and the K*(892)0/K0 ratio of \( P_{K^{*0}}/P_{K^0}=(1.9\pm 0.5\pm 0.3)\times 10^{-2}\) are determined at the lowest energy so far (i.e. deep below the threshold for the corresponding production in nucleon-nucleon collisions, \( \sqrt{s_{NN}}-\sqrt{s_{thr}}=-340\) MeV). The K*0/K0 ratio is compared with results of other experiments and with the pre…
Evidence for a Smooth Onset of Deformation in the Neutron-Rich Kr Isotopes
The neutron-rich nuclei Kr94,96 were studied via projectile Coulomb excitation at the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. Level energies of the first excited 2 + states and their absolute E2 transition strengths to the ground state are determined and discussed in the context of the E(21+) and B(E2;21+→01+) systematics of the krypton chain. Contrary to previously published results no sudden onset of deformation is observed. This experimental result is supported by a new proton-neutron interacting boson model calculation based on the constrained Hartree-Fock-Bogoliubov approach using the microscopic Gogny-D1M energy density functional. © 2012 American Physical Society.
The Miniball spectrometer
The Miniball germanium detector array has been operational at the REX (Radioactive ion beam EXperiment) post accelerator at the Isotope Separator On-Line facility ISOLDE at CERN since 2001. During the last decade, a series of successful Coulomb excitation and transfer reaction studies have been performed with this array, utilizing the unique and high-quality radioactive ion beams which are available at ISOLDE. In this article, an overview is given of the technical details of the full Miniball setup, including a description of the γ-ray and particle detectors, beam monitoring devices and methods to deal with beam contamination. The specific timing properties of the REX-ISOLDE facility are hi…
Spectroscopy of $^{46}$Ar by the (t,p) two-neutron transfer reaction
States in the $N=28$ nucleus $^{46}$Ar have been studied by a two-neutron transfer reaction at REX-ISOLDE (CERN). A beam of radioactive $^{44}$ at an energy of 2.16~AMeV and a tritium loaded titanium target were used to populate $^{46}$ by the t($^{44}$,p) two-neutron transfer reaction. Protons emitted from the target were identified in the T-REX silicon detector array. The excitation energies of states in $^{46}$ have been reconstructed from the measured angles and energies of recoil protons. Angular distributions for three final states were measured and based on the shape of the differential cross section an excited state at 3695~keV has been identified as $J^\pi = 0^+$. The angular diffe…
The Super-FRS Project at GSI
The GSI projectile fragment separator FRS has demonstrated with many pioneering experiments the research potential of in-flight separators at relativistic energies. Although the present facility has contributed much to the progress in the field of nuclear structure physics, major improvements are desirable in the future. The characteristics of the proposed next-generation facility at GSI, the Super-FRS, will be presented and compared to other projects. The Super-FRS is a large-acceptance superconducting fragment separator followed by different experimental branches including a combination with a new storage-cooler ring system. This system consists of a collector ring (CR) and a new experime…
Electromagnetic properties of low-lying states in neutron-deficient Hg isotopes: Coulomb excitation of Hg-182, Hg-184, Hg-186 and Hg-188
The neutron-deficient mercury isotopes serve as a classical example of shape coexistence, whereby at low energy near-degenerate nuclear states characterized by different shapes appear. The electromagnetic structure of even-mass 182-188 Hg isotopes was studied using safe-energy Coulomb excitation of neutron-deficient mercury beams delivered by the REX-ISOLDE facility at CERN. The population of $ 0^{+}_{1,2}$01,2+, $ 2^{+}_{1,2}$21,2+and $ 4^{+}_{1}$41+states was observed in all nuclei under study. Reduced E2 matrix elements coupling populated yrast and non-yrast states were extracted, including their relative signs. These are a sensitive probe of shape coexistence and may be used to validate…
β-delayed neutron emission measurements around the third r-process abundance peak
This contribution summarizes an experiment performed at GSI (Germany) in the neutron-rich region beyond N=126. The aim of this measurement is to provide the nuclear physics input of relevance for r-process model calculations, aiming at a better understanding of the third r-process abundance peak. Many exotic nuclei were measured around 211Hg and 215Tl. Final ion identification diagrams are given in this contribution. For most of them, we expect to derive halflives and and β-delayed neutron emission probabilities. The detectors used in this experiment were the Silicon IMplantation and Beta Absorber (SIMBA) detector, based on an array of highly segmented silicon detectors, and the BEta deLayE…
Coulomb excitation of Na-29,Na-30: Mapping the borders of the island of inversion
Seidlitz, M., et all ; 10 pags. ; 9 figs. ; 1 tab. ; PACS number(s): 21.60.Cs, 23.20.Js, 25.70.De, 29.38.Gj
AGATA-Advanced GAmma Tracking Array
WOS: 000300864200005